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joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC

Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.

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User ID: 1042



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

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There's no biological imperative that men shouldn't be allowed to wear dresses, or makeup, or be considered submissive or cute.

Are you sure about that ? You think sexuality is entirely environmental, there are is no genetic component to it ?

That's bullshit.

The fundamental asymmetry between male and female genetic interests has been there essentially forever. Submissive men do exist, but they're more rare than the other way around.

And as to cute... ditto. Men aren't cute. You can try to 'consider' them cute, but that's the same level of as talking about feminine penises.

One of the few bits that could actually be falsified, doesn't support Hersh's claim.

Because the US, you know, the country that hacked control software of airgapped centrifuges and thus wrecked them wouldn't be able to, after months of preparation mess up badly secured data on a couple of websites in order to deflect attention ?

... and that proves what? That Biden jr. being paid off is okay ?

I for one am very much happy to see the insufferable elitism of Europeans slowly being wiped off our collective smug faces. The uncouth and primitive barbarian across the ocean turned out to be smarter and harder-working all along.

The average European doesn't care or think about you at all. And rolls his eyes when told how much you lot work.

Which is good for you, if Europe understood America's role in its affairs, we'd get a few of our own bin Laden figures.

elitism coming from effete liberal Europeans laughing at obese, gun-toting and bible-thumpin' Americans

You ever heard about the yellow vests? How do you think they feel about their own 'elites', the people who tell them that instead of paying for gas they should buy an e-car ?

third world hellhole are convincing fewer by the day.

There are no places in Europe as dangerous as the heavily black US cities.

reddit-tier arguments

Your entire post is boo-outgroup, in this case railing against the type of European who has a Ukraine flag in bio and uses twitter.

They're largely not present here at all, hence I'm calling the target seletion for your screed into question.

It was noted belowthread that the grand Teutonic war machine lost out to the likes of Audie Murphy and his ilk; that is absolutely the case

The teutonic war machine didn't lose to Audie Murphy and his ilk.

It lost because it was an industrial war and German war making potential would only have approached that of the US had it conquered and fully repaired the entirety of European industry, from Normandy to the Urals.

It lost because Americans were competent fighters enjoying immense material superiority. Something like 5:1 vs tanks on the western front, and 10:1 in planes, probably at least 4:1 in artillery throw weight.

For more information, see e.g. 'Wages of Destruction' by Adam Tooze.

The only path to win for Germany would have involved defeating the USSR.

It is also the case that, generations later, that ilk lost out utterly to Afgans with AKs and IEDs, both in actual military conflict

This is again bullshit. American military in Afghanistan barely ever lost any battle. Taliban and Afghans in general aren't great fighters, and they had barely any equipment.

Taliban won simply by surviving and disrupting the government, that's all they had to do.

America simply had no viable strategy how to turn Afghanistan into a functioning state. It was never willing to send in enough soldiers - you'd probably have needed a million and then keeping them there for thirty years while creating a fair civil administration and so on.

I'm looking for a second opinion here; what what emotions do you think are being expressed by the person in the photograph ?

Please answer using spoiler tags, they don't look like the reddit ones, but are instead everything between two pipe characters | | like this.. | | (except without space in the middle)


don't read this next one:

I'll edit in my own guess after collecting some guesses


No, that disproves your assertion that Shokin was fired on behest of Biden Sr because the latter wanted Shokin not to investigate his son.

Yeah, it looks like Shokin was fired because he wasn't investigating the 'right' people.

**It still doesn't explain to me why you think politicians getting paid off by through their family getting cushy sinecures in foreign countries is remotely okay. **

It's okay in Ukraine. We get that, it's why Ukraine is that way.

In any normal county, a politician whose junkie son gets $50k a month from a sinecure in a famously corrupt country overseas would instantly be embroiled in a huge scandal.

Would anyone who accepts Russian citizenship be delusional enough to think they'd not get mobilized in case of war ?

Also, would authorities care to suppress a bunch of foreign weirdoes who move to some rural area, bother nobody, engage in no political activity and pay their taxes ? It's not really something threatening. Or would it be that e.g. police would try to shake them down for bribes, and if they don't play ball try to set them up as subversives ?

He also apparently had a successful career as a ML researcher before that.

Did he? I'd check first, maybe check what ML people say on him. His MIT affiliation is .. suspect..

