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Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 2 users  
joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


User ID: 481


Defend Kebab

1 follower   follows 2 users   joined 2022 September 05 06:58:22 UTC


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User ID: 481

Has Zizek ever put out any idea that had any tangible effect on the real world? i.e. some people read him and got influenced by his thoughts and imposed them onto some political structure with some non-significant effect?

His whole shtick seems to be to impress midwit social sciences students who don’t quite understand what he is trying to say but think he must be important because of this.

Also his jokes are funny once in a while

Fried ice what?

Apparently I made the mistake of wandering into one in little India on a Sunday afternoon. Since then avoiding the Indian areas a bit. But I was told that it’s the migrant worker off day and it’s normally not so crazy chaotic.

I fail to see how this goes against anything I have said.

It’s trivial to observe that due to cultural factors eastern Slavic women have a tendency to easily become gold diggers or prostitutes under certain adverse conditions, while for example Muslim women don’t have this tendency under even more extreme adverse conditions. Your male relatives being prepared to use violence to keep your sexual purity is one of these cultural factors.

This doesn’t distract from my point at all.

Where are you from?

people are generally riding heavy bikes very slowly in highly protected lanes

It’s true most bikes are pretty heavy. But no people definitely don’t ride them slowly. And highly protected lanes depends very much on where you are. Suburbs or newly built cities yes. On more historical cities not at all. Also virtually nobody wears helmets with e-bikes either. Scooters going in the bike lane have to use helmets since last year though.

Pedestrians weave back and forth with abandon, huge groups take up the whole path, and dogs on leashes dart in front of cyclists at will.

This is my average everyday cycle in Amsterdam city center to be honest.. but it’s not very safe and with kids in tow definitely understandable to be cautious. Don’t you think something like a “bakfiets” would be safer against rolling than a tow?

Reading Polanyi’s Great Transformation was one of the most mind opening experiences ever for me when it comes to economic history.

Why? That’s not much money for a high earner and seducing a very desirable woman for a night and then moving onto the next one definitely beats almost any other alternative spending option in terms of satisfying the male psyche

I am in Geylang this very minute

Edit: Either this place is severely hyped online or I came here on the wrong day of the week. Was expecting crazy Asian red light district. Found a bunch of karaoke bars and some working girls having drinks with prospective clients. Food was great though

You aren’t the typical user and A/B testing probably shows the typical user totally does order takeout food when the takeout app sends a push notification

What makes you think that the current conflict is atypical and giving the Russian army the wrong lessons? How would a typical conflict with the correct lessons look like?

Do you normally refuse to entertain any opinions based on your own experiences as long as someone did not go through the trouble of collecting or locating almost impossible to find data? Or is this an isolated demand for rigour you are applying to this specific subject?

Similar experience but I always thought this was due to the types of weed commonly sold changing

I Also have an SE like the other comments (this must be a case study for the type of person who buys an SE). But if I got to choose again I would probably go with the mini models or the latest regular stock iPhone. The total size difference is not that much but you are losing a lot of screen space.

Is a Korean coupon clipping forum literally a place where Koreans talk about coupon clipping (and also apparently domestic drama???)???

Had the exact same problem. Still spend very little attention on my hair and I love it. The difference between no-attention and very little attention has been massive. I wonder what it would take to convince teenager me to change my attitude about this because my parents definitely tried

It was easy to pretend that until you told me that it does :P

Yes of course. Syria and Afghanistan experienced devastation and migration outflows at a much bigger scale yet you don’t see many Syrian or Afghan prostitutes/gold diggers.

My point wasn’t that this situation didn’t exist before the war. It’s that, this situation exists! It got hyper turbo charged because of the war. It can’t be dismissed as silly propaganda

That’s why lifting forums all recommend progress photos! It’s difficult to notice changes in your own body but you are surely getting there and other people do notice :)

Any tips for Singapore? First time in Asia. Here for some weeks but mostly busy with work

Unless the western countries entirely abandon any and all liberal pretence in the coming months, I can’t imagine that this will result in anything other than making it easier for Ukrainian men abroad to claim permanent asylum. Becoming stateless because your state refuses to give you a passport usually strengthens your asylum case quite a bit

Now this is a place where you'll be hard pressed to find a useful answer

Just the opposite, I feel like everytime someone asks motte for dating advise they get a lot of good replies. Yours is ironically one of them. I think this place is filled with smart guys who took a while to adjust to dating norms and in the meanwhile got to observe and think hard about the fundamentals

You can have your way. It serves as a warning to other countries wanting to “insist upon their sovereignty”. Does this make it any better?

It's a game. Why does it have to be efficient?

Presumably because there is a lot of money in making it so

People do wear helmets when mountain biking or cycling on racing bikes as a hobby (probably the most popular hobby around) though