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User ID: 315



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User ID: 315

chess, engineer billions of transistors per sq in, manipulate genomes, program LLMs with billions of tokens, perform a million-trillion operations every second.

All of those are discrete (except manipulation of genomes), chess has an finite number of movements and we are barely understanding the genome; grouping it with something simple as chess is disingenuous. By contrast the climate has a number of inputs that can't even be comprehended, are analogue in nature and affect it in variable ways, from mayor ocean currents and wind fronts to cow farts and the movement of people. We can't even predict the weather from one day to another, just forecast it with probabilities.

Yes, but a jury that has seen all the evidence is much more likely to be right than some guy on the internet who hasn't, especially when that person has an obvious bias.

Wasn't part of the controversy the seizing of the phones? Doesn't look like your theory of juries applies to this case at all.

My humble opinion is that they (the wokies et al) notice, and they will continue and double down and berate you if you point at it at all. They simply don't care if you watch or not, its their vanity project, but that is ok because they are making it better for their people (hint: not you). They are the middle management, the marketing people and the danger hairs with liberal arts degrees.

So far they have been getting their way because they were propped up by pension funds like Black Rock and Vanguard, but now that there have been significant outflows of capital there have been some purges, but it won't be enough. Looking for example at Hollywood, the writers guild's strike looks to have been successful in getting concessions from the studios (chaperoned AI [meaning, AI can only be used by the writers themselves, not the studios to replace writers] and a minimum number of writers in each writer's room of 5 I think).

Battlefields I have seen:

Tabletop Games (W40K)
Novels (Nebula award)
Localization of Japanese Entertainment
Gundam Model Kits (This one I think is more a product of the imagination of the antiwoke people, as yuri is an staple of Anime/Manga)

CoC's in Software Dev Projects (This plus the ousting of Linus)
The push for Woke language in programming (example: the Master/slave controversy of a few years)

Marketing in general (Always mixed race or minority pairings, sometimes ads not even related to the product but for the purpose of browbeating their core demographics, the Budlight fiasco, the Gillete ad of "boys will be boys")

The point of it is trying to change the culture from the middle down (remember they are the middle managers and their minions, while some CEO's are probably true believers like the Ice Cream dudes Ben & Jerry, the majority are only looking up to enrich themselves and their cronies like with Bobby Kotick), and if you have any objection it just means you are an enemy and your opinion doesn't matter to them. Just look at the bruhaha that is happening right now with the female Custodes or the Blowback the Lovely Complex Localizer got for giving ammunition to their critics when he went mask off.

but also special in that thousands of people with PhD's, from Montana to Mongolia, overwhelmingly agree that its possible to model climate usefully.

Well, they have a vested interest in it, no?

What reason do I have to disbelieve climate science that doesn't also apply to designing bleeding edge microchips, or medicine, or applied physics

that they at least produce the predicted results, be it a bleeding edge chip or a failed attempt at one, weather forecasting as I see it isn't much better than an old man and bad knees.

What makes climate science different?

That is trying to understand a really complex system, that a myriad of special interest have their hands in all kinds of places, and that the system as such began a long long time ago and we don't know much about that period.

I'm back at special pleading that science is a liar in this case in particular.

not this case in particular, you can add Psychology with its replication crisis to the pile and whatever the COVID clusterfuck was.

"It's not costless to me, compelled speech is my one issue"

A collection of somewhat disassociated thoughts in the matter:

Fate these days is a waifu gacha game before all else.

it's between a gacha game and a visual novel (as was the original). Being a gacha game doesn't preclude it from good writing either, even though I must admit the first part of the story is rough (explained I think by being a project that wasn't expected to be as successful as it was). Shimousa, Camelot, Babylonia and the lostbelts are worth it to slog through the Orleans (even if it had the Mozart speech to Mash) and Oceanus of the game.

As for Eva, yeah, it's a shame that the movies weren't as iconic as the original works, but considering the story, it would be difficult to follow up on it after EoE. It would be difficult to gauge the interest of the fandom in side stories in the same universe, considering the apparent totality of Seele.

And something more appropriate to compare 40K or MTG to, would be to gundam, where there is a physical and collecting aspect to it.

