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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

I know, and I'm not arguing this. I'm arguing that spoils systems made for worse governance, make for worse governance, and that the people (or person, in this case) arguing for them make a damn good argument for why that's worth the cost. You cannot have your cake and eat it too; likewise, you can't insist on a system that fails continuously and handwave away its flaws with 'eh it's gonna be fine'.

an EU embracing multiculturalism and 3rd world immigration:

You're not from any place near Europe, are you?

Citing a handful of historical examples we've all heard of before is a poor substitute for an actual argument.

I'm not familiar enough with the organisation to know. Wouldn't that make the 'no apolitical spaces for The Gays' case even stronger?

No differently than before, if the numbers are anything to go by; I see no dropoff in the slightest after 2011. Are the numbers wrong, or are you?

Indeed. For all the griping that OBVIOUSLY everyone hates immigrants, the parties making the loudest fuss about them don't poll all that well.

No, and fuck you too.

Wake me up when the effects of the policies you listed make their way to Eurostat.

Walk a ten thousand miles, get your goalpost, put it back. That's how far away you've moved it.

The line that people were never asked about X and Y is something of a nonsense argument, too. The vast, vast, vast majority of policy doesn't see much debate, because politicians figured out decades ago that policy doesn't get votes, slogans and one-liners and tribalism does. Vibes-based democracy is a new term, not a new concept. This is, as you say, par for the course, and I have no sympathy for people who vote for pro-immigration neolibs and get pro-immigrant governments. They can and should not do that if they want to make a good case.

Yeah, I'm hoping to find out why there's a reason to doubt that.

Do you reckon that includes Ashlael and I, or am I correct to assume this is a whole bunch of hot air?

It is difficult to teach someone to know something, when his argument depends on him not knowing it.

Yes. That is why I said trivial, rather than free. Lots of farmers, both American and even foreign, still start new farms on US soil, and they pay very little money compared to what they end up making. It's just less of a cultural cornerstone ever since farmers became such a minority of people in the west.

State-level IDs being considered good enough opens up issues once the people of Kentucky decide that clearly the Oregon state apparatus is handing them out to the wrong sorts (those who vote democrat, of course). Contrast and compare the whole birth certificate comedy with Obama, where people kept insisting it must've been a fake long after that nonsense should have died down.

Do you ever get tired of posting one-liners that are all heat and no light? No charity, no forethought, nothing but war to the knife.

It's pretty easy if you're not a maladjusted fuck posting on TheMotte like the rest of us, yeah.

The staunchest pro-gay activists I personally know are people who had to cut ties with just-about their entire social circle on account of being gay. This is one reason, I think, LGBT activism has kept going so strong: the community gets an ever-present supply of people who hate those who'd oppress them with extreme zeal.

Gays destroyed the what now rule?

You don't have to look all that far back to remember days where the dynamic you see was, in fact, entirely upside down. DADT was implemented in the 1990's, and was replaced by gays being allowed to serve openly a cool two decades later. When my parents left high school and the male graduates applied at the draft office, the military still undertook serious effort to root out anyone gay - and I live in a nation that is friendlier to gay people than most of Europe is.

Talk about the vacation plans you and your (fellow gay) SO have been making in 1993? You're fired, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You don't get to marry that person, because of course people of the same sex don't get to do that. Local drunks will ambush you if you go for a drink and the police will cackle about this. If you bring any of this up, well, it's really not politics, is it? It's just being a decent person.

Yes, there's excesses in this: call it part of man's desire to have his culture be superior over others. So it goes. But accusing the gays of this uniquely? Please. Many of them well remember how they used to live, they can see places in their own nations where people still do, and they act accordingly. There's nothing odd or particularly wicked about these people, and we don't have to pretend otherwise.

That isn't what he said, and you very well know it.

You are spilling a lot of words on what should be a particularly simple set of questions: can any given woman cry back sincerely? Should they? And if they choose not to, should we applaud or condemn them for it?

If only people on TheMotte spoke clearly, and said what they meant, this place might be better. We even might get to talk to one another without all the smug hinting in the world.

now we're just arguing severity

Of course we're arguing severity, that was the point from the start. Cheating is a bad thing in their eyes, just not the very worst.

the only reason they bring it up is to tar their opponent

Yes, they are 2023 journalists. Their political enemies got them cheap ammunition with which to tar them. Of course they're gonna do that.

I think it's pretty ironic you are accusing me of trying to score cheap political points, since that is the only reason the article exists

It's not ironic. No, I expect better of you than I do of journalists. I expect better of everyone in this place! If that's the bar you're holding yourself to, I think you truly and genuinely need to consider the way you engage with people

I'm sure that may be true, and I'm still sure its people still by and large find cheating on your wife a bad thing. Not as bad as being part of the enemy tribe, perhaps, but 'not as bad as' does not 'totally okay' equate.

You are moving the goalposts. There is an audience for the products of supposedly lively, creative, intellectually stimulating spaces. Participating in them proper is and always has been a minimal affair.

That may or may not be so, and it still means nobody is going to jail for suggesting a date.

I have no idea what the law says about cutting back on wages, but unionised employees aren't worth less (or more) than non-unionised ones are, not intrinsically. The law fully allows companies to reject unions' demands for collective bargaining, which imo is enough. Take it or leave it works both ways.