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Defend Kebab

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joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 3 users   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481

kunley_drukpa perhaps

What’s their reasoning for staying?

Even when the war was developing very dangerously for the Russian army they have only ran a very limited conscription scheme that amounted to “urged volunteering” of the lowest classes of the society. My understanding is that they sent summons to stg like 10 times the men they needed and as soon as the targets were reached by people voluntarily responding to the summons in 1-3 days they immediately ceased recruitment. I am not aware of any coerced conscription of a Russian man who would otherwise definitely not enter the army.

Right now the Russian army has a clear upper hand in fighting and reportedly a steady stream of volunteers. Meanwhile an incredibly disquieting amount of press gang/abduction style of conscription videos are coming out of Ukraine.

This is my reasoning for why there won’t be ever real conscription for this war in Russia. Russian speaking friends I have talked to seems to agree with this assessment

What’s up with Russians who fled abroad at the start of the war nowadays? It looks pretty certain at this point that they won’t be conscripted and Russia won’t go bankrupt anytime soon. Has there been a silent remigration wave or are they just stay put in Georgia/Turkey/Kazakhstan wherever now

Your reasons are somewhat valid but at the end of the day so what? You are a man. Nobody will give you a pity trophy. If there is adversity it’s your job to overcome it.

Theme song: https://youtube.com/watch?v=TafuUDUhYmw?si=C7Ip2zUoyhUbnEkr

We have a family acquaintance (doctor earning lots of money, tall, handsome etc) who stayed single until late 40s despite the entire very large social and family network around him mobilising to find him a wife. I am not super sure what was the issue but he would just reject any candidates for decades. I guess he was either somewhat gay or was having too much fun being single.

Anyway eventually he married some 21 year old gorgeous redhead nurse and immediately proceeded to have 3 sons. So perhaps it wasn’t a bad life strategy after all.

You are considerably older than me so I can’t give any real advice. Just an anecdote.

Question for mainly parents of motte but anyone can answer.

Would you have more or less children if you knew for sure that:

  1. Your children will be very good to you when they grow up but they won’t have offspring of their own.
  2. Your children will be awful to you when they grow you but they will have many offspring of their own.

I am wondering what motivates people when choosing how many children to have. If neither of these would affect your decision but you have another important factor in mind, please share as well

Unless the topic is difficult to parse or the speaker is talking very fast, I get bored very quickly watching a scripted video at x1. It’s actually detrimental for understanding the topic because my mind starts wandering away


I hiked the salkantey trek in the past as it was sold to me as more nature heavy version of the İnka trail. Definitely amazing

What are the best nature hikes you have ever done? (Bonus points if it’s not in the US since visa is difficult lol)

This guy might be the most stereotypically Turkish Turkish man I have ever seen. His way of thinking is the Turkish mindset perfected. Also his phenotype and accent is just spot-on

You say that weaponization of the dollar was bad policy, but then you give examples of a long list of bad policy decisions the US government would not have been able to pursue if it couldn't borrow infinite dollars.

To me it sounds like the Western governments would in general be better managed if they faced some budgetary constraints.

I guess "the random brown guys" in question were Uzbek instead of Mexican

You really must write a longer higher level effort post about this. East Asian dating norms failure is something many people including me would be very interested. Not the least because I also dated an Asian girl for a while a long time ago and still can’t comprehend what the fuck she was trying to do.

2024 Tehran is less socially conservative than most Americans probably think, but it’s still more socially conservative than rural America and yet has a lower birthrate

Ditto for Turkish cities.

Anglos have been living with dating norms that are relatively recognisable in the modern world for almost a millennium. Lots of cultural (and likely actual physical) evolution to accommodate this and still keep making babies. Rapidly modernising Muslim countries have all absolutely wrecked dating norms and corresponding abysmal fertility rates.

Absolutely one hundred percent true. It’s almost as if being able to play that game and enjoying it for long amounts of time says bad things about a girl

For a certain type of person this is indeed good advice though. I definitely know people who are struggling to meet anyone for dating but don’t see how rejecting any social interaction has any relation to this.

Also social interaction is a snowballing thing. When you first enter a new social network (university, work, potential new friend group, sports team etc) saying yes to that one invitation early on can mean hundreds of invitations down the line. Conditioning someone to always say yes so they don’t miss out on that freshman’s party where multiple friend groups formed is quite useful

lol. I still can’t believe I got stuck with such a retarded stereotypical username

Do keep in mind that our brains have specialised circuitry for language learning that it doesn’t have for say aerospace engineering or history trivia facts. Ideal language study methods are also very different compared to any other field of knowledge. So it’s not the best field to focus on when discussing this topic

Look into a thermomix? (70s solution of engineering societal problems away)

Or just hire a cleaner? (Modern solution of importing cheap labour)

This is a world history shattering fact for me

If they botch GTA6 then I will completely lose any faith in western civilisation. It started with a relative passing me a CD of GTA3 when I was 4 and it always symbolised the total superiority of American cultural production for me.

Now after Bernanke’s central bank we can basically achieve the end of recessions (and inflation

What? how?

And on the internets!!!