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joined 2022 September 05 21:17:20 UTC


User ID: 716



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 21:17:20 UTC


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User ID: 716

But even for non tech sector jobs, you will be doing you work on a computer. If you have a conditioned aversion to using a computer, it could be possible to train yourself out of it. Or if it's the stress, are there any less stressful teams/companies/adjacent jobs you could move to? Is tech sales inherently stressful? For programming, it depends on the team and company.

I don't think we should rate charities based on how low their overhead costs are. It's like saying we should cut Tim Cook's compensation to boost Apple's profits.

It's "stock" gpt4 with custom instructions to act human. What OpenAI call custom GPTs. It's not been trained differently or fine tuned.


I was going to suggest tracking calories and avoiding calorie dense foods, but it sounds like you already have an impression on where your calories come from. Habits by their nature are hard to break at the start, but it gets easier over time. I find you have to psyop yourself a little. Figure out which low calorie density snacks you enjoy. Tell yourself you can have as many carrot sticks as you want, instead of framing it around restrictions. Try being mindful and asking if you're snacking because you're hungry, or just because you've conditioned yourself to eat at a particular time or setting.

If all else fails, try croissants or potatoes.



Can you share one that you struggled with? I'm wondering how I'd fare. I'm very much the opposite with weak verbal skills.

I don't know yet, a friend just reached out so it's very early. I expect salary to be revealed after a successful interview, but I will ask for a range.

I don't expect it to be that much higher, which is why I'm wondering, all things equal, if I should switch. Of course a much higher salary makes it an easy decision.

Okay, you didn't pick yourself, but you're going to spend the rest of your life with yourself, so you might as well treat yourself right and be your own cheerleader. It is not being "honest" to be hyper-critical and beat yourself up all the time. It is not useful. It is a self-reinforcing bad habit. It is a cognitive distortion. It is a trapped prior. But there are other ways of being that are just as honest but far more energizing.

Indifference isn't always a "healthy" response, but it can be. Every situation is different and there are many good and bad ways to think about each one.

Now instead of thinking about whatever bad event set me off, I'm thinking about how stupid and irrational and unhealthy and undisciplined I am for engaging in negative self-talk.

I was going to mention this but didn't want to make things too complicated. You are allowed to have the negative self talk, but then you have to practice the rephrasing even if you don't feel it. Would you talk to your friend like that? How would you think about things if it was your friend and not you? And actually think it "out loud".

On negativity - I argue negativity is unhealthy. I know what you mean, it's no good thinking everything is great when it's not, but you can still maintain good vibes while acknowledging and fixing mistakes.

Personally, I'd move into management.

What exactly don't you like about your job? Is it the actual work, the company culture, the commute, the lack of "meaning", or something else? Each of these has a different solution.

Hire a personal assistant to do all your life admin tasks. Hire a chef, or spend money such that you don't have to cook.

Sorry I mean the ability to upload images, e.g. upload a photo of a menu with the prompt "pick something vegan".

Did you have to do anything, or did a Dalle3 button one day appear for you on the interface?

Congratulations, this is what being competent feels like. If you have had great feedback from multiple sources, odds are you are doing great. There is a gap between the expectations for yourself and the expectations from others but that doesn't mean you're misleading them.

This position might not be a long term fit if, as you suggest, you are more competent than the role requires. But for now I would just enjoy being healthy and enjoy have a job for a while.

Thank you, I'm pretty sure that's it

Presumably a dial

I got top 0.22%, better than I was expecting since I have relatively weak verbal skills. But hey, apparently vocab tests are highly g loaded, so I'll take my suggested 142(?) IQ!

I'm not much of a reader. I only knew avarice because of Dark Souls (ring of avarice), and alacrity because of Dota (an Invoker spell).

This guy is great. I was just reading his very long "Notes on Nigeria" published yesterday

I play piano/keyboard casually. Mostly pop songs to entertain myself. They are simple and satisfying to play, and easy to adapt and improv on. And on the rare occasion I have an audience, a pop song will get more of a reaction than say Rachmaninoff, and takes 1% of the effort to learn and play.

I get good summaries by just pasting the content along with the word "Summarize" or "Summarize the above" at the end.

If you use a more imperative rather than conversational tone, it is more likely to do what you ask, rather than pad out the response with empty patter.

Yeah, just like mobile dev exploded and was lucrative over the last decade, the next few years might be the age of the "applied AI engineer".

No but inversion tables have been shown to be helpful

Japanese train POVs: https://youtube.com/watch?v=g6zJ1puFrHg

This guy's 'day in the life of' videos: https://youtube.com/@PaolofromTOKYO

Assorted orangutan and gorilla clips: https://youtube.com/watch?v=pT_ZMbnm4qE

Asian street food vendors: https://youtube.com/watch?v=FZJ3JkU10E0

He has videos in Syria and Afghanistan too

Wanting by Luke Burgis