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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

Agree or disagree, there's plenty meaning to his words and you well know it.

The people who drink and would boycott Bud Light and the people technically proficient enough to know how to pirate don't overlap all that much.

Your lack of imagination does not excuse going for the ad hominem for what appears to be no reason at all.

The dissident sphere doesn't need to like it, but that is indeed the proper way to prosecute culture war.

Yes, well, 'feels over realz' isn't a sin found only among overly loud leftists. The 1950s' civil rights activists chose to defend Rosa Parks to defend, precisely because you want your case to be strong as can be.

These are the same police officers that were too terrified of shooting an untrained minor at Uvalde. I frankly don't see them having the stomach to face down people who are both more dangerous and better armed.

Yes, they did this after they'd well and properly won. The dissident right doesn't nearly have that amount of leeway.

One more win for the EU, clearly. This is the best of all timelines.

You're not intellectually mature enough to be permitted on the internet without supervision

Where the fuck do you think you are?

At least you can cry back as a woman

No more than you or I could, no. Crying on command isn't something healthy-minded people get to do very easily.

Nah, men being born equal goes back to the founding of the US. Funny people like Moldbug might twist their words torturously to put the founding fathers in the same category as the communists, but most anyone else can see how ridiculous that really is.

The inequality of the day, as well as of a small century afterward, was certainly about men being created equal - and it still is in our day and age now the left has joined the right in attacking this notion by insisting it is evil white/male/straight/whatever people being uniquely evil. Equality takes more shapes and forms than underachieving Americans doing poorly, and to insist only the communists might take issue with inequality is silly.

You are spilling a lot of words on what should be a particularly simple set of questions: can any given woman cry back sincerely? Should they? And if they choose not to, should we applaud or condemn them for it?

They can

I disagree. There are some people, at the margins, here, there, who can lie, delude themselves, or go with the flow enough to cry in situations like these. Anyone else can't and won't. Talking shit about them because 'they won't even cry when they could, the idiots' is moral poison and no outlook anyone should have.

but shouldn't

On this, at least, we agree.

You can be concerned about incentives if you want, and that's totally fine, but you very literally told us all that 'they can just cry back if they want to'. For a good number of people, this is false: they can't. And many, even if they could, wouldn't. The concern trolling is a poor excuse for that.

That isn't what he said, and you very well know it.

The world had social democrats before anyone had dreamt up disparate impact, and it will have social democrats once people forget about such a concept too.

Broadly speaking, everyone does this. It is a most human quality.

Yes, those millions of children who will mostly attempt to earn their living and keep their heads down are much worse of a scourge than the trajectory Iraq was on since 2003. Clearly.

The leap from he knows what's best for you to we know what's best for you isn't all that big.

He's plenty plain, rhetorical or not.

  • -12

Indeed. Optimism in general is dead in generations Y and Z, progressive or not.

It absolutely was, if only because the elite at the time was deathly afraid of the communists. Likewise, you overstate lower class support for the Nazis: those people did in fact vote communist far more often.

Then you are on a different website than I am, because such comments are the order of the day. Constantly. They do not stop. To call out any single one without making it a hobby is a textbook isolated demand for rigor.

  • -11

If you will support your nation only when times are good to begin with, you were always a mercenary to begin with; it just so happens that the truth got revealed a little more dramatically in these cases.