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User ID: 87

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Everyone knows the government can't make sure inflation is 0, so instead they try to make inflation be about 2%, so even if they mess up and miss that goal by a little at least it's better than deflation.

If inflation were zero, it would amount to deflation over time as productivity and population increases. You have to have a little inflation to keep up with growth.

I do it all, I think the SK stuff is mostly agronomy, engineering and public health, at least lately. Poland I think is #2 in my experience. I find French authors to be pretty sloppy IMHO.

About 2000 Hawaiians. But I can't rule out the possibility that they are a supervillain and his lackeys. Still counts.

If they refused to go to work, would they be arrested?

Could it be a pangolin?

Not to nitpick, but isn't Thursday the 15th?

Do y'all think we're likely to see any new countries become independent in the next, say, twenty years? Just curious.

Ontario's leader is under heavy fire for playing hardball and preventing educational workers from getting large raises. I don't know the details well, but couldn't one argue this is what fighting inflation looks like?

Only if those raises would otherwise come from new currency (i.e. the Canadian central bank prints new money), which I would assume is not the case. I don't think that has any connection to inflation.

I read recently that cats have been evolving to be less friendly to humans, at least in the West, because friendly pet cats are spayed or neutered, as are strays that are caught by people. The cats that are reproducing are strays unfriendly enough to avoid animal control. Seems plausible the same effect is occurring for dogs.

Yeah, but I'm gay and she's married to my friend, so I don't think that's what she was going for in this case.

Do you use one of those self-control applications to stop you from e.g. wasting time on Facebook or reddit? I've been using one for a couple years, and I've noticed something. I usually keep the timer at a particular duration until I have a reason to change it, so right now it's at four hours and 17 minutes, it has been there for months. I set it a couple times a day.

I've noticed the time almost always runs out within a minute or two of me going to bed. I often seen it pop up (because it's done) literally as I'm getting up to to leave. Other times I check it just before going to bed and see it has like two minutes left.

I am curious if this happens to other people. Am I subconsciously timing my bedtime to sync up with the end of my blocking software's timer?

Their English is often near-perfect. It's usually better than the papers from English-speaking countries.

The main competitor to Amazon for ebooks is Smashwords, who pay authors a bit more. We'd appreciate off-Amazon sales, if you want to give them a try.

I think it would be good if there were seven weekly posts like the Culture War Round-Up. That would help with user retention, I think. Like there could be one for economics, since that's not necessarily "culture war" per se.

I'm finding all the pictures in comments very offputting. Can we ban that?

I gave up and got the answer. It's not one of those states, but I think it is a suburb. I had heard of it though. Mesa, Arizona

I should have gotten that one, as I tried all the other generic landforms I could think of -- Volcano, Plateau, Forest, etc. Missed that one.

Maybe military academies will argue that they have other purposes besides mere education and some sort of racial discrimination might be helpful, like if they want more Arabic-speaking officers or if they need more officers comfortable with Russian or Chinese culture, or if they want say a Samoan officer able to lead Samoan troops on a mission in American Samoa, they might want to consider race in some sense.

I would assume escorts who don't use condoms are more likely to be desperate, drug-addicted, homeless, etc, and less likely to fill out surveys.

Until Trump, Republicans had been consistently voting for the prior runner-up in presidential nominations. IIRC Romney, McCain, Dubya, Dole, HW, Reagan and Nixon were all nominated after being in second-place in the prior primary.

Do you think any new countries will become independent in the next twenty or so years?

Sure, it's Cityquiz.io They have other places besides the US too.

Yeah, it's hard to see from the map. Most of the major cities are surrounded by smaller ones with generic names that were easy to guess, like Glendale, etc. So they get crowded.

Texas has a bunch of big cities with very generic, forgettable names (like Garland). Also, every single place mentioned in King of the Hill is apparently fictional.

The Dakotas are sparsely populated but full of easily guessed names, towns with like 6 people in them. Lotta towns named after people's names -- Pierre, for example.

Most landforms and terrains that are famous have a city named after them, eg Everglades. The exception is Hawaii, where there is no Maui, Oahu, Mauna Loa, Waikiki Beach, etc. Luckily you can guess a couple towns just by combining the relatively few letters in the Hawaiian language. I got a couple I've never heard of that way.

Spanish-language placenames seem harder to guess. English-origin names like Michael usually have a town named after them. There's no town named Miguel though. Of course any saint most likely has a San Whatever or Santa Whatever town, but other than that, Spanish names are hard to guess. Also, if a county has an English-origin name, there's likely a town of that name too. If a county has a Spanish-origin name, it probably does not have a town of that name.

Lol, I only got 8/12, I suck. I don't think I got a single woman right either. Honestly I suspect most of the ones I got right were gay men who were left-wingers. I'm gay myself, I think I just have good gaydar.

Verdict: Women are an enigma wrapped in a mystery, covered in... something I have no interest in.

I edit highly technical documents, fixing grammar and spelling, and I've long thought a bot would eventually do my job. One of the companies I work for even uses a bot, sends us the bot-fixed papers, and then we double-check the bot, fixing its mistakes. Despite this going on for years, they are no closer to replacing us, in part because the standards keep getting raised. Like a recent update to the style guide suggests we should be using wherein in appropriate spots. Using where to mean in which has been normal in English for like forever, but it seems now that the bots are doing the easy stuff, we're expected to do the harder stuff too.

I edit scientific journal articles and one of the companies I work for has a pretty sophisticated AI that does a first pass, I'm just cleaning up and fixing the things the AI fails at. Their AI has gotten good at the basics of grammar and capitalization, n-dashes and hyphens, that kind of thing. But it remains utterly hopeless at fixing non-English speakers' incorrect use of words, which is a huge part of what I do. Stuff like the difference between "go down", "decline", "reduce", "lessen", "lower", "decrease" and "diminish", for example, which you pretty much have to be a native English speaker or South Korean to get.

I've been playing an online game where you just try to name as many US cities as you can. Here's my map. My goal was to name all the cities over 500,000 people. I am stubbornly short one such city. I haven't looked up the correct answer yet.

Can you guess which one American city over 500,000 people I'm missing?

I've been canoodling around with it for a week or so, and I've been listing generic city names and getting a surprising number of correct answers that way, including some big cities.

You named 2,826 cities, with a total population of 120,814,720 (46.35% of the national urban population in 2020).

I also got 234 of 339 cities over 100,000 people (69.0%).

Edit: I checked, here's the city I missed: Mesa, Arizona