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joined 2022 September 05 20:25:55 UTC


User ID: 700



0 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 20:25:55 UTC


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User ID: 700

I think it would be more like sent it to a coworker who sent it to a friend who sent it to a friend who posted it on /pol/.

Has anyone encountered any information at all about this photo?

edit: That photo may plausibly have been one of the photos being discussed in this clip, as having been taken by a (local law enforcement, rather than Secret Service as asserted in that tweet) sniper inside the AGR building overlooking the roof:

"I believe the sniper that seen these and sent the pictures was right inside this building [...] if you go to that window that's open, and yell for Greg, that's the sniper that sent the original pictures and seen him come from the bike, then set the bookbag down, and lost sight of him. He's the one that sent the pictures out, I don't know if you got the same ones I did."

Not sure about the name (nypost seems to be the terminal source for it, and they previously, for example, confidently reported he was Chinese), but a photo that's being widely circulated along with it is apparently just some random guy on twitter who was just fucking around.

Not 100% sure about this photo either for that matter, which at the moment is the only known(/suspected?) photo of the shooter alive. I saw it emerge on 4chan with no attribution or explanation then 10 minutes later just be everywhere without question. It certainly seems consistent with the ~2 other currently-known photos of the assassin dead, but when and where is it supposed to be from? Like was it taken by someone at the rally today before he was on the roof?

Yet: it was not nearly as crazy an information environment today as I would have expected. After 8 years of reality-fracturing hysteria, someone finally actually tried to assassinate Donald Trump. By shooting at his head, with a rifle, in public. And they hit him! They shot off the top of his fucking ear! We came 2 centimeters from Donald Trump's head exploding on national TV today. And the worst fracture of consensus material reality we've got so far is some relatively mild mistaken identity with no political valence?

"Lets Go Brandon" as a watershed moment of realization 'you can mock the king and get away with it.'

This doesn't ring true to me at all. As bad as the culture war got, lese majeste was never much of an issue, the sacred cows were other things.

Did even the most brain-poisoned boomer in the depths of the worst of it ever feel like they couldn't freely mock Joe Biden? I don't recall any holding back before that moment, from people who weren't holding back after it. And I didn't get any impression that that played any particular part in a preference cascade freeing cowed silent people on the borderline from their bonds either.

At most, it gave already committed partisans a big single meme to regroup around and build some confidence and unity.

Subscribe liberally and turn on notifications for high-quality channels you really like, and only ever open slop in Incognito. I've got my YouTube algorithm tuned way the fuck in and am generally happy with what it surfaces.

Perhaps I'm just lucky with the kinds of things I'm interested in.

Generally and with many exceptions: 2x speed for non-fiction that I'm giving my entire attention, 1x if my attention is split (background listening for gaming or chores).

I will unhealthily attempt to maintain that 2x even in situations where constantly pausing and rewinding brings my effective watch speed below 1x.

Surely a supervisory LLM could cut this shit by an order of magnitude ffs. "Is this likely to be true? y/n" just don't display it if no.

Yes it's a hack on the scale of the bitter lesson, but I think they're actually losing brand value here, crazy for Google of all people not to be conservative here.

Why removed?

That piece is explicitly talking about it as a pre-existing term that was already in use.

What are the least unbearably cringe examples of the "We're X, of course we Y." meme?

I've only ever encountered them with the extreme selection bias of being reposted on Twitter as ragebait, but it's really hard to imagine any that wouldn't be. Surely there are less awful examples that make retards keep thinking it's a good idea. Like how did this meme not die at birth?

Travis Kelce’s manufactured rise to fame

The Chiefs have been in 4 of the last 5 Superbowls (winning 3), and 6 of the last 6 AFCCGs. Kelce has the most postseason receiving yards in NFL history. And Mahomes is famously weird and uncharismatic.

What is gpt2-chatbot?

