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User ID: 2675



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User ID: 2675

Portland is not quite progressive enough. Why not go all the way like Canada and have MAID for drug addicts? Now that's a compassionate way to handle social issues.

As someone who voted for the referendum back in 2020, I'm a little sad that some of the overdose deaths are on my hands. Kind of.

Don't worry, there is still time for even more deaths for your buck.

  • -23

I don't see the big deal. Clearly you are both adults that have been presumably been involved for a while and yet she is still your 'girlfriend'. If you were anything but a current-year-feminist you would go from 'woman I am courting' to 'fiancée' to 'wife'.

She would be too busy making friends with soon-to-be mothers or mothers to entertain they/them and this would not even come up. As far as language policing goes, you would be having arguments over which racial slurs are acceptable to say in front of your offspring.

What is it to you?

My 'girlfriend' is 1% more progressive than me, what am I gonna do?

Ancestors cry just the same.

While in our modern cultural milieu, all of the above are almost universally interlinked, my bugbear with any of them is that they're taken too far, rather than me denying women equal rights or considering alternate sexualities sinful. I'm certainly not colorblind anymore.

As for whether gay men having piss orgies or fucking till their assholes big enough to drive through, why should I give a fuck? If they're not raping me, I have no reason to care.

I respect the right of anyone to self-infect with anything, as long as it's not contagious by normal means, and in the case of HIV, as long as they disclose to potential partners or refrain from donating blood and the like. Is it deeply stupid? Of course. I don't think that's grounds for it to be illegal by itself, until it infringes on my safety or freedom. Since the piss orgy relates to the nothing-burger of monkeypox, which didn't spread significantly outside the gay community, it doesn't reach that level of concern.

People with the behavior that you describe strike me as some kind of experiment in the development of new infectious agents. In other words biolabs, or biological warfare laboratories. They should be banned according to the Biological Weapons Convention.

I understand that you could have a professional bias toward keeping as many customers coming back again and again, but for us regular folks, these behaviors pose a significant threat.

There are a lot of the former that won't want anything to do with the latter. Even wider - a lot of people who object to child transitions, kid drag shows and other insanities don't actually mind if two adult dudes fuck each other, if they'd like so.

Well they can join the pro-homo commune if that's a central value to them. I don't see a way to rollback the Progress™ to LGB without the T, a sort of 2000s conservatism, without risking the Progress to re-roll back in immediately, like it already did in the 2010s.

I think a lot of people don't care that much about the 'two adults behind closed doors' problem, but the community has moved way past that a long time ago.

None of the things that you characterize as 'insanities' would exist if their perpetrators were shamed into the 'closet', or better, if they were not able to propagate the very idea of them.

Again, nobody will choose to isolate themselves into enclaves or move to less-technologically-advanced countries if they did not feel strongly about any of these issues.

I don't expect this to happen before some major political changes, perhaps a full-on Covid-style ban on freedom of association, ban on homeschooling, massive zoning changes... Could take 5 years like it could take 20.

I think what @dmz is saying is that we could and should use algorithmic tool to filter out signal from noise in internet content. Perhaps they are trying to demonstrate the problem. This is definitely a good point. The issue I believe is how to monetize these internet elites. They are currently enjoying a public internet that is mostly subsidized by users that are not tech-literate enough to block ads, avoid subscriptions, etc.

Interestingly this is what Twitter was pre-Musk, for blue checkmarks. Journalists and other members of the LGBTQMAP+ community enjoyed the privilege to only read content produced by their tribe on the entire website. Until Musk made the checkmark something that anybody could simply rent for $8 a month, then they all got to enjoy @Poopypopo1488 thoughtful insights.

However it seems that the original nerds that founded the internet, open-source backbone, with its free-thinking, un-credentialed, irreverent soul... They've completely bowed down to the actual elites.

On one side mingling with the corporate types to provide tech solutions to more efficiently bomb humble goat-herders or spy on their nerd brethren, on the other side bowing to the academia yahoos hard at work to redefine human nature.

Once in a while one of them tries to challenge the powers-that-be, only to be reminded who the real boss is.

In a post 9/11, post-wikileak, post-covid world, do we really want a fraction of the people with a modicum of power to have a convenient way to propagate truth?

It not only can, but is. Splinternets have been a thing for quite awhile now and all countries (including the US) engage in this sort of cyber balkanization.

Yes, so Ukraine does not qualify as a country (therefore Ukrainian nationalism is an oxymoron) by that definition, as its citizens are either living in the Western memeplex of the EU/US or of Russia's.