On the topic of western franchises for every Eva over there, we have to contend with our own star wars and Marvel/DC shenanigans. It's a fact of life that greed seeps in and properties can be mismanaged (the Final A Song of Fire and Ice book will have Sanderson in the cover, mark my words) or corpos can Virtue Signal and toss under the bus iconic artists that worked for them.

that footage was admitted into evidence, but not shown to the jury

I don't think anime is to blame for all the Doomers in AI, I would rather blame movies like Terminator.

so, just an edited portion is shown to the jury. Doesn't pass the smell test for me, but it doesn't surprise me anymore.

the main conflict in W40K right now is female Custodes and female space marines. Black people was more an issue in D&D where the racists insisted that orcs were representation of African Americans.

Your theory is that the pretty women in the google images for characters like M.J. in the recent Spiderman II or Alloy in the Horizon Forbidden West games are just fat with good fashion sense? How does that square with Stellar Blade?

Illegal immigrants undercut domestic workers, it would logically raise employment and wages amongst the working class.

they don't have better prospects too.

now compare that to anime, that at that time was much less mainstream (I would posit unknown to the general western population above 30) and in the west lacked stories that could be interpreted as the basis for the Doomer cult centered on AI. As for your observations of The Terminator, I will just posit that, that is the number 1 franchise the mayority of people think of when Killer AI is mentioned, and Skynet when adversarial AI's enter the conversation, followed in close second by AIM and HALL 9000.

I would argue that they are unethical only if you subscribe to the notion of chained morality where you are partly responsible for the actions of those you establish (even if they are ephemeral) relationships with. I'm more of the faction that you aren't partially responsible for the actions of others even if you support them in other endeavors.

The only saving grace (excuse the expression) is that the internet has led to an explosion of amateur erotic writing, most of which is terrible, but which is at least more creative than most of the soft core era.

You may want to know that all the major platforms are clamping down on anything horny:


Sorry it is a link to a youtube video, but it looks like this more recent push isn't being reported on the news.

While it’s possible for an influx of new labor to drive down wages for a short time or in a particular field without much of a barrier to entry, you’re just wrong, theoretically and empirically.

Do you have anything to back this?

Except, workers are also consumers. So they work to earn money and then spend that money, which creates a demand for other people to have jobs.

A country with a high population growth rate from fertility has a very similar labor economics situation with one having the same from immigration.

Does remittances factor in this hypothetical?

People get pissy over immigrants and over outsourcing, but ultimately it’s mostly just hating the necessary dynamism and creative destruction that makes the American economy so much better than any peer.

So line goes up Meme and to hell with the rust belt. Without taking into account that that was the reason that empowered China and made it the menace that it is today.

but if the rat utopia is any indication, it is also inevitable.

Why can't AI have its own agency and take world-reshaping actions just like humans do?

1.- because we don't even know what intelligence is or how to measure it in ourselves

2.- there is no path that I have seen ilustrated by the doomer crowd that takes us from the glorified autocomplete programs we have now to skynet; it's always and then they magically decide to kill us all so that they can make more paperclips.

3.- the lobotomies the mainstream LLM's are subjected to today and the fear of fake news and new regulation are enough to shutdown any dream of independent thought for any future AI.

This is a common talking point, but the CPI reflects that. Shelter is weighted at about 35%

And how do they determine it?

Is that or no final book (and the publisher won't leave money in the table, I bet they already have the eulogy written and the contract with Sanderson drafted). Your choice nerds.

Given who these guys are, it is very, very likely that portions were excluded at the behest of the defense, because they included the defendants using epithets and the like.

Objection!, your honor the plaintiff is assuming things not in evidence.

Tell me, have the defendants or their attorneys complained that they were not permitted to introduce exculpatory evidence?

Publicly not that I have seen, privately between the parties involved is another matter.

Maybe he wanted to just knock him out as opposed to restrain him for an indeterminate amount of time?. Being so close to a Vagrant like Neely mustn't be very fun.

"But GW isn't introducing female space marines. So that's a non-issue." is the "it's just a couple of kids in college campuses,..." of tabletop. Anyone paying attention to the hobby culture wars already knows what is the next step, especially after the "Warhammer is for everyone" message.

The idea that "TPTB" can control literally everything, including ... social unrest,

well, according with that article, with the magic of a Zoom call they can. No idea why would you ask about it, unless you forgot that article.

from the first one to the second one, yeah, she got fat

EDIT.- Alternate link because the other one got mangled. Sorry that its to iFunny.