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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

Globo-homo. United States Bad, United Nations Good. Only by giving up sovereignty to unelected transnational officials can we hope to survive the crisis of [climate change].

DS9 is actually my favorite Star Trek series. I acknowledge that TNG is Better, I just like DS9 more. It's the side characters; people are allowed to be flawed and have conflicts. Garak and Odo and Quark make the whole series for me.

Chris Pine's wife was black, dude. The daughter was black-ish with big poofy hair.

1.) It's a common refrain in radfem circles that patriarchy conditions women into enjoying their own subjugation. I imagine that Meghan believes this, and that she further believes that it invalidates any "data" that you could collect on this issue. Women have been systematically deceived about their own preferences and desires, so self-reports about their experiences in the sex industry, particularly positive reports, are inherently suspect.

That's an example of why these sorts of beliefs are unfalsifiable; God of the (Wage)Gaps, True Marxism has never been tried, ect. How does she know that the patriarchy hasn't conditioned her to enjoy her own subjugation? She wouldn't know if she was subjugated or not, because of her conditioning. It could be infinite recurring patriarchal Matrixes.

I've never once seen a Born Again TradCath Right Wing-Er IRL, it's very much online posturing looking for the mirror opposite of moralistic progressivism, especially since New Atheism got eaten from the inside by moralistic progressivism.

Only thoughtful weirdos ever really cared about genuine religious faith; most nominal church-going people were just getting an emotional high from being in a chanting crowd. The rest were conforming to get by; now they conform to the New Faith to get by.

Those are both the very model of a scientist salarian.

My position is that if any of this was true, there would have been profound advances in theoretical physics during this time where the US government is capturing and studying alien technology. There haven't been. Unless all these spacecraft have been sitting in a warehouse next to the Ark of the Covenant, which is even dumber. The last claim about UFOs I heard involved "Unknown Elements." It's possible I'm being pedantic, but why is the element still unknown? Do they mean entirely new elements? (which are still going to be somewhere on the periodic table) or just previously-unknown isotopes of elements? Exotic matter? New metamaterials and wacky alloys? Details were not forthcoming, and I'm not left with any confidence these questions would even be understood by the leaker.

Show me the godsdamned Element Zero Drive or shut up.

I didn't realize pretending to be hetero-queer to get college-educated pussy was such an old tradition.

Plex would let you watch them anywhere; phone, TV, those little smart speakers with screens.

Those rule change points are all autistic nitpicks. Spell don't have verbal, somatic, or material components? Those barely come up in actual tabletop unless a spellcaster is tied up or something. This reads like someone who's only RPG is D&D 5e, the rules of which are holy writ. I played Neverwinter Nights, and that played fast-and-loose with the tabletop rules too, and I didn't have a shitfit over the "parry" skill.

And the game is full of conventionally attractive women. Unless you mean that the female dwarf faces are way hotter than the human ones.

Compared to other modern RPGs, BG3 is very UNforgiving. You can easily get in over your head and wind up having to re-load an earlier save. The game plays for keeps, there's no take-back-sies apart from save-scumming. I wouldn't call it dumbed down to appeal to casuals, that sounds like boilerplate criticism of all modern games, because all modern games are beset by the scourges of feminism, anti-westernism, anti-whiteness, and appealing to filthy casuals. Or something.

BG3 ADDED weapon-intrinsic short-rest maneuvers, too, shit that isn't in 5e at all, and even the 5.5 playtest has those as always-on, not limited resources. And it has new conditions that don't work the way 5e conditions work, and there's no grappling. 2/10, elbows too pointy.

If every race gives the same stat modifiers, why not just give everyone more points for ability scores during character creation? Apart from killing another sacred cow, except that at this point all the sacred cows are animated undead skeletons with skin draped over them.

Shadowheart isn't conventionally attractive? Or am I just a weirdo who likes gawky art hoes? Is conventionally attractive now code for Blonde Aryan Woman Standing in a Wheat Field?

Regardless, the hottest female faces in the character creator are dwarves. Half of them look like Sco-Jo.

There appear to be some peculiarities to police in the UK that I've heard are to do with a scandal in the 80s that left them incredibly paranoid of being accused of racism, and they therefore are overly-relisnt on procedure and ass-covering paperwork. As a beat officer, any time you interact some sort of minority, that minority will apparently call you racist, which will be officially logged and looked in to. The joke is that going after mean Tweets and people who quote rap lyrics is a better investment of police time/money for the police; makes the numbers look good in terms of arrests vs complaints of racism, since no one goes outside.

There's not enough density in those cheaper areas to survive as a homeless person. Less traffic to beg at, fewer dumpsters to go through, fewer bikes to steal.

I haven't bothered to see Barbie, but I respect Margot Robie as an actress; she's very skilled, and as a person seems very vivacious. I agree that most of her appeal and talent is lost in stills; she moves amazingly.

But Florence Pugh's couple seconds of having her tits out in Oppenheimer did way more for me that Margot ever has.

In contrast is the mainstream view that women are Wonderful, and that women’s attraction for men are but moral litmus tests for men who have the “correct” attitudes and behaviors, a view that in mainstream and online discourse many men will whiteknight and women will fight tooth and nail to protect and insist. It’s evergreen Just World insistence.

Yeah, this is the thing thing that stuck in my craw as a young man and still does when I run into it; it kinda vanished into the "Boo Straight White Male" background noise ~2017.

Outside of social justice communities most people have experiences with a person like this and kinda get the vibe.

Why are social justice communities so immune to noticing BPD?

Is it reasonable/possible to establish a "We Don't Negotiate With Terrorists" rule regarding suicide threats?

I found the series less pleasant as it went on; the past few books left me cold.

4. Intelligent life that has deliberately visited earth, in person, regularly since the middle of the 20th century, and it looks like a hairless hominid that abducts humans from their beds at night to do butt stuff to them: Lol.

And my point was that conversations about trying to come up with that new system are often derailed, because anyone who criticizes capitalism and talks about the need for a new system, tends to get tarred as a communist and ignored.

That's because way too many people who criticize capitalism are either vapidly repeating stock phrases, or they think finding new ways to say "Only Marxism can save us from _________" [climate change/racism/police brutality/abuse of copyright/licensing law/neck-bearded gamers] will get them into the Cool Cids Club.

I swear by magic mushrooms for anyone struggling with depression or other persistent emotional problems. It's very much the "have you tried turning it off and on again?" solution.

Once in a RPG, a new player said

"wait, this character has Int 9, Wis 10, and Cha 16. How do I portray that?"

And I said

"Easy. Speak the way Russel Brand does."

I know too many women who seek out and stay in relationships with shitty men that already do this stuff to them. For people so afraid of sexual assault and abuse, they're really, really bad at avoiding it.