He doesn't have a degree from there. He teaches an unimpressive, low profile course there.

Much about the guy screams 'fraud'. Starting e.g. with his profile picture.

He's widely detested for being a huge bore, asking plain bad questions yet being inexplicably popular.

People (mostly RW, but also Greenwald) suspect he has some inexplicable algorithmic favor.

Maybe Lex, being a clever and driven status seeker figured how to do that. Beats being just another overworked techie with no status and more money than he has time to spend, I guess.

Or it could be that the reason algorithm smiles on him is that he's part of the 'containment'.

That's a theory I've mostly seen Neema Parvini push - that IDW and various seemingly dissident influencers / intellectuals like e.g. Peterson, Eric Weinstein, Bari Weiss cooperate with the less insane parts of the ruling regime. That is, they're part of a show, earning goodwill by standing up for common sense, goodwill they'd use to help smash any actual challenge to the system.

It's not that they're totally fake, or don't have things worth saying, just that they're deemed reliable enough. E.g. Peterson has a lot of interesting things to say, but he's quite shallow on history* and very much lives inside the Boomer moral universe.

Beattie on the IDW:

Here I describe the IDW two-step to Noor bin Laden. They earn your trust with “boys have penises girls have vaginas”… then when you’re hooked they shove establishment line on all else

*I don't remember what it was but I physically cringed listening to him explaing something about 20th century European history. Basically a an American schoolkid's version of it.

And a tool to bring identity to a wide swath of internet activity is a pretty nice weapon to leave around waiting for someone to be tempted by it.

A wide swath of internet activity we could really do without entirely without suffering any harmful effects whatsoever, in all likelihood.

People and teens especially had more sex when porn wasn't really available that much.

It's ironic and sad, I thought the DE creators would get purged by the woke but they apparently fell out between each other over money.

Kender supposedly played an important role in the project, as did the the 3 other guys.

If it is as they say, I hope they get somewhere. Also, it doesn't really strike me as possible Kurvitz & co are actual communists; the game is way too nuanaced to be a product of true believer cogitation.

They strike me more as pranksters who used the retarded western fascination with superficial communism to get promoted. Also, intelligent Balts being unironically communist.. what?

I'm not watching the films until using generative AI someone fixes that. Fremen not being a single race after spending thousands of years isolated on a planet with no caste system of their own is ludicrous.

Also Zendaya has to go. It's not that she's half black, it's that she's actually ugly. Incomprehensible casting decision.

The true extent of Chinese espionage in the US is only going to become apparent following the war.

If China doesn't have an extensive illegals program where it sent fake dissidents in the US to raise US born Chinese who could then get top secret clearances and get into the right places I'm a Mormon.

Obviously they do have it, and obviously US is not up to task to rooting this particular kind of spy out. Obviously even if they caught one it'd be kept quiet because no one wants a paranoid spy mania aimed at all the POC democrat voters and competent MIC personnel who thankfully aren't toxic white males.

This might be old news.

A Swedish newspaper published a report, ostensibly a leak from RAND that purports to be a cynical summary of what anti-atlanticist Europeans believe to be the US strategy - sabotage Europe by denying it Russian energy, forcing investments and people to leave for the safer haven of US. Example of that is this substack post by disgraced academic Noah Carl.

The report is not very long and could very easily be a fake.

My intuitiojn says I think it's probably a fake, well within the capabilities of some of the less stupid Russian disinfo experts to create. Certainly I can imagine Russian spooks may have at least one or two people like Ilforte, but rabidly nationalist, who could make that up during lunch break.

Anyway has anything to say about it? I'm assuming the newspaper isn't a well-regarded one or a very professional one. But then I've heard very dire things about Swedish journalism, namely that it was extremely well aligned in the service of the 'liberal' left agenda of endless migration and self-hatred. That was years ago, things may have changed.

Never played any of those.

Found an interesting thread on twitter how the newest game was hit by the changing attitude to masculinity where having a unapologetically masculine killer as a protagonist isn't acceptable anymore so they mellowed him out and gave him a beer gut.

It also mentioned Last of Us, another game I never played which apparently features a post-catastrophic survival situation of an adult dude and an unrelated(!) teenage girl and they don't end up fucking which makes less sense as using polystyrene for ballast.

