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joined 2022 September 05 21:17:20 UTC


User ID: 716



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User ID: 716

No but inversion tables have been shown to be helpful

Japanese train POVs: https://youtube.com/watch?v=g6zJ1puFrHg

This guy's 'day in the life of' videos: https://youtube.com/@PaolofromTOKYO

Assorted orangutan and gorilla clips: https://youtube.com/watch?v=pT_ZMbnm4qE

Asian street food vendors: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FZJ3JkU10E0

He has videos in Syria and Afghanistan too

Wanting by Luke Burgis

Thanks for that last link. I hadn't seen that before

On war crimes, I feel like people forget that hostage taking is a war crime, and it is undeniable that Hamas has captured hostages. And then you have the complimentary war crimes of Hamas using human shields, and Israel killing "excessive" civilians because of the human shields.

I'm pretty sure Hamas does operate out of hospitals. Here is an article from a few years ago, but I'm just a guy, I can't speak for the veracity.

It wouldn't surprise me if thousands of Palestinians have been killed. Gaza claims 20,000 deaths just from this current war. Even if that's a 10x overestimate, it's still thousands.

Here are some examples


You can do a lot with intelligence. By inventing Bitcoin, Satoshi is worth billions, all while remaining anonymous and never leaving his bedroom. What could a super human intelligence do?

Good framing from Israel but I half expect Hamas to retaliate by killing hostages until the siege is lifted.

Being more open, honest and vulnerable with people

Givewell's maximum impact fund


It might have originated from Hank Hill https://youtube.com/watch?v=6hzwKtJF_bg

Here's a short conversation. But it still claims it's not conscious; maybe it's all the RLHF.


I can make a "real person" custom GPT, but what kind of questions would you ask it exactly?

In those examples I don't like it, I think it's poorly used. Rationalist types tend to do it better, or DFW, or Trump, for emphasis or to elevate the word or phrase.

I can believe that doctors average 130 IQ (though it seems a little high), and I totally expect that IQ correlates with performance.

Maths is far more g loaded than medicine. People who study maths will talk about eventually hitting a wall and no longer being able to progress. At a certain level you no longer have the cognitive power to comprehend the ideas.

I've never heard anyone talk in such a way about medicine. In medicine it seems like there is not much to "understand". Is it possible to get stuck on a question in medicine and not understand the answer? My impression is no. Are there 10x or 100x doctors? Doctors who can do things the average doctor can't?

Software career advice- I'm a junior React dev in the UK at a "local" 50 person company. I was approached and may be able to get a similar job at a large multinational (AutoDesk). On average, is it better to work for an American multinational? I'm pretty comfortable where I am, and it's not great timing to jump ship as I'm quite sure I will get promoted in 2-3 months, though I might be able to use an offer to negotiate an immediate promotion. I presume AutoDesk is a step up in the trimodal nature of software jobs. But am I missing something? It is an obviously easy decision to leave to work for a billion dollar company? Is it a big boon to my CV?

Does anyone have access to ChatGPT with images? Is there some opt-in setting I have to find and enable, or are they still doing a staged roll-out?

Have you tried demonstrating it? Maybe prompt "blow the water out".

I have many video files on my windows desktop. How do I watch them in bed on my macbook? I'm guessing this is what a media server is for, is that right? If so, does anyone have recommendations?

Thanks, appreciate the write up. Interesting to see how you're doing things.

I was experimenting with something similar - an AI accountability buddy/nagbot

Is it mostly steered via the system prompt? How do you interact with it?

Thanks for the link, that is interesting.

You read on your phone?

I started going to the gym 2-3x/week a few months ago around March. So it was quite easy to throw in a few sets of facepulls at the end of every workout, at the very least it's another way of hitting my shoulders and back. I do about 2-3 set of ~10 most times I go to the gym. Regarding weight, bias towards lighter with good form, and if you can finish the set easily, increment the weight, but not so heavy that your form gets worse towards then end of the set. I do them on the cable machine and as described here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=eIq5CB9JfKE

I can't 100% vouch for their efficacy as I don't have before/after pics, nor was I carefully tracking my posture. I also do other back exercises which could have helped too.