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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

How do wokes

You should, sincerely, find a better place to ask. Nobody here self-identifies as woke, preciously few people are even adjacent, and people who hate them, despise them, are numerous as they get. You'd get a better and more honest answer just-about anywhere that isn't here and, additionally, I think you kind've know it. That this is not a place for the woke to be is no grand secret.

Isn't southern Florida the place all the Cubans are at? Those people hate socialism more than the average American will, and it seems like enough of an outlier that I'd be careful not to assume nation-level trends.

They hate the United States, and therefor love anything opposed to it in any way; people who lost their faith, and worship the devil. I think expecting coherence from such people just doesn't get you anywhere, when they are anti-American first, and pro-whatever second.

I don't know how familiar you are with SlateStarCodex, but this seems like a case of toxoplasma. This case, if true, is obviously tragic. It's so obviously tragic that it can only elicit grief and empathy, neither of which geberate clicks the way outrage does, and so it doesn't generate much publicity.

These are the same police officers that were too terrified of shooting an untrained minor at Uvalde. I frankly don't see them having the stomach to face down people who are both more dangerous and better armed.

This is a wonderful post. Thank you for making it; it's the sorts of beauty that makes me glad to be at home in this place, no matter the other material that comes and goes.

I have no incredibly deep other thoughts. The baseball card anecdote amused me, a little; a Dutch YA book includes a similar quip. An old, old man talks about the park ranger's folly: by fencing off pretty areas, telling kids not to climb trees, and being a general menace, he kills the sorts of enjoyment that drives kids into wanting to be park rangers. It's funny how this sorts of attitude can be seen across so many years and places, genuinely.

No, it absolutely is elementary absence of evidence. NATO also isn't in charge of shit; they get to fund Zelensky, they get to cut him off if for some reason they're sick of him, but they don't get to tell him where he is or isn't supposed to hang out on a given day.

This is an interesting post, and a good one, but the most interesting explanation is seldom the right one. The world is often boring, and I'm betting that it is boring in this case as well: lots of men just aren't able to keep it in their pants at a whiff of power, fame, or money. So it goes.

The dissident sphere doesn't need to like it, but that is indeed the proper way to prosecute culture war.

It was pretty much a given, because it's what happened in every single other western nation.

This is where we’re at, which actually doesn’t surprise me that much because I believe we’ve been in a clown world for a long time.

Well, yeah. That's how national myths are created. The Romans would tell you of their founding siblings, sons of Mars, being suckled by a wolf. The Mexicans put the Aztec eagle, snake, and cactus on their flag. American civil religion is full of quaint stuff too. It's the Ukrainians' turn now, and they are in fact human - they will be no different from the rest of us.

What limits? George Washington who could not tell a lie, the French people ruled by a queen who would let them eat cake, the Germans laying claim to every tribal people from the Longobards to the Goths, trying to take Europe until it brought them such ruin they pulled a 180?

People's national myths are pretty universally dumb. I guess Ukraine's won't be different.

Those Jews are incredibly impressive people. Even when all the people in charge, the relevant decisionmakers, the people making their plans, drafting them, and ordering to have them carried out are gentile, it's all the Jewish influence that made it happen. So much so that the world's mightiest nation ended up more united than it had been in decades before or since, with nobody but rando internet posters any the wiser.

Is it possible to learn this power? Can I get in on this? The effort required is so superhumanly and extremely impressive that I'd love to find these guys and go along with them; they are clearly more competent and fit to rule than any group I've ever heard of, at all.

The BBC, being good progressives, don't think abortion is in fact murdering babies (or anyone). You can disagree with this view if you like, and that's fine, but you should know better than to wildly misrepresent their position in a place such as this.

Reactionaries like this man, by his own words, are people who lost their faith in God and worshiped the devil. The analogy is quite the apt one: they did NOT stop believing in the creed of their peers and shrugged along, they worked and work along to actively support the opposite of whatever is the norm among their own people.

This isn't unique to uniquely online rightists, of course. The beating heart of radical SocJus advocates is the body of people who couldn't be happier to get the hell away from red tribe America; they do everything the opposite way they were raised because they hate the communities they were born into. These people, too, prove the old adage that reversed stupidity isn't intelligence, insofar a way of life that works for so many people is 'stupid'.

The difference, of course, is that people who want to get the hell out of the red tribe can and do go blue. It suits them fine, they adapt well, it isn't really an issue, it's a worn-out trope at this point. People like the blogger in the OP have nowhere to go: very few of them indeed live relatively normal red tribers' lives, instead preferring to be nostalgic over a past that never was or continuing to live in a culture they actively despise.

tl;dr: learn to weld lmao

You're not intellectually mature enough to be permitted on the internet without supervision

Where the fuck do you think you are?

Your feelings are an extremely poor substitute for argument and thought. Lots of things we don't consider theft cost consumers money; blessedly, consumers' purses aren't the be-all and end-all of the world, and tend to be weighed against other pressing matters.

There is always a bottleneck. This isn't the early 1800s; even unskilled labour isn't that unskilled, and a mass of people quitting means a shock in training, logistics, production, and many other things. This isn't 'stealing' from anyone, and people both are and should be free to do so.

Or maybe I'm being crazy and it's a coincidence.

You aren't crazy, so much as human. It cannot be helped.

The modern information environment is not normal. Nor was, for that matter, that of a century ago, or even that of someone urban two, three, four hundred years ago. We live in times where people are both more and less scrutinised than ever: more because technology has given us thoroughly better ways to record and track just-about anything; less, because personal ties are weaker than ever, and being anonymous in large parts of your life is something you can do nowadays. Insofar dying pieces of media ravenous for scraps of clicks and views find a bunch of cheating incidents, it is in LARGE part because these are things we can actually find today, as well as signal boost through aforementioned money-starved media machines. Think of it yourself: pro poker, pro chess, fishing contests - do you really care about them? Would you have heard of them if not for journalists meticulously going through everything?

All of this isn't a bad thing, not necessarily, but people are poorly suited to handling such an environment very well. Our monkey brain hasn't updated all that much since times much different from today's, and so having a mere half-dozen tidbits of news seems like it's REALLY REALLY MUCH. If you look into this all, do it with the thought that modern times are modern in mind; do not let what is a new environment drive you crazy. It isn't good for you, and you deserve better.

He just wanted Crimea and the Donbass so badly he sent a quick strike and later riot police towards Kiev?

The EU acted just-about as much in good faith as anyone could hope to expect in such a situation, and indeed could have done much worse if some people felt like being particularly ruthless.

So there is the minor problem that I have with YIMBY people - why do you think that building more will actually solve the problem with unaffordable housing?

Because supply and demand is real, and the latter has effectively outpaced the former in much of the developed world. There's other causes, certainly, but I've never once heard a good argument for why one of the oldest concepts in economics doesn't apply here.

It's from the Non-Libertarian FAQ, still a good read to this very day.

Yes. If you talk about being in favor of abortion, say, and you are fired for explicitly that reason, you can absolutely sue.

I doubt most companies will be that dumb in practice, which also seems to be Southwest's main issie here: they lack the finesse to lie and had ideologues break the law without any requisite fig leaves.

why is it that most millennials are not doing well financially?

I can't speak for every millennial out there, but for me it is the rent, the rent, and the rent. I have a job that on paper looks better than my parents', but I am unable to live anywhere near the place they did when they were my age - it costs too much. The house they bought and where my mother still lives is inattainably expensive: mom has floated the idea of selling it and having my siblings and I use the split gains for down payments, just because of how bad it is. Mind you, the Dutch real estate market is a wreck in a way few others are, but struggling with housing is an issue millennials face in many places.