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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

If you think delays and cancellations are anoying, just wait until every airport ever has to plan for an unlimited number of unexpected pitstops from an unlimited number or airplanes in a given day. The Airlines would cease to exist before the end of the week.

Or more easily, just maintain the status quo and no "pitstops" when the plane is in the air.

Through vibes obviously...

I’ve always included the pick up artist community in the alt right for example.

But why?. The mayority may lean right in the politics spectrum, but there must be a sizable left population in that community, right?.

same for me, and I'm on PC.

They promoted gender differences an alt right position.

Do you mean sex differences here? because gender differences or differences in gender roles is a mainly Leftist Idea, so it reads really weird if you mean that.

Doesn't woke signaling indicate that she won't represent the straight and white except her close family and associates?

While I agree with the rest I find this curious:

blankly asserting that they are all mentally ill

But aren't they sufferers of Body Dysmorphia which was (is?) a mental illness? or why would they want to change their body if it wasn't a mental illness? Are you asserting that being trans is normal?

why are you conflating sex with gender (Gender roles)?

Isn't being demonized and being in the bottom of the totem pole mean being unrepresented (and even being openly antagonized)? after all, it's not like there will be a moment in time when there isn't something than a prioritized group will want/need, that she can point to and use as an excuse for why she doesn't attend to the white devils needs?.

Functionally it looks to me as the same as being unrepresented, but with a dangling carrot forever out of reach.

I don't think she would summarily ignore them because that person is white. She may choose to prioritize other constituents above them, but that's something all representatives have to decide on how to prioritize.

If the result is the same and the only thing that changes is the justification (Ignored because they are white vs. ignored because a minority takes precedence), I don't see how you can say that they are represented, poorly or otherwise.

Can you answer my question instead of saying meaningless pithy remarks?

no, the bargain struct between progressives and everyone else was that sex was the biological categories of male and female and they were defined by biology; and gender or gender roles was agreed to be the social constructs of woman, man and what have you. Of course, as with anything else the progressives are beginning to renege on the deal (like with the abortion one), and there have been an encroachment of gender on sex, but it still hasn't spread.

Nobody on the right even understands that deal. Agree they are reneging on that. I’m fine with some people being transexual - biologically fuck up.

The deal is not exclusively between progs and republicans, but progs and everyone else including moderate democrats.

Gender is a social construct ? I’ve never had a female buy me dinner because she made more than me. Sounds fun. Doesn’t happen.

So? what is your point there?. I'm just telling you what it has been agreed, if you have a problem with it because females don't pay for your dates take it with them. You can begin by going to the wikipedia page referring with genders (not a perfect source of the definition but it's there at least) and fight it out with the editors there if you want.


Well, I'm sorry to say that the deal was struck already and it doesn't matter your feelings on the subject. I honestly abhor it as anything else feminist but I can't do anything about it, so you are incorrect in that I agreed to this deal.

Notice I'm only saying how it is, I'm not prescribing or advocating here.

If you don't agree to the deal that is fine and your right, but recognize that it will be difficult if not impossible to void as it was made by society at large and a single individual won't affect it.

yes, I agree. In my head sex is the same as gender, it was how I learned about the world and think gender roles are made up bullshit.

Don't think of it too literally, it wasn't a group of people in a conference room signing papers; it was done how everything else is agreed upon in society. A new idea came up in the zeitgeist, in this case the progs idea of Gender and Sex being separate and all that and it gained traction until it became mainstream. But because progs are progs they are pushing again to "Alter the Deal" and merge the 2 again but with their bullshit definitions tacked in.

But it doesn't matter - they're not going to try to win a war here. They just need to make one successful strike anywhere to cause humongous losses to all Western economic system.

This sounds suspiciously like "Of course they aren't going to invade" circa January 2022.

I only found out transsexuals existed 18 months ago,

oh, wow. Speaking of bubbles yours looks to be pretty airtight. Anyway, considering your life situation, I don't think continuing this discussion is really worth the time spend; so let's agree to disagree.

They are affirming that not only is the motivation dumb and it will create needless work, but that it will be abused and create conflict within the field of taxonomy. i.e. They are saying the consequences will be worse than what the OP is proposing.

What I'm wondering is, when is it going to stop?. is a Doc degree in a few years (a decade?) the new bachelors? what happens when everyone and their granny has one? is there going to be a new level made to further incentivize this phenomenom? or is it going to morph into number of degrees held?.

At some point something has to give, right?

I'm assuming that faceh is not only talking about economic cost but societal too. And well as to your second point: "The beatings buses will continue until morale border policy improves"

nor does it rely on reaction time or fast twitch movements like many other competitive video games.

False, just the Summoner Skill "Flash" alone is about reflexes. The opportunity windows in the game are generally in the realm of 1 second in length.

Pretty ominous in light of California SB145. Always get a chuckle from their unintentional mask off moments like: The bill would put an end to “blatant discrimination against young LGBT people engaged in consensual activity,”.

Then you get the "experts" declaring the next flu season as civilization ending.