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BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior




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joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

BANNED USER: repeated antagonism and bad behavior



1 follower   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 23:01:21 UTC


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User ID: 246

Banned by: @Amadan

Then, as an example we're both familiar with, I'll point to the Boy Scouts of America as a hobby group (which it effectively is) gay people couldn't openly be a part of.

I, too, was around for that era of the internet - and I, too, miss it dearly. It died once the internet stopped being for nerds and started being for everyone. Neither of us are getting those days back.


  • -22

I really don't ascribe to that sorts of view.

  • -14

No differently than before, if the numbers are anything to go by; I see no dropoff in the slightest after 2011. Are the numbers wrong, or are you?

The word just is doing a lot of work in that sentence. Just do that, how?

One hundred thousand fewer people on active duty, in an army of over a million, the cause of which the statistics (obviously) won't tell us.

If that's it, I'm going to keep filing this under the non-issue drawer, yeah.

I'm not familiar enough with the organisation to know. Wouldn't that make the 'no apolitical spaces for The Gays' case even stronger?

Then, I suppose, I'll see you again when that time comes. I don't care to see discourse dragged down because you'd rather warn me than any number of low-effort culture warring posters lighting up my notifications here, and I don't care for being warned for posting a nah in response to that.

  • -12

The set of people who can and will do so, and the set of people with politics similar to yours, have extremely little overlap.

The staunchest pro-gay activists I personally know are people who had to cut ties with just-about their entire social circle on account of being gay. This is one reason, I think, LGBT activism has kept going so strong: the community gets an ever-present supply of people who hate those who'd oppress them with extreme zeal.

Yes, every community has liars and free riders. LGBT activists are human as much as anyone else. Indeed.

It was pretty much a given, because it's what happened in every single other western nation.

the Netherlands had a complete political upset

It isn't often that we get a mention in this place, but as in all things, foreign takes on smaller nations' politics are nigh-universally mistaken. This is no exception.

First-off: people saw BBB's victory coming a mile away. Something isn't an 'upset' when it's been well-predicted in advance, so I'll take issue with the phrasing you're using here.

Even aside from that, this kind of thing isn't unprecedented, or really uncommon in Dutch politics. Charismatic protest movements do really well in elections all the time. In this millennium alone we've had the LPF, TON, PVV, FVD, and now BBB doing the whole run-around; when you get a new bunch of these guys every election cycle or so it's not so much EXCITINGLY NEW as it is business as usual.

Except, you know, that doesn't sell clicks, and foreigners love to map stuff abroad onto their own politics and vice versa, so now and then we get to roll our eyes. So it goes.

Reactionaries like this man, by his own words, are people who lost their faith in God and worshiped the devil. The analogy is quite the apt one: they did NOT stop believing in the creed of their peers and shrugged along, they worked and work along to actively support the opposite of whatever is the norm among their own people.

This isn't unique to uniquely online rightists, of course. The beating heart of radical SocJus advocates is the body of people who couldn't be happier to get the hell away from red tribe America; they do everything the opposite way they were raised because they hate the communities they were born into. These people, too, prove the old adage that reversed stupidity isn't intelligence, insofar a way of life that works for so many people is 'stupid'.

The difference, of course, is that people who want to get the hell out of the red tribe can and do go blue. It suits them fine, they adapt well, it isn't really an issue, it's a worn-out trope at this point. People like the blogger in the OP have nowhere to go: very few of them indeed live relatively normal red tribers' lives, instead preferring to be nostalgic over a past that never was or continuing to live in a culture they actively despise.

tl;dr: learn to weld lmao

The reactionaries we have in 2023 AD are absolutely failed progressivists, no matter what lofty ideals and past figures they worship. If any of their idols met these guys, they would despise them, and rightly so.

It's pretty easy if you're not a maladjusted fuck posting on TheMotte like the rest of us, yeah.

True, and odds are blaming yourself is more true than blaming everyone else.

Welding is low status with the people neoreactionaries live alongside, were raised by, and absolutely despise. People elsewhere don't have nearly the same hangups.

Citing a handful of historical examples we've all heard of before is a poor substitute for an actual argument.

Order? We have order. We may even have too much of it. I'm just not seeing it.

I wasn't gonna say it, but.. Yeah.

How would you even measure that?

God I seriously wish that some of these anti-car people could just spend a month actually living in the "car free" cities that they think everybody wants so they could realize how terrible it is.

I'm with all the other guys posting down there: lived it, still kinda do, it's pretty neat. What gives?

For what it's worth, I mean that genuinely: how do you square multiple people telling you things are fine with your post insisting it is, in your own words, terrible?

A Russian victory would put no stop to that; the Americans already won the very moment the Russians didn't get their instant victory. If we want to be independent, we have to be independent and do it ourselves. The Russians aren't going to somehow save us.