Nothing makes women more likely to glom onto a man than him successfully protecting her from actual danger. That they'd not end up fucking seems extremely unlikely.

Can't repost the thread it, for some reason I've got a search ban from oct 25 so..

I could of course check out some streams but k would prefer not to spoil myself if I'm going to play it.

Pirate it and buy it if it's good ?

hat do you think about the idea of a mmo rts where you get 120 people managing two giant factories and fighting huge battles ?

imo seems very cool, weird there's no game like that.

Imagine telling a Roman in 100 AD that 1500 years in the future, the world's best scientists would be from Britain and Germany. Or telling him that for much of the next 2000 years, Europe would be dominated by a religion created by Jews.

That's what they want you to think. But there's a some amount of evidence Christianity is just disguised Imperial Cult that went a bit astray. Of course we as a civilization and especially academia cannot possibly acknowledge the truth of it, that'd be unthinkable.



So, Christianity was supposedly a psyop ran on the Jews by Romans, although they kind of fumbled it at the end by not managing to deprecate the old testament entirely.

Zuma's presidency was, as far as I understand, pretty terrible and corrupt, and the same party remains in power.

Do you think Germans would have elected for themselves someone as grotesquely corrupt and dim as Zuma ?

We know from America that highly black places routinely elect from their own ranks very bad leaders.

I don't believe you can separate the two easily.


QAnon wasn't concerned with Epstein much. More with Pizzagate, a scandal quite distinct from Epstein and focused very much around suspicions of actual child abuse by well connected people.

Historian Daniel Larison unpacks this in his recent piece on his substack Eunomia, about how we are living through a time of persistent “threat inflation.”

In military metrics, US is plummeting next to China. It's always on the verge of default, with a yearly debt ceiling dance, its military can't found enough people willing to serve.

American yearly drug overdose deaths each outstrip the best efforts of Russian army in Ukraine by a factor of 4 if you believe Ukrainian government numbers.

It's a high speed national decline, masked only by the enormous amount of ruin that needs to be accomplished.

In addition to actual spy balloons (of which there are some) it does look like NORAD also shot down at least one hobbyist radio balloon that cost <$300 to send out, which were registered with the FAA and whose owners tried in vain to contact the proper authorities.

If that's not decline - a nation's air force not being able to check what has been reported to them by civilian authorities, and not being able to verify what it's shooting at despite the existence of optic pods (telescopes,. basically).. then what is 'decline' ?

Edgy jokes that imply the person who made the joke is watching sadistic pornography featuring children ... are pretty weird.

Or is this some sort of 'typical minding' and I'm the only one who can't easily confuse usual porn sounds and infant crying ?


It may be bad, but at least it doesn't have Michael Rubin in it.


Would be far more worrying if the 'give nukes to Ukraine' types were defense or state dept government officials.

He's apparently employed at something called "Foreign Military Studies Office".


Our graft is these days mostly limited to 15-20% cost inflation on government contracts. Your president is a an actor whose show was funded by an oligarch, who among other things,stole how many billion $ from Ukrainians by running a bank and giving out loans to friendly companies.. Was it 2 or 5 billion ? They still haven't bothered to wipe that shit off the internet. We had shit like this in mid to late 1990s. That was .. quite some time ago.

If these days Ukraine was as corrupt as Slovakia, you'd probably be as prosperous as Poland what with the better climate, natural resources and sea access.

Now, Slovakia isn't a normal country, but at least half of the parties wouldn't tolerate something like this, and it definitely wouldn't fly anywhere in western Europe.

So how to break that ? Change legislation ?

, NASA wouldn't be struggling with a budget 2.5% the size of the US militaries.

NASA was never the real space program.

The real space program has always been the NRO.

We aren't seeing a race to build a rail gun on the moon to launch volumes of munitions at high speed toward an enemy armada.

Minor quibble.

Were aliens real, which we could only know by having seen them up close, that'd mean it'd be already too late to resist because anyoen capable of interstellar travel would have AI and replicators, so perfectly able of outproducing Earth in material within a few years given the right minerals. Of which there's plenty out there.

Also, anyone capable of interstellar travel would have no actual reasons to conquer us unless they preserved some completely atavistic instinct for conquest or had religious reasons (enlightening barbarians?). And I don't think preservation of such instinct is likely. People largely self-domesticated themselves and gradually got less violent and adventuring due to civilization.