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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

Gays destroyed the what now rule?

You don't have to look all that far back to remember days where the dynamic you see was, in fact, entirely upside down. DADT was implemented in the 1990's, and was replaced by gays being allowed to serve openly a cool two decades later. When my parents left high school and the male graduates applied at the draft office, the military still undertook serious effort to root out anyone gay - and I live in a nation that is friendlier to gay people than most of Europe is.

Talk about the vacation plans you and your (fellow gay) SO have been making in 1993? You're fired, do not pass go, do not collect $200. You don't get to marry that person, because of course people of the same sex don't get to do that. Local drunks will ambush you if you go for a drink and the police will cackle about this. If you bring any of this up, well, it's really not politics, is it? It's just being a decent person.

Yes, there's excesses in this: call it part of man's desire to have his culture be superior over others. So it goes. But accusing the gays of this uniquely? Please. Many of them well remember how they used to live, they can see places in their own nations where people still do, and they act accordingly. There's nothing odd or particularly wicked about these people, and we don't have to pretend otherwise.

I despair for the cause of police reform. There was a window where it might have been possible, but anywhere past the 2000s I just don't see it happening.

Put frankly, nobody really cares about this man. Nobody really cares about the median CAF victims: poor people, strippers, general lower-class coded individuals. Nobody really cares about people jailed on bogus charges, put through the justice wringer for ill-conceived reason, or shot to death by trigger-happy psychopaths. It's the just world fallacy in full effect: they probably had it coming anyway.

The median voter has never in his life gotten in trouble with the police. You'd need a hundred Uvaldes to meaningfully dent this - the sorts of tragedy I wouldn't wish on any nation. The median voter is a middle-aged comfortable person with a steady job and living who thinks everything in society basically works as it should. Oh, sure, some politicians are greedy, the kids these days are bad, but the police? Protect and serve. They keep us safe and things steady and that's all we want. If they beat up or imprison or kill someone, well, I guess that's just what their job is.

I don't know what any one nation can hope to do about this, for as long as the median age in wealthy countries keeps rising. The people who vote don't care, the people who get elected have no reason to care, and the police have made more than clear they have negative interest in policing their own.

What's a downtrodden person to do? What is anyone to do? For as long as the median voter really loves the police, I don't know that I see a way out.

The progressives disagree with you that these spaces were ever non-political, and frankly, I think they're right. I could talk at length about Dutch pillarisation and the funny consequences this had for society, but the people who bemoan politics being everywhere now are people who haven't been paying attention for all that long.

What does that have to do with the people of Odessa wanting nothing to do with her today?

I live in a nation where the anti-white racism thing functionally doesn't exist. If anything, it's made the pro-reform block smaller. I just don't think you're right.

I get that it's real satisfying to talk shit about your outgroup, but I really don't care about that. I want for policing to be just, and the American custom of anti-white racism just isn't a factor.

Reactionaries like this man, by his own words, are people who lost their faith in God and worshiped the devil. The analogy is quite the apt one: they did NOT stop believing in the creed of their peers and shrugged along, they worked and work along to actively support the opposite of whatever is the norm among their own people.

This isn't unique to uniquely online rightists, of course. The beating heart of radical SocJus advocates is the body of people who couldn't be happier to get the hell away from red tribe America; they do everything the opposite way they were raised because they hate the communities they were born into. These people, too, prove the old adage that reversed stupidity isn't intelligence, insofar a way of life that works for so many people is 'stupid'.

The difference, of course, is that people who want to get the hell out of the red tribe can and do go blue. It suits them fine, they adapt well, it isn't really an issue, it's a worn-out trope at this point. People like the blogger in the OP have nowhere to go: very few of them indeed live relatively normal red tribers' lives, instead preferring to be nostalgic over a past that never was or continuing to live in a culture they actively despise.

tl;dr: learn to weld lmao

There is always a bottleneck. This isn't the early 1800s; even unskilled labour isn't that unskilled, and a mass of people quitting means a shock in training, logistics, production, and many other things. This isn't 'stealing' from anyone, and people both are and should be free to do so.

Slave states treated (white) people with nothing to their name very differently from those enslaved black people, both before and after slavery ended.

The people of Odessa seem to hate Russian imperialism more than they are grateful for the one time she demanded a city be built on their soil. The city of Odessa is in its inhabitants and its people, not in the empress who decreed that specific spot get a city one day.

Not the employees or readers of Vice, who will agree with you that cheating on your wife is bad.

As with FCfromSSC above, so too here: unions can exist without violence. A bunch of employees can agree to bargain together and walk out together if they'd so enjoy. The US may or may not deal with this very well, but that's the US' problem, not an issue with people in general.

For a while they were at the very least acting like all they wanted is apolitical treatment, if they never believed it, why should I take them at their word regarding anything?