My point is that it makes no sense to say that leftism as a whole is suspect because some leftists are pedophiles.

Well you've successfully defeated the argument that I was not making, thank you for correcting the record.

As for the Sexual Revolution specifically, I am sure that you could have removed every single leftist pedophile who existed back then and the Sexual Revolution would still have happened almost entirely the same as it actually happened historically.

Of course if you only remove the pedophiles you're not resolving 100% of the issue. If American universities started purging pro-pedophile thinkers from their programs like European institutions Russian-related material after 2022, there would be a lot less progressive propaganda going around.

As the meme goes, 'first they came for the pedophiles, and I did not speak out, because I was not a pedophile...'

'(...) then they stopped coming because every problem had basically been resolved'.

What seems strange to me with progressives is that after rejecting most Christian values that constituted the backbone of Western civilization, they still hold on to some of them arbitrarily.

'Kinkshaming' is bad, sex work is good, but rape is still some kind of immense evil. Raping a sex worker should be seen as a variant of theft and assault. Raping a promiscuous person some kind of assault, depending on the circumstances.

If it's up to a Christian person not to be offended by porn, drag shows, Pride parades, and all of the other almost inescapable manifestations of progressive values, why can't a feminist put the awkwardness or repulsion of unwanted sex aside?

White People: Your Comfort Is Not Our Problem

Women: Your Comfort Is Not Our Problem

As the joke goes, statistically, 9 out of 10 people enjoy gangrape. Rape is not your thing, it does not mean that you have a right to deprieve other people of their fun.

I think I did see some European progressives defending immigrant rapists to the tune of 'they don't know it's wrong, it's their culture', aside from that rape still seem like a big taboo. Another exception seems to be with the topic of transwomen in bathrooms/prisons.

Now that every progressive woman is probably using anti-pregnancy contraptions, the worst outcome of rape seems to be some discomfort, especially if the receiving end does not struggle.

At a time where suggestions are made to abolish police forces or to provide financial reparations, would it be so crazy to include physical reparations to those who have unfairly been deprived of physical affection?

I'd wear a mask. Plus if seeing it a little bit bothers people it's a them problem not a me problem.

Medical surgery is just called surgery. If there is no function being restored except 'I need to change other people's perception of me' then it seems to be frivolous, vain, a waste of everybody's time really.

Another facet of this morality problem of the modern-Westerners-in-Christian-skinsuit is regarding children. If you do not care whether your children grow up to stay chaste then enter Christian-opposite-sex-marriage-for-life, then...

Surely if a child is old enough to make important social decisions about their sexual identity, or taking artificial hormones, why would they not be old enough to engage in sexual practices?

Why would it be immoral for you to make your child available to adults that may want to engage in sexual practices with them, or initiate them to sexual practices, like the government is doing with sex education? Why are they offended about being labelled a groomer? They should be able to proudly reclaim the g-word like sex workers the w-word and rappers the n-word.

Aside from this extreme example related to children, why do progressives sometimes complain about age gaps in relationships? Isn't dating an older man empowering? It's ageplay, it's domination, it's a kink, why do they shame?

One weird trick. The Messiah conquered the whole world with a simple suggestion: love thy enemies.

How to get rid of Hamas:

There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Well the whole government of Israel uses Israeli civilians as their excuse to genocide the Palestinian people yes.

Hamas targeted Israeli civilians this is why we are retaliating against Palestinian civilians

Who knows how many IDF veterans were at that festival as well.

It's hard to explain. The traditionalist right pretty much died out when the USSR and Americans allied to crush them. Then whatever fringe was left was crushed by a combination of consumerism (industrial society), chemical warfare (contraception), and massive amount of propaganda. Anyone with eyes can see that Western (American) media is a much bigger threat to native cultures than anything coming out of Russia or China. Perhaps because the West is the most effective vehicle of the Industrial Revolution. A less effective ruler can be a good thing, if the ruler's objectives are opposite to the survival of your people.

From an actual ethnonationalist point of view, people in Estonia, Latvia and to a lesser extent Lithuania certainly remember that rule by USSR meant a real, existing risk of their nationalities really, genuinely becoming minorities in their titular homelands

Yes or they could have been Belgians. I doubt Belgians will exist as an ethnic group in the next 50 years, after so charitably hosting the EU parasite. Meanwhile Poland is just as white as the Nazi ethnic cleansing left it.

