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User ID: 2675



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User ID: 2675

This hits close to this widely downvoted comment I made on the topic.

I want to see people in the camp of 'sex is just like tennis' and even actually 'sex is just like tennis and tennis is a game you can play with a ball or not, and perhaps a racket but maybe not' explain it.

Why is 'groomer' a bad word to them? If open nudity, open fornication, children performing alongside adults in sexualized situations are all to be celebrated... then why not just admit 'yes actually we want to screw your kids' or at the very least 'if somebody else did we're okay with it'?

What is the contemporary justification that this is not okay?

If a father can be shamed for opposing their child dating somebody who is too dark, too male/female, or for deciding that they were the other sex all along... If a child rejecting the father's strict heterosexual, ethnocentric norms is to be celebrated...

Then why should progressives not shame a father for opposing their child dating an older adult who opened their mind about the beauty of inter-generational sexual relationships etc?

Unless someone plays 7D chess and really wants right across Europe to win elections.

Voting "right-wing" literally does not do anything in Western Europe. In Eastern-Europe "right-wing" voters still overwhelmingly support fighting Russia on behalf of the EU/NATO while simultaneously asking EU politely to stop sending migrants. The only way out of this endless All-Star loop Europe is stuck in is through violent revolution and rejection of democratic institutions.

Portland is not quite progressive enough. Why not go all the way like Canada and have MAID for drug addicts? Now that's a compassionate way to handle social issues.

As someone who voted for the referendum back in 2020, I'm a little sad that some of the overdose deaths are on my hands. Kind of.

Don't worry, there is still time for even more deaths for your buck.

  • -23

I took Economy 101 and the measure of inflation seemed like it was basically made-up. One could argue that the average modern poor person in a Western country is immensely wealthier than one 400 years ago due to great technological developments but 400 years ago every single food item was fully organic, non-GMO, non-processed, free of microplastics (perhaps including different types of pollutants)... A physician at the time probably had a live-in cook and nanny to handle all the domestic work. A lot of that work has been automated but you still see billionaires pushing buttons to call elevators for some reason.

Even if you go back a couple years. Somebody who graduated in 2020 probably paid roughly the same price as somebody who has yet to graduate and spent perhaps a full year of watching essentially youtube videos and being forced to wear a muzzle and other humiliating rituals.

Entertainment is cheaper? Are the 2020s versions of Lord of the Rings equivalent to the 2000s? Are the 2010-20s versions of Star Wars equivalent to the previous ones?

Does $1 million spent in real estate in SF or NYC give you the same quality of life than 20 years ago?

As far as I'm concerned, we either have to figure out some secret third thing that will solve falling fertility (whether it be artificial wombs or whatever) or resign ourselves to extinction. Either of those are preferable in my eyes to a return to pre-modern existence, though obviously the first would be better.

It really is not that hard to make babies. Why would artificial wombs be needed?

resign ourselves to extinction

Natural selection is making room for the ones that can figure it out. Like this bus driver in Japan.

and a lot of people think pre-modern society was horrible in just about every respect and not worth reproducing.

Don't then. If you're not reproducing the future state of humanity is not really your business.

You have to pay huge sums of money (tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars) for very painful, potentially risky surgery - for MtFs, facial feminisation surgery - which is literally slicing your face open, shaving your bones with a saw, and stitching it back up - tracheal shave, voice feminisation surgery, hairline reduction, and some more. All of this you do if you want to pass as a normal member of the opposite sex instead of a freak that's the butt of jokes.

But how does anything like this make one a woman? I don't think women need to shave their bones etc to be 'women'.

Wouldn't it be easier to address the underlying psychological issues?

Allegedly, meditation and other buddhist practices aim to free one from their every desire, wouldn't such practices help liberate one from the desires of having shorter bones, higher voice, etc?

Alternatively, there are great advances in technology every day. If at the crux the issue is of self-perception, couldn't some version of virtual glasses help with that? AI software miniaturized in smart glasses + headphones could potentially overlay corrected audio-visual information in real-time. That way the patient would have the impression of a body matching their idealization of it, and in every social interaction, correct the pronouns, intonations, and speech content to avoid any misgendering distress.

One could even envision a program that gradually reduces the level of correction if the patient's condition somehow improves. Something that could be very finely-tuned.

it's obvious that most of the drug addicts already have access to effective lethal injections if they wanted to use them, so the ones who are alive are probably ones who don't want help dying.

Yet fentanyl is a notoriously lethal drug. It appears hard to argue that somebody voluntarily taking fentanyl or products routinely laced with fentanyl is not somewhere, seeking death.