The standard response, and the correct one, is that the people who used to get them fired and beaten and marginalised are suddenly uncommonly invested in a tolerance they never believed in. Why should they believe anyone who talks about it when it never seems to have been on the table before?

That's flatly wrong. It was indeed possible to participate in hobby groups and focus on the hobby instead of any politics for many, many years prior to the awokening.

Not for gay people, it wasn't. And lest you compare their fate to yours, they were in fact born that way in a way the people bemoaning anything rainbow-colored aren't.

  • -19

No, it absolutely is elementary absence of evidence. NATO also isn't in charge of shit; they get to fund Zelensky, they get to cut him off if for some reason they're sick of him, but they don't get to tell him where he is or isn't supposed to hang out on a given day.


With ISIS underway in 2015, a lot of refugees showed up. A lot of refugees. So many that the various Mediterranean nations didn't really have a way to contain them all, a problem that still hasn't really been solved. They raised the issue with the EU, which said okay, we'll solve it, we'll have EVERY member nation hold a bunch of these. Share the load. The Hungarians and the Poles didn't feel like footing the bill for building camps or detainment centres, (correctly) ascertained they could get away with not doing any of this, and proceeded to take in nobody at all.

So - I stand by the kinda-sorta. Other nations got annoyed with the Hungarians and Poles for not taking their 'share' of refugees to detain, and (futilely) raised a stink. Wealthy nations get to feel righteous for doing their part and feeling like they're better people, the V4 crowd gets to feel good about not sticking a bunch of foreigners into detainment centres domestically, the Mediterranean EU states get at least some portion of the refugee waves arriving their way taken off their hands, and the can gets to be kicked down the road eight years hence because nobody knows how to arrive at an acceptable solution. The EU political process is rather designed to cause deadlocks like these: when any one nation can veto just-about anything, making anything work is.. Difficult.

I'm from the Netherlands.


There are lots of things violating the market principles of spherical cow land that nobody would call stealing. It isn't helpful, and it makes stealing look better more than it makes unions look bad.

Do you ever get tired of posting one-liners that are all heat and no light? No charity, no forethought, nothing but war to the knife.

I don't see anything "conservative", at least as understood in America, in widespread premarital sex, with people with whom you intend to part ways in the morning. Thinking this is lifestyle for which the state should permit the sacrifice of unborn children, doubly so

Well, the words 'as understood in America' are the words doing the real work here, aren't they? A 60-year-old can look at abortion and see it has been legal since he was twelve. He can look at people having sex less, he can see people turn out basically fine, and he can conclude that it's kinda whatever, society seems fine. Conservatism is just that: don't fix what isn't broken. Judging by the failed efforts of some states to ban abortion in their legislature, and the success of most to keep it legal, I'd say 'it's basically fine' is even the median normal person's position.

But yes, the definition of 'Conservatism in America' is the real crux of the issue here. It is increasingly not a movement of stable normal people, and moreso a strange alliance of the ancient, the fervently religious, the fabulously wealthy. Good for them - let them have their movement - but not particularly small-c conservative.

They would have Swedish or French or German migration problems no more than Spain, Italy, and Greece do. They don't: the migrants in those nations either stay packed like rats in their camps or move north ASAP. I see no reason why Poland would deal with a worse problem than Mediterranean EU nations would, and I'm still of the belief that Orbán and PiS' scaremongering about migrants is just that: scaremongering. Poland and Hungary have had negative migration rates for decades now, and I don't believe that's about to change just yet.

I'm not sure, in truth, I really understand the question. We functionally don't have a pro-reform movement. In part, this is because we just might have a better police force on net than America does. I wouldn't know! In specific, though, the Netherlands skews older than the US, and it very much shows. The political right wing has been in power for all my adult life - again a departure from Sweden and its social democrats - and they are more than glad to talk big about justice and policing when things come up. The left, in contrast, doesn't really talk about these things. Law enforcement in the Netherlands is popular enough that talking shit about them is a political non-starter, and as best I can tell the parties on the left realise this, making their pet issues entirely different topics instead.

It's pathetic, isn't it? More proof for the habitual contrarian theory of Mottizenship.

This is where we’re at, which actually doesn’t surprise me that much because I believe we’ve been in a clown world for a long time.

Well, yeah. That's how national myths are created. The Romans would tell you of their founding siblings, sons of Mars, being suckled by a wolf. The Mexicans put the Aztec eagle, snake, and cactus on their flag. American civil religion is full of quaint stuff too. It's the Ukrainians' turn now, and they are in fact human - they will be no different from the rest of us.

Your feelings are an extremely poor substitute for argument and thought. Lots of things we don't consider theft cost consumers money; blessedly, consumers' purses aren't the be-all and end-all of the world, and tend to be weighed against other pressing matters.