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BANNED USER: antagonistic, terrible history
>Unban in 5d 17h 45m



1 follower   follows 7 users   joined 2022 September 08 22:22:12 UTC


Underemployed Slav. Likes playing Factorio.


User ID: 1042

Banned by: @Amadan

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It couldn't possibly be anything different. The increasingly bizarre pornography out there could in no way be connected to this. That Japan, a country with one of the most dysfunctional relationship situations out there has a long tradition of weird pornography is merely coincidental.

Who am I gonna believe? A rich professional involved with finance, or someone involved in treating sex disorders? Of course, the rich person. No one smart would work in a profession interested in helping people, that doesn't pay.

Look at Japanese virginity rates in the 30-40 age group.

they're physically incapable

Well maybe not 'physically incapable' as in, in a zoo setting maybe it could work, but women addicted or merely very well habituated to porn are unlikely to experience orgasm during sex, and men addicted to it are unlikely to maintain erections. Hence, necessity of IVF.

The whole topic is completely dismal, you can find out that relative prevalence of <40 men seeking out medical help with E.D. went up by 3-4x between 2000 and 2015 but of course that of course could only possibly have happened because awareness that Viagra (introduced cca 2000) exists increased and all those men are just insecure and fishing for drugs. That's the go-to explanation.

If you don't talk to 'academic' experts but talk to people involved in treating ED and sex disorders they're going to tell you something completely different though. It makes perfect sense that boys who have been looking at porn since age 12-15 can't possibly suffer any adverse consequences when they get around to having sex by 18-25. Not like adolescence is a formative period of time.

Gotta read this later, this might actually have interesting data.. Hopefully libgen has it.

How can you build a pressed steel weapon from machined aluminum parts ? I guess it was some sort of AR-15 playing dress up I guesss..

BTW, I think the FG-42 reproductions aren't that extra expensive, $8k or so.

Fix it yourself- It's not rocket science.

Does it misfire with all ammo? If yes, then the hammer isn't striking hard enough. Why isn't it striking hard enough? Is it dirty or clogged with oil or grease from storage?

If it's clogged up, You can take it apart and figure it out for yourself. and get it cleaned up and oiled properly.

It might even be fun if you're into the kind of thing.

Friends I cannot stress this enough: have kids.

As many as 10-30% of younger generations can't even have sex. Sure they could 'technically' have kids through IVF but the idea itself is sitcom-worthy I think.

"When Chernobyl reached peak x power during its explosion it was about 350 gigawatts for a fraction of a second. This is 700 gigawatts continuously, right, it's a non-stop Chernobyl going on."

Chernobyl also released radiation from reactions that have taken place in the months before, so it's not really a good approximation of harm that'd be caused by using nuclear saltwater rockets for space launches.

It is, however, in essence similar to Orion launches, and the radiation release there was found to not be particularly bad by the engineers worrying about it. I'm not sure what approaches they used, but if they were using LNTR and got a figure of "may give 1 person cancer" then it's probably not a big deal.

In any case, it's one of those questions that can't be answered without a good simulation.

Musk claims that for them, refurbishment cost is ~10% of mfg cost of a booster. If you have a gigabrain theory how it's actually not cheap and SpaceX is borrowing money to sell launches at an artificially low price, I'd surely love to hear about it.

Note that their mfg cost is also a lot lower than for other companies.

Also it seems launching 1 kg to LEO, which used to cost $25k in the Apollo era is now down to $1200 if done by SpaceX.

If BFR which costs $100 million to build each( I refuse to use 'starship', they can go fuck themselves with that name) ends up equally reusable, cost of launching 150 tons to LEO is going to go down to cca 15 million $. (I assume $5 million covers the fuel cost handily especially in Texas). Musk is more optimistic about BFR reusability due to improvements such as no soot anymore but there's the heat shield on upper stage and all that too so who knows.

Meanwhile, in comparable dollars in 1960s, cost of launching a similar amount of mass was cca 1.2 billion $.

If it works out, one could launch an entire aircraft carrier sized ship, in chunks, for less than it costs to build one today. ($12 billion, launch cost 9 billion$).

Pretty funny - we could actually start building space battleships soon. The nuclear salt-water rocket propulsion that would give them range to Pluto and back one tank fairly fast are doable, and if your exhaust has a speed of 66 km/s there's no risk of it spiraling down into Earth atmo anyway.

US devotes serious amounts of resources to make sure that doesn't stick, with notable examples such as the Ukraine War, where agency of France and Germany - they were empathically against promising 'Ukraine in NATO eventually' was overriden, the promise was made.

Then you had Maidan, which was as if J6 took months and featured cameos by high-profile Russian & Chinese politicians showing up cheering it on. Of course it ended with a shootout which, according to Ukraine court, was started by a Right Sector militia firing at both cops and protesters.

They finally succeeded with all their objectives, and it was exciting because heat protection failed on one of the flaps and a quarter of it melted off during re-entry but the upper stage still managed all the maneuvers okay and gently splashed into water.

and the revolutionary impact of reusability being a house of cards.

..uhh, what?

Their record for flying the 1st stage booster is doing so 21 times. How's that not impressive?