Perhaps I just have a tendency to find slopes slippery, but a community that chooses to turn a blind eye to this type of practice seems to be practicing some form of soft MAID. If supporters of 'soft-MAID' are uncomfortable with calling it MAID, why is that? Is there something wrong with helping people end their suffering?

Here is a quick rundown of some infamous 20th century French philosophers

Queer-theory jeopardy

Some videos of French intellectuals going on TV to celebrate having sex with children/teenagers.

An undergraduate paper on the subject

One excerpt of interest p35:

As sexuality—feminine, homosexual, and otherwise—coursed through public discourse in the early 1970s, a group of men styling themselves as twentieth century Marquise de Sades or Dom Jauns began to publish pedophilic literature and receive recognition in literary circles. These men—Tony Duvert and Gabriel Matzneff—were both little known writers before they made their careers between 1973 and 1975 releasing celebrated novels and essays that described affairs with minors in detail. Matzneff’s Les moins de seize ans (The Under Sixteens) lauds sex with adolescents as an act of sexual liberation to protest the moral order and publishes letters from his young lovers as proof of their enjoyment.

Matzneff was welcomed on the television show Apostrophes in 1975 to promote the book and articulate an ethics of individual development that arose out of the sex lives of minors. For him, the “strength and novelty of the affective and sexual impulses” of “children between ten and sixteen” opened a “fertile” field of sexual possibilities—both with people of their own age or an older lover—that would allow them to “discover themselves, the beauty and richness of the world and its creation.”

What is better, a very competent person enacting a very evil agenda, or an incompetent person attempting to enact a good agenda?

If somehow whoever got into office did exactly nothing, it would still be 100% better than somebody getting into office and continuing existing policy by Biden, Clinton, Bush, etc.

vs just making things worse for everyone

As it stands, bad people are the ones who have the most to lose.

Perhaps they do not like interacting with people whose opinions get them banned on large Western websites.

If killing ~1200 people is a genocide, what is Israel doing to the Palestinians now?

If it is successful, it makes other people perceive you like a woman, which is one of the goals.

What kind of medical treatment has other people than the patient as targets?

It's not purely a psychological issue. A large number of trans people have underlying hormonal issues - in FtMs, PCOS and congenital adrenal hyperplasia are very common, and there's growing evidence that a number of mutations and physical conditions are associated with it.

You seem to believe PCOS to be a symptom of gender dysphoria while it could very well be that gender dysphoria is a symptom of PCOS, or a symptom of another underlying cause causing both dysphoria and PCOS.

Otherwise, trans people report better functioning and mental health on cross-sex hormones even if they change nothing else.

Source? They gave placebo hormones to transists and they compared results to transists with the real deal?

Meditation and Buddhist practice help you come to peace with what you can't change, sure.

No, I think there is a certain component of it that has to do with examining your own desires and then being able to interact with them, and change them.

Using these tools, the mindfulness-based therapist teaches a client to be in the here and now as well as break away from negative thought patterns that can cause a decline into a mood-disordered state; this therapy can help a person fight off a difficult frame of mind before it takes hold.

It is possible to learn how to break away from negative thought patterns (for example: this part of my body is male and I need to see a surgeon, instead of: I love how male this part of my body is!)

It seems to me that you are not your gender dysphoria. If you are a person who is bad at math, then you can study hard and get a to a certain skill level where you can be confident solving some math problems.

It appears to me that if you are a person who is bad at seeing herself in her birth sex, then this is something they can practice and grow more confident in, instead of lobbing off body parts and playing with disguises for their whole life.

This sound similar in effect to giving amputees a headset that superimposes a CGI limb on top of their prosthesis - it can help a little, sure, but it does nothing for touch and proprioception, actual functionality.

What would that even look like? How would you know what the opposite sex proprioception feels like? Even if you took cross-sex hormones and then felt that your skin feels different, how would you know that this is the same feeling that somebody of the other sex feels?

Others will still see an amputee, plus you'll be acutely aware that you're living a lie - in addition to having to occasionally take off the glasses.

I don't see in which version of 'gender-affirming therapy' you would not be aware that you had your bones shaved etc.

in addition to having to occasionally take off the glasses.

They could be surgically-implanted as well.

From an ethno-nationalist point of view, rule by USSR had much better consequences than rule by EU/NATO-aligned globalists. See this convenient experiment in Germany.

On the other hand, if you're talking about some kind of authoritarianism/freedom axis, surely Europe is becoming more right-wing one migrant at a time. Sharia law soon brothers. Now that's trad.