If by the "Ukrainian people" you mean the people in charge behind Biden and Zelensky. There's a surprising number of people in Biden's inner circle that seem to have ties to a certain region West of Russia.

Blinken told the story of his stepfather, who was the only Holocaust survivor of the 900 children of his school in Poland. Pisar found refuge in a U.S. tank after making a break into the forest during a Nazi death march. Nuland was born Shepsel Ber Nudelman in The Bronx, New York City, on December 8, 1930, to immigrant parents, Meyer Nudelman (a Moldovan Jewish garment repairman, 1889–1958)[5][6] and Vitsche Lutsky (a Belarusian Jew, 1893–1941).[5][7] Merrick Brian Garland [...] grandparents left the Pale of Settlement in the western Russian Empire in the early 20th century, fleeing antisemitic pogroms in what is now Ukraine and Poland, and seeking a better life for their children in the United States. ...

Realistically speaking, the men getting sent to the meat-grinder at gun point are not a threat to Zelensky. Only people close to him, you know, whoever flies him around to Canada and the US etc.

Which 'negative outgroup stereotype' are you referring to? Is MAID not an existing policy? Is drug tolerance not also an existing policy? What bothers you specifically, that I refer to these 2 existing policies and associate them with the people who generally support them, or that I refer to these 2 existing policies in conjunction?

Are we not allowed to talk about specific policies if somebody can hypothetically infer that these policies lead to bad outcomes?

The people making the rules and the people bearing the costs of those rules are almost never the same people (the universal example being "child" vs. "adult").

That's a good thing if you've ever talked to a child, you would understand why you don't want to put them in charge.

By keeping formal groupings like this out of law, we ensure that said above-average members have the opportunity to keep more of what their surplus of virtue/intelligence/time preference inherently provides them

That's only a problem for a minority of a minority. By definition, not the concern of the majority of the majority (that is the people who make laws).

having the eugenic effect we're hoping

I'm not hoping for eugenic effects. Perhaps if we're hoping for eugenic effects for a minority group, we would hope that excluding them would incentive the above-average members to break away and lead their group to success... somewhere else.

(i.e. a restaurant that seats blacks with the other customers in a cultural milieu where society at large doesn't like that- having to sit in the back is effectively a tax, since you'll have to spend more money just to get the same experience that whites get just by walking in the front door).

I don't see the issue with that. If they are above-average, then paying that tax shouldn't be a problem to them. They should also be able to understand that the experience they're coveting is a product of the work of a group they do not belong to, that they may not be able to obtain from their own group, and value that accordingly. If they can obtain the same experience from their own group, then what a great bargain for them!

below-average Brahmins who otherwise lost the genetic lottery that shouldn't be in that school anyway. So you'll get better results by being able to exclude them, and if you're going to exclude them for the same reasons you'd exclude the Irish... why the extra rule?

A very simple question of logistics. If you're looking for 10 workers who can lift 50 lbs and you can hire somebody to test 50 candidates for the job, do you have them test 25 women and 25 men, or instead test 30-40 men until you get 9-10 workers and perhaps spend the remaining time looking at a few abnormally large women?

Nothing prevents you from excluding both the Irish and the lower-achieving Brahmins. If the Irish are significantly under-performing and also causing additional problems (disorder, violence, social inadequacy) then you're just saving money in admissions, discipline, remedial programs...

The first is concern trolls being rewarded for taking "is it because I'm black?" seriously

Answer: yes - instead of having a whole ChatGPT-like paragraph of non-committed denial hoping not to get sued.

It seems that we do already agree as you point out that the Western society we live in already has discrimination, just not the 'right' type of discrimination.

It's very hard to guarantee fairness when you're trying to levy taxes this way; that's why the compromise for the last 60 years has been "well then, don't", and why attempts to change this, universally have all been/are all in bad faith.

The compromise has been 'don't discriminate against groups that the post-WW2 globalist consensus has deemed to be special', not really 'don't discriminate' in general. Is there really somebody living who with a straight-face can say that they do not support one form of discrimination or another?

Any progressive not supporting 'safespaces' for queers, POC or women, 'my body my choice' for aborting mothers not antivaxxers?

Oh no ze Germans are coming, we can't just let them make trains come on time and grow our GDP!

Can you imagine if the French soccer team was full of blond-haired, blue-eyed men instead of beautiful diversity?

If only Americans had laws like the English in the 13th century to prevent certain moneyed interests from accumulating excessive political power.

Things are changing tho, the wheel of history is as usual turning, and the unexplainable, unfathomable ugliness of antisemitism is once again rearing its head.

