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User ID: 716



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User ID: 716

Usually parents have autonomy over their children's treatment. If doctors believe that the parents are acting massively against their child's best interest, then they'll take it to the courts. This is because under law the doctors have a duty of care for the child, otherwise the doctors would be deemed negligent. So here it is a case of doctors vs parents.

In these case, the court will act in the child's best interest. So here, you might think paradoxically, the best interest is to withdraw care and allow the child to die. Modern medical technology can prolong death and make it a long and painful process. See Scott's blog for more on this.

Peter Thiel complains about the lack of ticker-tape parades, as the West goes from definite optimism to indefinite pessimism about the future. I wonder about the cause and effect. Again, wtf happened in 1971?


My guess is physical space + wealth.

When I watch woodworking videos, I am in awe of the size of these guys' garages and workshops. Google suggests the average US house is 3 times larger than the UK's. Plus these guys have the cash to buy the tools and the wood, and a big truck to transport it all. Americans are just richer.

Back to medicine, as long as I have pharmaceutically enhanced diligence, I've yet to run into anything I simply can't understand, and I think I do a decent enough job at it.

Medicine is not massively g-loaded, is it? It's mostly memorisation, hence the popular med school anki subreddit. I can't think of anything day-to-day that actually requires reasoning about. I think it's why doctors suck at thinking from first principles and shut down when you ask them about something outside their "training set".

Sounds like you and your wife have different thresholds. Your wife has a lower threshold for mess and so gets irritated with even a few dirty dishes, which is well below what you'll put up with. Same for the plane tickets, her threshold for buying tickets "at the last minute" is earlier than yours, so she gets jumpy and can't rest until she's bought them.

In my experience these thresholds don't change. They seem intrinsic to a person's psychology. What you can do is acknowledge them and work with them. So if you job is to do the dishes, be aware that this means you have to do them to meet your wife's smaller threshold for "messy kitchen" so that you're both happy.

Yeah, I learned to code.

Why do to want to switch careers? What's the issue with your current one? It is important to understand yourself. I found working a simple service sector job far more tiring than programming, because it takes me a lot of energy to talk to normies all day. I didn't understand this about myself for a while, but it would have helped when choosing a career.

I don't trust any "career councilor" type person. The best way to learn about a career is to talk to someone who does it. In retrospect, I should have gone to meetups much earlier to get to know people and the industry. I would suggest doing that for careers you are interested in.

Afaik this is what Benjamin Franklin did. Gifted money to Boston in his will but declared they couldn't touch it for 100 years while it was invested.

Yes I can do it now, hence the post. Personally I don't think of it as strictly a 1st January thing. And the changing Gregorian calendar can provide a psychological framing that aids behavioural change.


Excuse me, it's "salmon"

AFAIK they do, but the report frames it mostly negatively:

Some dating apps and websites include features that allow users to ‘unmatch’ with or block other users. While these are important safety features that are intended to protect individuals from being contacted by problematic users, unfortunately they can also be used by perpetrators of DAFSV to remove evidence of violence and abuse, specifically conversation histories that can support reports of DAFSV to the platform or law enforcement. Alternatively, perpetrators can also delete their own account on the dating app or website to remove evidence of their conversations with victim-survivors.

Yes sure, it's funny when Will Macaskill tells you not to do philosophy.


EA no longer suggests earning to give as a top career option. They are talent constrained so they'll tell you to work for an effective organisation. So now the meme is to become an AI safety researcher.

Ben says he thinks the right person in the right role is worth the equivalent of $3-10M/year


EA and 80k hours are not there to help the average student with career advice. They exist to recruit top tier talent into the ecosystem. That's why the EA hubs are in London, Oxford and Cambridge.

All that said, I agree with the passion article. I don't think it's a good frame to think about things.

As a kid I had the vague impression that I wouldn't grow up. I just couldn't imagine being an adult.

I understood that I was growing up, every year the number on the cake gets bigger, but I couldn't get my head round the fact that one day I would be 18, or 21, or 30.

It's a nice checkpoint to consider the last year and strategize about the next.

You don't have to answer these, but

  1. Why do you let clients demand things like that? Can't you clearly define deadlines and turn around times upfront? Make them pay rush fees if they really need to?
  2. Why when others have plans, are you expected to do the work? Is this reciprocal? Can't you make "fake" plans and stand firm?
  3. Why do you work after work hours? Do other people do this? Is it part of the industry or is it just you?

TPOT just means "this part of twitter". Recently there was the second annual Vibe Camp, a tpot meetup, but I don't think there is much more to it than that. I think a lot of it is excitement when people find others that 'get' them.

What meaningful difference is there between a fetus and a newborn? Neither can survive independently and neither has a sense of self. Killing one is like killing another.

There is some fuzzy boundary when a zygote becomes a "person", but I would argue it happens far enough after birth for it not to make a difference here.

Unless you're Bronze Age Pervert

It might have originated from Hank Hill https://youtube.com/watch?v=6hzwKtJF_bg

If I marry an aspie woman, what are the odds that we get profoundly autistic kids? Does anyone have an intuition on this, or any data?

  1. Software is not abundant. Software is expensive. Software developers are expensive.

  2. Google and Facebook are not build on dirt-cheap software. They pay some of the highest salaries in the industry.

  3. Price is a negotiation. Say I sell a software product for $50/month. Either it generates more than $50/month value to you, in which case you buy it, or it doesn't, so you don't. How much it's costs me to deliver it is irrelevant to you. If you think you can get a better deal using a different product, then go do that. If enough people do that, I am forced to lower my prices, change my product, or go out of business.

  4. If software is that easy, you should start a software company.

This is a lot of words and all quite complicated. In my experience it is a "simple" habit modification.

You have an established habit of negative self talk that has become second nature.

I'm running late for the dentist. Why am I so useless at everything?

The first step is to just become more aware of this reflex.

I'm running late for the dentist. Why am I so useless at everything? Oh, there's the negative self-talk reflex.

Once you are aware of it, you can practice reframing or rephrasing, and talk to yourself like you would a friend.

I'm running late for the dentist. Why am I so useless at everything? Oh that's negative self talk. Actually it's no big deal. People are sometimes late for things and I was busy with work.

And then you can stop yourself as you have the negative response

I'm running late for the dentist. Why am I so -- actually it's not a big deal. I'm good.

And then you just jump to the healthy response

I'm running late for the dentist. It's no big deal. Can't wait to get dinner afterwards.

Each step is building a habit, and like any habit requires a bit of effort and mindfulness to start with, but gets easier with time. It shouldn't take years, probably closer to a week or two for each stage. I probably isn't Nick Cammarata MDMA-fuelled self love, but is a good way of getting you out of these automatic negative thought patterns.

Hmm you could build this today. AI categorization for every chat message. Opt out of notifications for jokes and low-effort.

It sounds like an anxiety disorder. Has no one offered to treat it as such (diazepam, CBT, etc)? Almost all your symptoms can be manifestations of anxiety.