Are you using these with any sort if rigor or is it just evil = globohomo,libs, person who I disagree with,etc etc

Well this is all subjective interpretation, but the point is the same. If your top priority is X, you should vote for a fool gunning for X and perhaps Y, and Z that they have little chance of disturbing too greatly rather than a very competent person running for opposite-of-X.

I think the actual choice is usually a pick between different variations of politicians who claim they want X-lite, and offer proposals that match X-lite, but then immediately compromise or do the opposite of X-lite once in power.

Ah yes only bad people ever suffer during the power vacuum of government system collapse.

People always suffer. Government system collapse can be a good thing if the government system has become too overbearing. This is not a new thing in North-American history.

'Haven't you considered that you too would suffer if the King's rule was upended?' said the Loyalist.

It's funny the way you talk about voters, malcontents, etc. It sounds like you think that a lot of people should not have political rights.

Why can't they vote RIGHT says the respectable, educated, democracy-enjoyer.

NOT THE DEMAGOG, you're only supposed to vote for the candidate that MY global media corporation tells you to!

They can't ignore them, they have to counter-balance the existing signal.

Less well-adjusted black people show up in the news for murder, sex trafficking, carjacking, shoplifting, brawls, failing schools... When there's a successful one in a talk-show they often have some kind of sob-story of under-privileged community, overcoming some system's injustice or other...

It appears that the only chance to see successful Blacks in respectable professions (not political/grievance activism but as judge, police chief, surgeon...) or as quiet, satisfied customers is when they are acting, directed by non-blacks.

What seems strange to me with progressives is that after rejecting most Christian values that constituted the backbone of Western civilization, they still hold on to some of them arbitrarily.

'Kinkshaming' is bad, sex work is good, but rape is still some kind of immense evil. Raping a sex worker should be seen as a variant of theft and assault. Raping a promiscuous person some kind of assault, depending on the circumstances.

If it's up to a Christian person not to be offended by porn, drag shows, Pride parades, and all of the other almost inescapable manifestations of progressive values, why can't a feminist put the awkwardness or repulsion of unwanted sex aside?

White People: Your Comfort Is Not Our Problem

Women: Your Comfort Is Not Our Problem

As the joke goes, statistically, 9 out of 10 people enjoy gangrape. Rape is not your thing, it does not mean that you have a right to deprieve other people of their fun.

I think I did see some European progressives defending immigrant rapists to the tune of 'they don't know it's wrong, it's their culture', aside from that rape still seem like a big taboo. Another exception seems to be with the topic of transwomen in bathrooms/prisons.

Now that every progressive woman is probably using anti-pregnancy contraptions, the worst outcome of rape seems to be some discomfort, especially if the receiving end does not struggle.

At a time where suggestions are made to abolish police forces or to provide financial reparations, would it be so crazy to include physical reparations to those who have unfairly been deprived of physical affection?

Is the PUA-scene still a thing?

My understanding of it was that the main message was: Go outside (touch grass), talk to as many women as possible and then you'll catch one or several. Wrapped up with some lingo, florid description, esoteric psychology, and with additional tips for managing multiple relationships/women. Nothing groundbreaking.

I think it did work for the average guy, until Tinder and other apps destroyed the market.

I would expect Covid to be the final nail, what with going outside literally being made illegal in many places.

I'm sure there are still coaches, but even back then it already seemed like too much effort, I can't imagine the sales speech to convince guys to make getting laid their 2nd job.

Yes you the lucky few who gets to live in a blue neighborhood with the right balance of diversity that white people feel proud that their kids have a balanced learning environment enriched with a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that corporate elites love to broadcast, but not such that the local schools scores go down too sharply.

Supposedly you're not walking your dog by the projects.

It appears that you're not the target for these 'black people are wonderful but in a relatable way' ads.

The right of self-determination of Ukrainians is first and foremost not to be sent into a meatgrinder by conscription officers. The women of Ukraine have this right, and like a lot of modern people in that situation, they simply choose to live somewhere else.

To the most liberal, Western-minded young Ukrainians the 'special military operation' has been a great bounty. They finally were able to obtain a visa to Miami, NYC, Los Angeles or any European capital. They'll probably pay lip-service to the 'cause' to assure their status in their local circle of liberals, but they might not be thinking of ever going back.

Perhaps the middle-aged Ukrainians who have not grown up with Western propaganda online and feel unable to learn a foreign language go either way, they are attached to their country and see Russians either as enemies or former brothers in the Soviet Union.

Then there are the retirees who are (probably?) exempt from conscription, and may still feel nostalgic for the glory days of Bandera and think perhaps the wrong guys won the 'Great Patriotic War'. I'm not sure how they reconcile that with a desire to join NATO/EU or even voting for Zelensky.

