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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

Gays destroyed the what now rule?

You don't have to look all that far back to remember days where the dynamic you see was, in fact, entirely upside down. DADT was implemented in the 1990's, and was replaced by gays being allowed to serve openly a cool two decades later. When my parents left high school and the male graduates applied at the draft office, the military still undertook serious effort to root out anyone gay - and I live in a nation that is friendlier to gay people than most of Europe is.

Talk about the vacation plans you and your (fellow gay) SO have been making in 1993? You're fired, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You don't get to marry that person, because of course people of the same sex don't get to do that. Local drunks will ambush you if you go for a drink and the police will cackle about this. If you bring any of this up, well, it's really not politics, is it? It's just being a decent person.

Yes, there's excesses in this: call it part of man's desire to have his culture be superior over others. So it goes. But accusing the gays of this uniquely? Please. Many of them well remember how they used to live, they can see places in their own nations where people still do, and they act accordingly. There's nothing odd or particularly wicked about these people, and we don't have to pretend otherwise.

The progressives disagree with you that these spaces were ever non-political, and frankly, I think they're right. I could talk at length about Dutch pillarisation and the funny consequences this had for society, but the people who bemoan politics being everywhere now are people who haven't been paying attention for all that long.

Reactionaries like this man, by his own words, are people who lost their faith in God and worshiped the devil. The analogy is quite the apt one: they did NOT stop believing in the creed of their peers and shrugged along, they worked and work along to actively support the opposite of whatever is the norm among their own people.

This isn't unique to uniquely online rightists, of course. The beating heart of radical SocJus advocates is the body of people who couldn't be happier to get the hell away from red tribe America; they do everything the opposite way they were raised because they hate the communities they were born into. These people, too, prove the old adage that reversed stupidity isn't intelligence, insofar a way of life that works for so many people is 'stupid'.

The difference, of course, is that people who want to get the hell out of the red tribe can and do go blue. It suits them fine, they adapt well, it isn't really an issue, it's a worn-out trope at this point. People like the blogger in the OP have nowhere to go: very few of them indeed live relatively normal red tribers' lives, instead preferring to be nostalgic over a past that never was or continuing to live in a culture they actively despise.

tl;dr: learn to weld lmao

There is always a bottleneck. This isn't the early 1800s; even unskilled labour isn't that unskilled, and a mass of people quitting means a shock in training, logistics, production, and many other things. This isn't 'stealing' from anyone, and people both are and should be free to do so.

Not the employees or readers of Vice, who will agree with you that cheating on your wife is bad.

As with FCfromSSC above, so too here: unions can exist without violence. A bunch of employees can agree to bargain together and walk out together if they'd so enjoy. The US may or may not deal with this very well, but that's the US' problem, not an issue with people in general.

For a while they were at the very least acting like all they wanted is apolitical treatment, if they never believed it, why should I take them at their word regarding anything?

The standard response, and the correct one, is that the people who used to get them fired and beaten and marginalised are suddenly uncommonly invested in a tolerance they never believed in. Why should they believe anyone who talks about it when it never seems to have been on the table before?

That's flatly wrong. It was indeed possible to participate in hobby groups and focus on the hobby instead of any politics for many, many years prior to the awokening.

Not for gay people, it wasn't. And lest you compare their fate to yours, they were in fact born that way in a way the people bemoaning anything rainbow-colored aren't.

  • -19


There are lots of things violating the market principles of spherical cow land that nobody would call stealing. It isn't helpful, and it makes stealing look better more than it makes unions look bad.

Do you ever get tired of posting one-liners that are all heat and no light? No charity, no forethought, nothing but war to the knife.

Your feelings are an extremely poor substitute for argument and thought. Lots of things we don't consider theft cost consumers money; blessedly, consumers' purses aren't the be-all and end-all of the world, and tend to be weighed against other pressing matters.

Us ordinary Europeans keep voting for the people who have been doing this for decades. 'Victim blaming' is mostly a fake and gay concept; vote for neolibs, get neolibs. Simple as.

