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Your wealth on paper increases, but if you continue to use it from for sheep pasturing then you are not benefitting from it because you are precisely not seeking any rent that matches the value of the land!
It took all of fifty years after American Independence before we tried that the first time around.
I can see the case for lost economic productivity, but how could using your own property as a sheep pasture despite opportunity to develop it be in any sense rent-seeking?
I find the finger-pointing about who called it what kind of attack and how quickly certain details when out in the several hours immediately following a shooting like this profoundly petty and mean. Once people are actually awake and have had a little while to sift through some reports, there is often plenty to criticize, but it's tautologically true that you would always be able to criticize the first few reports for being incorrect about some details and/or too reticent.
I'm genuinely confused now, I thought it was common sense that people were favourable towards coethnics and their homelands. Isn't that the whole ingroup thing in a nutshell?
This isn't compatible with even the most cursory reading of I Can Tolerate Anything Except The Outgroup, the fact that your ingroup may not be ethnically similar nor your outgroup ethnically distinct from you is literally one of the first thing he addresses.
It seems like substituting "Abrahamic religions" for "monotheistic religions" in your model makes it fit with fewer epicycles.
I thought the idea with farmers is that, yes, they start their day at dawn, and DST helps them stay in sync with the rest of the country. Probably obsolete now that a very small fraction of the UK and US populations are family farmers, but I think it's a coherent idea.
It's a very good question. I would guess that with billions of dollars at stake, they have their ear to the ground in ways that we don't, and they must have some indication that Trump is coming in better prepared to actually get things done this time around, for whatever reason.
GP's point is that air travel is not analogous to surgery because nobody ever dies from not being able to catch a certain flight (Saigon and Kabul aside).
Either I am misunderstanding Blueberry's comment which started this digression, or you and Celestial-body-NOS are. Neither Blueberry nor I at any point said that homosexuality was the sole reason for the sinfulness attributed to the people of Sodom.
I fully agree that lack of hospitality was a major component. What I disagreed with was this statement:
Note that Genesis does not specify exactly what sins the people of Sodom had committed.
I claim this gives a false impression of the account in Genesis which includes a striking account of the wickedness of that people.
Side note: the case for homosexuality not being a major component of Sodom's wickedness is pretty weak. First: homosexuality is only spoken of in the Old Testament in this and one other similar narrative passage (Judges 20) describing exceptionally wicked peoples, and in prohibitions which call it an abomination.
Second: The Ezekiel passage does indeed ascribe miserliness and idleness to the Sodomites in verse 49, but it also continues in verse 50:
And they were haughty and committed abomination before Me; therefore I took them away as I saw fit.
Third: The New Testament in Jude summarizes the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah as "giving themselves over to sexual immorality".
if you don't get murdered, or into a car wreck, or overdose, or kill yourself, or your mom didn't attempt a home birth at age 16, you actually have good survival odds. The best in the world.
Is this after making those adjustments for the other countries as well?
Even the most agreed-upon doctrines, such as that any sinner can repent and be saved; find dissent in at least a few churches, such as Calvinists with their TULIP.
This is not really true. It's true in the same sense as it would be true to say "material determinists claim that there certain orderings of a deck of cards that can never be created." Some orderings of the cards will never be created, and since material determinism says that the entire course of the universe is already set, in a sense that's equivalent to saying that there are some orderings which "can never" be created. But for all practical purposes it would be a misleading way to phrase it.
The same applies to Calvinism. Calvinists teach that everything which will come to pass has been foreordained by God from eternity. This means that those who are foreordained not to be saved, "can never" be saved. But it's not due to anything special in the person nor susceptible to our analysis ahead of time. Certainly it is not a Calvinist doctrine that certain sinful acts allow us to know here and now someone's predestined fate.
This is a really strange take, since in Genesis the men of Sodom immediately try to rape the angels that are sent to Lot to warn him to get out. Genesis hardly leaves you wandering what could have been so bad about these people that they were condemned.
I would guess he had some perfect plan for how to destroy the gun without a trace that required him to be in a certain place.
Disagree. People who are already celebrities like the names you listed have battle lines already drawn around them to some degree, so let's leave them aside. If it was the CEO of Ford, my gut instinct is that on e.g. Reddit the reaction would be essentially the same. They would have to work a little harder to identify the "violence" that said CEO had inflicted on employees or consumers, but not that hard. It's second nature for "late stage capitalism" thinkers. "I'll extend him the same consideration that he extended to the thousands of drivers who died when Ford covered up evidence of faulty brakes / the millions dying from climate change due to lobbying against emissions standards / the families who went hungry when layoffs happened while he pulled down $50M / year."
We know that now but I think the sides had already been chosen before that became know several hours ago. I don't disagree that there is a special hatred for the insurance CEO but I don't feel that the overall reaction would have been any different if this had been any other major company's CEO, do you?
There's no mystery to solve. The leftist instinct in America is always to sympathize with the poorer person whose life is in disarray. It's extremely clear which way this breaks in both cases (everyman subway rider / deranged lunatic and CEO / presumably indebted twenty-something).
I'm not sure I fully understand this, even a car mechanic won't give you a price up front, they'll give you an estimate, and sometimes, even with a machine, a repair doesn't go the way they expect, and your bill is higher than the estimate. Are you asking for medical care to have set, up-front pricing unlike car repair, or are you saying their estimates are significantly worse / harder to get?
Those aren't contradictory views, both those things can be true. They could have met in the middle.
There's no way this increases the pressure on Trump. Yes, pundits will absolutely pull the "we criticized Biden when he did it so we are being consistent by criticizing Trump now", but that will be more than cancelled out by not being able to say "first President to do X" and "his predecessor famously didn't pardon his own son".
I'm fully on board with the death penalty proposal, but also, I don't understand why prison operators can't maintain a monopoly on violence even in its absence. Is it simply jurisprudence that has made corporal punishment and solitary confinement impossible or would it somehow be unaffordable to apply them as needed? A guy alone in a room with food coming through a slot can't rape or intimidate anyone, and I have a hard time believing that the extra number of toilets required wouldn't pay for itself by cutting down on all the violence that prison guards have to deal with, even leaving aside the benefits to cooperative prisoners.
I expect that what he has in mind would be something like government-sponsored genetic engineering or embryo screening for prospective underclass parents.
It seems pretty clear that Scott would favor a voluntary eugenics program and/or genetic engineering.
I can't. I use the mobile website for Facebook itself but I had to install the Messenger app to send messages.
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Yep, Facebook is still very fit for its original purpose (keeping tabs on friends and family through pictures and posts). It's just that the filler that they give you for the other 99 times that you check your feed during the day is lower quality than the algorithm-selected stuff from the other platforms.
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