Bolt actions are incredibly boring tbh. Samey too. Meanwhile WW2 self-loading rifles s are exciting. You've got FG-40, a weapon that'd also be wortwhile in the modern day, Garand / SVT-40, the incredibly silly German rifle where gas was tapped from the muzzle because the specifications asked for 'no extra hole in barrel'..

And also I guess the Stg-44 which looks wild and was the first assault rifle in mass use. Technically the second but you know how it goes..the first select-fire rifle was only made in the WW1 era in a low amount of ~3000.

No, I specifically excluded the hostel from my judgement

What I meant by being dirty was lots of places being grimy, somewhat dirty, a little trash lying around etc. I don't give a rat's ass about whether pricey restaurants are any good or whether the very rich can find nice places somewhere. That's a given everywhere.

If streets, publicly used infrastructure looks mostly meh to bad it says a lot. Means the state is breaking down. You wouldn't see that in e.g. Austria or Germany outside of places with lots of migrants.

Is there a smaller subdivision in use than that?

It's Germany's San Francisco, left-wing lunatic central, with city police getting infiltrated by ethnic mafias.

Pretty much the entirety of the software field doesn't require anything but an internet connection.

Engineers at least some of them might need to go somewhere and talk to the production people and look at what goes on, but with software, there's never really any need.

When it comes to the proportion of rich people, is there any borough of London that has more than the one you live in ?

I had a game how many CCTV I could get onto a single photograph. Think I managed 23 in one photo.

I was there in '13. On a low budget though. The transport was abysmal - buses slow and very full, not even in rush hour, underground cramped and hot. I'm used to the spacious, echoing and chilly Prague metro, which was, next to old buildings with metre thick walls the only refuge from the summer heat before AC became common... not so in London.

Didn't even think to buy food at a restaurant, just bought groceries and fixed some food for myself. Met a few locals who were staying at the same hostel because they couldn't afford rent in London while working. Had to deal with pretty nice French staff and one surly, incompetent black woman.

One of the places I went to visit was the artillery museum in Woolwich. Surreal. You go on a bus, endure the long ride and the mildly worrying schizo black guy talking to himself half the way. Disembark, see maybe one or two white people around, but the buildings look like Europe.

And of course, as I was taking long exposure photos of the pieces in there and some fucking kids were running around about and maybe 1-2 got into the viewframe when I wasn't taking pictures I was gently reminded to "not take photo of the children".

His enemies paint him to be about as sleazy as a typical Jew in antisemitic caricature..

Apart from his affinity to Jews, we have got chutzpah, high verbal ability, comedic talent and reputed sleaziness.

There's something to it for sure even if we're objective.

Pretty much every engineering related job that doesn't involve direct supervision of construction or experiments can be done remotely.

Also I doubt he uses a laptop. They're supremely bad ergonomy wise, a screen or two and a keyboard do wonders.

Conspiracy theory is thinking it's normal and not ultra mega suspicious the biggest story of decades is given to a junior 'journalist' whose previous work was handling most secret communications for the boss of the entire US navy!

I found it dismal.

Dirty, full of CCTV, brown people.

Little to be impressed by except a little old architecture and the sheer novelty of the city being occupied by seemingly everyone but British.

If war is insane, so are we. It's who we are.

You cannot look at the absolute derangement out there in normie comments and think otherwise.

I have seen one video of Russia doing a bombing run with gravity bombs and zero videos of Ukraine doing so.

I haven't even seen any complaints from Russia about anything but Storm Shadow.

Single missile?

Every ship in the Chinese navy has at least one point defense Gatling cannon and most no doubt have short range air defense missiles similar to e.g. Pantsir, that unlike the US ones do not cost a million dollars each.

A single missile, unless it's hypersonic, low flying and evading probably doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting near.

Bombs show up on radar, show up on IR, cannot maneuver. And are slow - glide bombs go maybe 100 m/s in the end.

Hypersonics glow in IR, and highly likely if you fill their path with metal fragments you are going to get a spectacular light show.

Not saying you can't attack ships, but you probably need a whole salvo and maybe a little luck and/or EW to secure a chance to hit.

I had a whole post written here but the gist of it is: this is bad, I dislike listening to it, but for a rap song it's pretty good because I merely dislike it. Generally rap especially of the thug type, especially if originated in Europe makes me feel downright genocidal.

Wondering if rap music fans feel that way about any genre.

B-21 could very easily turn out to be the B-17* of the next world war.

Thermal imagers are getting very cheap right now (iirc 1024x768 IR sensors for $10k). Between stealth planes being detectable on long wavelength radar with notable imprecision, anything but stealth planes not showing there, and fighter jets all having FLIR that can detect other fighter planes at up to 50 kilometers and tell a 500kw decoy from a plane with 10 MW engine, it's quite possible that B-21 won't be able to do missions into actually contested airspace at all.

*it was 'sold' as a

  1. bomber capable of defending itself from enemy fighters
  2. bomber capable of accurately striking ships from 3-4 km up (above range of short-range flak that shreds planes)

It could do neither. Unescorted missions had ~5-10% loss rates.