Either way I think the most important development in all of this is that post-internet, nationalism cannot really be a thing. It's hard to convince the youth to die for your government after years of telling them that the people who just arrived have as much of a claim to the country as they do.

What's the difference if Russia takes Ukraine? That's like a change in government. Before it was Trump, now it's Biden.

Would an American zoomer care if China bombed the local strip mall, apartment complex full of Somalis and Venezuelians, the Indian-owned gas station, the gender-correction clinic etc? Perhaps they want to die for 'transkids'? Maybe if China bombed Instagram's or Netflix' servers and made it go dark they'd care? If the situation is too dire they can always move somewhere else (if somewhere else is at peace, that is), after all they were told they would own nothing and they'd be happy, so why here specifically?

Who on this website would go die in a trench for their government and under what circumstances? This is the first step to clear before allowing yourself to symbolically vote for somebody who wants to 'ear-mark' money for these foreign wars.

Where you see any "acceptance" of pedophilia?

Well out of the intellectuals of the 20th century, I believe American college students are a lot less exposed to Hitler's ideas on men, women and children than on those of Foucault, Deleuze, Sartre, Beauvoir, etc.

Yes, and these people lost as decisively you can lose.

Why all the outrage about the so-called 'don't say gay' Florida bill then? Why do teachers feel entitled to talk about sex with children? Why are kids getting brought to drag shows?

Why are kids made to make decisions about their genitals and whether they should undergo normal puberty or not?

Why such concern about books banned from school libraries ? No, they are not talking about Henry Ford's or Charles Murray's writings, but here is an example :

Some people have called the book sexually explicit, while other parents said they want to see their kids exposed to people from all walks of life.

Why do school libraries need explicit sexual material?

Why are women and children considered military threats to the Israeli governments?

I'm not really getting your point here.

Why should I pay more for stuff because some whiny American doesn't want to work for what I'm willing to pay. Those Mexicans are damn glad to get my money, and besides, they do the work and don't complain.

He owns a garage and auto body shop and refuses to pay his employees.

Should he go recruit a bunch of qualified workers in Honduras then? How would you feel if Guatemalans (or Indians, or Poles, or AI...) started offering lawyer services at one half of your rate and you started losing customers?

Would you be upset at your former customers if they told you 'Why should I pay more for stuff because some whiny American doesn't want to work for what I'm willing to pay'?

I don't really see what the big deal is?

You are upset that there are people who you would want to work with that you cannot work with? Like who? You need a specific plumber from Guatemala? What specific tasks need to be performed locally that it's impossible to find somebody local to perform equivalent work?

Professionals have been working remotely for a few decades now, you could literally manage a company with somebody without ever seeing them face to face if you wanted. Unless they're in Russia and some other countries that non-nationalist governments have decided to isolate from financial services, what's the issue?

If sharing a physical location with these people is so important for you, have you considered moving? Surely libertarians could get together, pool some money and figure out a way to make their border-free utopia a reality.

There are a lot fewer proud pedophiles selling diaries of their titillating pedophile adventures on French TV (or any other TV as far as I know) today than in the 70s.

Who do you see on this list of 'mixed-age sex' supporters ?

Perhaps you were trying to get with a philosophy/sociology major and you've heard of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Jacques Derrida, Louis Aragon, Roland Barthes, Louis Althusser, Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre?

Who I do not see are people like Alain de Benoist, considered influential with the alt-right movement in the United States. Or his buddies Jean-Yves Le Gallou, Yvan Blot, and Henry de Lesquen.

There's considerable variation on this.

all you have to do is go to where the people with respectable professions live.

Then I'd see white people, Indians, Asians. There's only so many middle-class black people to go around, and they are not equally distributed across the country.

but that doesn't make the large percentage of reasonable, peaceable, moderately successful black people stop existing.

Police chiefs, judges and surgeons are not 'moderately successful' imo. My point is that these people are largely invisible to the average American, except on TV, where they are mostly race-hustlers, or paid actors at work.

The average American knows that 'black' neighborhoods are not places you want to spend too much time in, 'black' schools are not places they want their kids to attend, and unless they personally know Mr Smith down the street, a black face in their neighborhood is cause for some concern.

There's a spectrum of black people Americans interact with, I'm not saying you have to be a surgeon to be respectable / not a petty criminal.

The ones that ads usually portray are basically 'average middle-class white American but dark-skinned' and I really don't think that's that common. For example the rates of parents having children together within wedlock etc are different.