I'm sure that may be true, and I'm still sure its people still by and large find cheating on your wife a bad thing. Not as bad as being part of the enemy tribe, perhaps, but 'not as bad as' does not 'totally okay' equate.

Lots of things that aren't 'abiding by market forces' aren't theft. Until the day we live in AnCapTopia and everything is left to the free market, that's the world we live in, and things seem to work out pretty well. The archetypical case of theft is robbery: taking something that isn't yours. A thousand employees banding together and demanding higher wages or they'll quit isn't that.*

*Yes, American law makes a mess of that principle. Too bad.

I refer to my original comment, where being known as gay would get you barred from the military or most any normal person's job, and where this was so pervasive it was the expectation. "There's no such thing as no-politics" indeed, because these gay people I've met and spoken to never had a choice.

  • -19

That is the narrative paranoid rightists suggest, because 'they betrayed us' has been their playbook since the Dolchstoßlegende. Where Europeans elect rightists more interested in culture than money, they can in fact work against immigration, they do in fact work against immigration, and people who say it never works out aren't looking very closely. Sometimes the left beats them to the punch to take the wind out of their sails. And sometimes, in 4D chess moves that are entirely too funny to me, even the most pro-immigrant nations will take action against immigrants while insisting it's about antisemitism bro trust me bro we surely don't care about the people sucking up benefits. The French are sick of it and in no way get 'the same result'. Eastern European nations where people move away from more than to do it.

There's plenty of anti-immigration policy in Europe to be found, if you care to look. Did you actually care to?

Still no government needed there, no matter how much you insist it's OBVIOUSLY true that's how it goes.

There are places where unions don't get these special rights, and where they exist just fine. What gives?

What would you offer Putin? Other than "nothing, the trap is shut and it's not coming open until you die and whoever replaces you crawls back to grovel".

Why is this such a bad thing? As-is, that seems to be what the Americans are doing, and it's going just fine for them

At least you can cry back as a woman

No more than you or I could, no. Crying on command isn't something healthy-minded people get to do very easily.

Wake me up when the effects of the policies you listed make their way to Eurostat.

Walk a ten thousand miles, get your goalpost, put it back. That's how far away you've moved it.

The line that people were never asked about X and Y is something of a nonsense argument, too. The vast, vast, vast majority of policy doesn't see much debate, because politicians figured out decades ago that policy doesn't get votes, slogans and one-liners and tribalism does. Vibes-based democracy is a new term, not a new concept. This is, as you say, par for the course, and I have no sympathy for people who vote for pro-immigration neolibs and get pro-immigrant governments. They can and should not do that if they want to make a good case.

I'm not dense enough to think the people are Vice think everyone should be polyamorous, into swinging, as well as cuckoldry. For what it's worth, I don't think you are either.

The median Vice employee, let alone reader, thinks breaking your wife's (or husband's) trust is bad; no sacred union is required, for nothing is sacred to begin with. If that means you both go into marriage thinking any of these three rightwing boogeymen is okay, then power to them, so says the Vice liberal. If you drop it on someone out of nowhere, cheat on them, betray what was a generic relationship? Not so power to them, shitty move, so says the Vice liberal.

This isn't very complicated. This isn't news to you, either: I shouldn't have to spell it out. I don't know why you'd imply that this isn't obvious if you weren't trying to score tediously cheap points, so if you will, please tell me what the point of this has been. The ranks of Vice aren't full of people who think cheating on your wife is totally awesome, and to twist around so it kinda-sorta might look that way is tiresome. Not clever. Not enlightening. Just tiresome.

That may or may not be so, and it still means nobody is going to jail for suggesting a date.

The other thing is that for all this talk, Trump actually was President for four years, and neither Ukraine or Taiwan were invaded under his watch. Is that because he was construed to be a committed idealist?

America isn't the sole mover in world politics. I'd caution against attributing everything that happens to whomever is in office.

The reactionaries we have in 2023 AD are absolutely failed progressivists, no matter what lofty ideals and past figures they worship. If any of their idols met these guys, they would despise them, and rightly so.