(a mysterious entry appeared a couple days ago in the LMSYS Chatbot Arena and is blowing everybody away)

If you're in a 1970s British TV WWII documentary mood, also give The Secret War a try (vimeo, wikipedia)

I can't easily find a reference for it, but I think Scott asked for his full comments to be inlined as part of his deal for moving his blog there (which was a big deal for Substack at the time).

I'm not sure if there's an option for it that just nobody else uses, or he's given a special case.

I guess since the comments perform fine in the tiny paginations everyone else has, and he's no longer as important to them since they've grown by orders of magnitude, they've never bothered fixing it.

I'm also not 100% certain about "Scott's disappearance". Do you mean immediately following the doxxing threat until he reemerged a few months later, or do you mean ongoing since the doxxing (ie, metaphorically, old Scott never came back).

Karlin (and Hanania) definitely know who Scott Alexander is, it's probably just not immediately salient to them that he went dark for a few months 4 years ago.

I have no idea it if it's what you're looking for, I haven't tried any of the games you liked or didn't like, and I don't fully understand your descriptions of what you want and don't want, but Borderlands 2 is a pretty good singleplayer FPS.

I think this would be more "people need to freak out about this and have it widely disseminated that this is now possible and generate some antibodies" than directly about the explicit concrete program you're imagining.

Though that will probably also happen, if it's not already, and that is almost certainly somewhere on this guy's mind, and all insiders to this generally, to greater or lesser degrees, whether in favor of it or hoping to stave it off.

If you want to read some more particular entanglement directly into that tweet, there'd be good odds on "yet" being mostly understood to mean "before the election".

What the fuck was this responding to:

Yo Shavit @yonashav 7h
Replying to @rharang

We very intentionally are not sharing it widely yet - the hope is that a mini public demo kicks a social response into gear

I can't see the tweet it's replying to. Yonadav Shavit is "Head of Preparedness" at OpenAI.

Surely just about actual use access to Sora, right?

Could you expand on this at all?

Nitter is probably actually dead this time. (Zedeus is the primary maintainer, and has never called it dead before)

The last way left in was a guest-account system used by an old version of the Twitter Android app. Nitter was hanging on by creating thousands of these rate-limited guest accounts using a network of proxies.

Twitter shut down guest account creation 5 days ago. Guest accounts expire after 30 days, so some instances might keep going for a little while, but will all be dead within a month.

Presumably like all other legacy print media they've been fucked by default since the internet was invented. What was even their main value proposition, color photos?

Regarding the Swimsuit Issue specifically, presumably guys used to buy it to jack off to and they don't do that anymore.

That was the business. Oops!

Maybe they thought they could still wring some value out of a lingering perception of their brand among the lame and out-of-touch as having the legacy power to unilaterally proclaim what is sexually desirable, and tried to trade off of that. A formerly empowered authority trying to sell people "YAASSS!" certificates on the old letterhead. I think Playboy and Victoria's Secret both tried something similar. Clearly didn't work.

I don't pay for ChatGPT Plus, I only have a paid API key

you couldn't fork over the $20 needed for a month-long pro subscription, which would make your results an order of magnitude more interesting?

I think you might be confused about this: you can access GPT-4 via the API. I haven't seen anything suggesting that the versions of GPT-4 used in the ChatGPT Plus interface are smarter than the versions you can access via the API (modulo dubious rumours of secret tests of more advanced models, which in any case would be uncontrollable for OP's experiment)

Suspiciously correlated with the Beff doxxing, the US Secretary of Commerce at Reagan National Defense Forum 2023:

About a month ago, I stood up, in the Commerce Department, an AI Safety Institute. And that's intended to work with industry, and with Congress, and with policy-makers, to figure out: what are the guardrails? I will say there's a view in Silicon Valley, uh, you know, this uh, move fast and break things... Effective Acceleration... we can't embrace that with AI, it's too dangerous.

As far as I know (which is not far), this is the first public reference to e/acc by any part of the US federal government.