It should all work out this time around tho.

If you fell for this, it could be that most of the arguments you thought you won decisively was just one of your own letting you win to boost your confidence. Your ideology should pay for deceiving you and others by projecting this fake image.

Where are the people arguing against (white) nationalism?

There seems to be a general refusal to ever defend multiculturalism as the Western world spends billions refereeing border disputes between people one can hardly tell apart.

but I need to compensate for my other male characteristics.

No you don't. There are plenty of out-of-shape women, with bad skin etc.

Compare my situation to the stereotypical gay man hooking up with a new partner every weekend, or a straight incel addicted to porn?

If I didn’t transition and all I did was wear the headphones and glasses, people’s actions wouldn’t reflect them seeing me as a woman no matter how you edited their words.

You don't have enough imagination.

Like if I went to a bar, no straight man would actually want to take me home (and they might punch me if the AR system edited their words to mean sexual advances).

The smart glasses would take you to the gay tranner bar full of gay men looking for other gay men wearing smart glasses.

I would still have male genitals and feel there them even if I didn’t see them, and the outline of my body wouldn’t match where I put my hands.

No because you'd be under the impression that all normal women have male genitalia as well.

Also if I applied makeup wouldn’t it look all wrong since it would edit my facial proportions?

Your face would look like it never needs makeup applied and even if you did apply makeup badly, it'd look great to you and you'd never hear anybody complain about it.

it's being uncomfortable about being the sex you are and feeling more comfortable if you adopt the characteristics of the opposite sex.

Which are pretty nebulous as far as I know. There are plenty of flat-chested short-haired females out there but you needed long-hair and neo-breasts to feel better about yourself.

Either way you provided evidence suggesting that women with dysphoria should get anti-androgens to be cured, not cross-sex hormones (androgens).

What about you, have you tried supplementing androgens instead?

I dated and hooked up with plenty of gay men prior to transitioning. Gay men are actively uninterested in femininity and lost interest after I grew my hair long and such.

So you had no issue dating before growing your hair long? Plenty of straight men go with women with short hair as well.

I'm now in a long-term relationship with a bisexual man and we could certainly get married, adopt children (or go through surrogacy) and buy a house in a suburb. Ironically, I'm more comfortable now with having a family and the normal monogamous life that conservatives are a fan of, than I ever was before.

Idk about other conservatives but when I think "normal monogamous life" I'm not thinking about your situation. Also the guy you're dating, would he care if you told him to call you 'dude' instead of 'sweetie'?

Why the thinly veiled misogyny?

No misogyny, I'm merely suggesting an hypothetical device that would simulate every single social interaction in such a way that you could attribute certain dispositions to one sex while every single individual is actually completely identical in their behavior with no sexual dimorphism whatsoever.

Not sure I understand this part? The glasses wouldn't change how others treated me beyond the superficial - which pronouns and intonations absolutely are.

All I'm saying is that the glasses and headphones would come together to create the perfect 'I am a woman'-simulation, no matter what other people are actually saying.

No, not necessarily, unless we're talking specifically about social/political/economical views regarding sexual mores. ie you can make a reasonable argument that somebody supports importing enslaved young boys because they have a history of pursuing having sex with young boys

In the case of these French leftists, we have a combination of people who advocated changing French laws regarding the age of consent/sexuality in general and people who were going on vacation to Tunisia or other foreign countries to have sex with young boys (and girls).

In some cases, some of these people explicitly argued that they wanted an existing oppressive social and legal system changed in order to make it more convenient and less risky to fulfill their sexual desires. This ended up being called the Sexual Revolution.

Tutorial is called 'Acts' but you need to figure out the rest as well and make it your own before you can hope to spread the Word.

NYC itself is under threat from the open southern border situation:

New York City Will Be Destroyed by Migrant Influx—Eric Adams

Ukraine did not even need foreign help to defend Kiev from Mexicans, yet the US are still pouring billions into the country.

  • Is this referring to the fact that Zelensky (and Bibi) are Jews? If so … I don’t think that’s the most relevant fact about the US support of Ukraine

Ukraine was a border province of the USSR 40 years ago, there were some border disputes with their neighbors ~5 years ago, but suddenly they elect a member of the powerful entertainment industry lobby and the border dispute becomes a major conflict.

Both Israel and Ukraine's leaders are mere puppet of the real masters of this world... the shadowy leaders of the secret group sometimes referred to as Hollywood.

Hollywood mogul acknowledges gifts to Netanyahu may have been ‘excessive’