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joined 2022 September 05 21:17:20 UTC


User ID: 716



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User ID: 716

Hmm you could build this today. AI categorization for every chat message. Opt out of notifications for jokes and low-effort.

This is a long shot. I am trying to track down the source of a half-remembered quote I saw on twitter, I believe a screenshot from a book. It went something like this.

Imagine a man who devotes himself to potatoes. He lives his entire life in a room made of potatoes, he sleeps in bed made of potatoes, he eats only potatoes, etc. Now imagine another man who lives a more varied life, who knows a potato, but also knows turnips, onions, cabbage, etc. Which of these men has a greater understanding of the nature of potatoes?

The point being that the first man has no point of reference. Although he has spent far longer with potatoes, he lacks the framing and context that the generalist has. Appreciate any leads on this one!

Start an ambitious project and work on it a little every day. Attempt to do something hard. Aim for mastery. Study a subject deeply, or seriously pursue a hobby, or create your own works of art/writing/code.

When I have my bases in life covered, I paradoxically feel unfulfilled. I need to feel like I'm making progress towards something to feel satisfied. Oddly I'm not sure the specifics of the goal matter, just the feeling of progress towards it. I guess it's why MMORPGs are so addictive.

It might have originated from Hank Hill https://youtube.com/watch?v=6hzwKtJF_bg

Here are some examples


You can do a lot with intelligence. By inventing Bitcoin, Satoshi is worth billions, all while remaining anonymous and never leaving his bedroom. What could a super human intelligence do?

I omitted my priorities for last year for brevity, but 2023 was a success. I think we are getting hung up on the term "new years resolution". For me, it is not some frivolous goal picked out of a hat that I don't really care about.

Your entire life is psychological framing and you shouldn't underrate it.

Good framing from Israel but I half expect Hamas to retaliate by killing hostages until the siege is lifted.

Being more open, honest and vulnerable with people

What is p2p socializing?

Now that you mention it, the only girl to directly ask me for a date was Chinese. And I think 25.

A few months ago OpenAI dropped their API price, from $0.06/1000 tokens for their best model, to $0.02/1000 tokens. This week, the company released their ChatGPT API which uses their "gpt-3.5-turbo" model, apparently the best one yet, for the price of $0.002/1000 tokens. Yes, an order of magnitude cheaper. I don't quite understand the pricing, and OpenAI themselves say: "Because gpt-3.5-turbo performs at a similar capability to text-davinci-003 but at 10% the price per token, we recommend gpt-3.5-turbo for most use cases." In less than a year, the OpenAI models have not only improved, but become 30 times cheaper. What does this mean?

A human thinks at roughly 800 words per minute. We could debate this all day, but it won’t really effect the math. A word is about 1.33 tokens. This means that a human, working diligently 40 hour weeks for a year, fully engaged, could produce about: 52 * 40 * 60 * 800 * 1.33 = 132 million tokens per year of thought. This would cost $264 out of ChatGPT.


...or about $0.13 per hour. Yes technically it overlooks the fact that OpenAI charge for both input and output tokens, but this is still cheap and the line is trending downwards.

Full time minimum wage is ~$20k/year. GPT-3.5-turbo is 100x cheaper and vastly outperforms the average minimum wage worker at certain tasks. I dunno, this just feels crazy. And no, I wont apologize for AI posting. It is simply the most interesting thing happening right now.

This is smart, because he couldn't remember if 1 or 5 was the most severe, so he hedged his bets.

Kamala will just implement policies that give current big players a regulatory moat

But the advantage gained is so much that training as someone who dopes versus someone who doesn’t is like playing two completely separate games, or having two separate hobbies. They’re incomparable, and yet treated as the same by casual followers.

I don't think casual followers understand this

A single judge can just pull a number like that out of their ass?

Like others say, women can't literally tell if you're a virgin (how could they?), but they can pick up on your 'vibe'. If you are insecure, it will reveal itself in subtle ways when you interact with women, which they can pick up on. Maybe getting laid would let you overcome the "I'm a virgin!" insecurity, in which case, it would indeed help you be more romantically successful. Not through some metaphysical sex magic, but by changing the way you think about yourself.

Also consider that you might have a fear of intimacy. Maybe you don't make romantic moves because you're afriad of what might happen, and justify this as "wanting to find love" and waiting for the "right time", which is a story you can keep telling yourself for years and years.

Models by Mark Manson is probably the best book on this subject.

This proves too much. Is having anal sex with a woman also gay, because it's also a physical simulation of sex with man? What about kissing women, considering gay men also kiss?

Here's a short conversation. But it still claims it's not conscious; maybe it's all the RLHF.


I can make a "real person" custom GPT, but what kind of questions would you ask it exactly?

It's just a bit awkward and easier to tell them what (you think) they want

Congratulations. I had similar anxiety with checking my email. It was very hard to explain my predicament, even to myself.

How do I comfort and console others? I could do with some guidance or principles because I am never sure what to say. Some example situations:

  1. A friend goes through a breakup with a long term girlfriend.
  2. A friend calls me and is stressed about his job.
  3. A friend brings up feelings of inadequacy, and that he doesn't feel very successful in his career/life.

I don't want to say "don't worry, everything will be okay", because it is not necessarily true.

In those examples I don't like it, I think it's poorly used. Rationalist types tend to do it better, or DFW, or Trump, for emphasis or to elevate the word or phrase.

Seconding the FIRE reddit. There is also the UK personal finance flowchart and their wiki which I generally endorse.

Assuming you have your bases covered, I would just buy index funds. Pick a diversified fund, stick your money in it and then ignore it for the next five years.

97th percentile means out of a room of 33 random people, you're the smartest. Does that feel right to you? In my school year of 200, there was one kid who was clearly the brightest. I could believe he was a 1 in 1000 intelligence = ~145 IQ. I think I was roughly second, so smartest 1 in 100 or 135 IQ. Yet this was a good school full of middle class kids, so the selection isn't fair. The hard part about building this intuition is getting an idea of what a room full of truly random people feels like.

(Also fixing broken machinery as an IQ test would bias against women, who have poorer spacial reasoning as a group. I think women outperform men on verbal reasoning, so you have to add some of that in.)