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Yeah the irony is the kind of people so transparently itching for a fight with dysfunctional black America is dysfunctional white America.

At the time it seemed farfetched but since then we learned that he really did sleep with a pornstar. If these events had happened in reverse I'd find it highly plausible he did that kinky Russian prostitute thing too.

The bigger lesson is that rich and famous people really are engaged in crazy things that the rest of us don't get to do. A separate moral universe.

"To make sure 85-year-old can live to 86?"

Yikes, I see a sentiment like this and it makes me think it's not the left that is on the side of some kind of youth cult that disrespects elders but rather the libertarian right, which is just the entire American right it seems, even when they're not talking about wealth creation and entrepreneurship. There's a flippant, distinctly young healthy male attitude to so much of their thinking

Actually no, I don't think every gross old rich guy does have whores. Much less famous pornstars.

Arnold Kling has a saying, a sort of right wing spin on this, that, "Markets are unfair. Use markets."

It has the same He Giveth and He Taketh Away result.

There is no such thing as all black people and all white (or other racial groups) people getting along.

Interesting. Oppositional defiant disorder sounds like the opposite of "mass formation psychosis." Pathological consensus versus pathological anti-consensus.

That's an interesting question. For years conservatives have wondered why the economic powerhouses are not salt of the earth places like Iowa but degenerate coastal cities.

My guess is it's an attempt to accommodate body types they associate with the Global south. Primarily Africa, and furthermore West Africa.

This resonates. If the general culture was so oppressive toward white males what I should be seeing is my friends, most of whom are white males and more successful than me, doing poorly and not understanding why and looking to me for the answer. After all, I'm the one that pays so much attention to politics.

The thing missing here is some kind of class analysis. Of course it gets tricky because if you're smart enough to see the class dimension to life - not as visible as racing attendant racial oppression - you begin confronting "you made your bed" problems if you're not particularly successful. So you have to acknowledge that and say "I chose to be less successful than I could have been in order to complain about the plight of everyone else who couldn't choose."

I pulled an Altman with Anna Khachiyan's voice, incidentally: https://x.com/DainFitzgerald/status/1791195409383292992

Elizabeth Taylor as Cleopatra seems equally outlandish. Time for the flip-side I guess...

Curiously, when I googled Netflix Cleopatra the first story appears critical, at least at a glance: https://greekcitytimes.com/2023/04/13/queen-cleopatra-netflix/?amp

Article can't get enough of the turn "blackwashed" like some kind of anti-woke SEO strategy.

They sold them the Patriot missile system, and F-16s allegedly on the way.

Feeling your way around an issue beats reason and knowledge any day. The illiberal trads and woke can agree on that.

Funny how the right is now in the position the left was wrt color blind meritocratic liberal centrism. "Oh, NOW you want to wipe the slate clean, after everything was in white people's/covidians' favor that whole time?"

Wrt the advertising industry, there was an amusing but brief series with Steve Coogan on Showtime years back, called "Happiness" iirc, that depicted the downside of becoming middle-aged in advertising.

Okay. I've seem quite a few blue checks who don't seem to get any more engagement than if they had never shelled out for that. You can't get lower than zero likes or replies.

But maybe they're just really terrible at getting attention, or agreeing enough with any subculture of Twitter users. Premium gives them no boost.

How determinative is age really, on covid policy opinion? The youthful Briahna Joy Gray e.g. appears to agree with the oldies on this subject.

I'd love if we could get their health coverage in exchange for our military coverage.

A mainstream right winger wrote the huffpo piece?

I thought Huffington Post and Gawker and other "new Media" folk of the early 2010s were no longer relevant. But they can still wipe the floor with upstarts like Substack it seems.

Good comment. Sort of goes to disprove "Twitter isn't real life."

Maybe they show that they care about the ugly by not wanting to explicitly refer to them as ugly and reify it.

I know it's hilarious right. But yes that too, sure.

Cycle of violence my friend. I'm going to assume with a comment like that that your family ought to be Roman-offed.