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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

I'll add that as an Atheist, Ive concluded that politics has become everyone's new religion and I hate it, and I especially hate the progressive/leftist religion. To my mind, I'm the last New Atheist, being a stubborn prickly contrarian against smug sanctimony and moral panic regardless of the mask it wears.

It's not necissarily funded by Disney, these days you can have grassroots astroturfing. There are people who comport their entire lives ideologically and will go to bat for anything they think has progressive values in it, and an overlapping group of people who will go to bat for anything they think toxic incel cis white male haters will hate. Tranny Jannies do it for free, and so do these people.

My love of Sci-Fi has actually made me deeply HATE this incarnation of AI, and all automated voice systems.

My preferred AI tropes are the sort you see in Wall-E, Short Circuit, and Chappie, where the only robots you can trust are the ones not doing what they're supposed to.

I'm convinced that if we want useful real-world AIs that don't derange us, they should be designed to give the impression of a very well-trained animal. None of this please, thank you, come again crap. Call it a soft butlerian jihad; computers don't pretend to be human outside of games/VR/sims, and anyone who "socializes" IRL with an AI should be viewed as a loser.

"women have it so tough because men are so evil" falls flat to me. I have no sympathy for it. I spent my entire youth being told that women's #1 priority is to avoid "abuse" and that any time a woman lied to me or flaked on me or was less than honest with me it was because I made her "feel unsafe." I'm reeeeealy tired of hearing it.

I post pro-bono on behalf of my own seething resentment over being told what opinions I should have. I care about storytelling and creativity as a craft, not as a political tool.

The vision of the moral superiority of black people and the moral inferiority of white people is in itself repugnant, especially and particularly if you don't care about race. I can't quite tell if you're trolling or shit-stir-ing or devil's advocating.

Why are some young women apparently trying taboo a 22 year old women dating a 28 year old man when they are also disproportionaly hooking up with older men on the dating apps?

People in general are quite capable of saying the thing they think is currently popular, then doing something else. Women on the Internet in particular, but everyone does this, male or female, on the internet or off. Everyone I've seen complaining about "Capitalism, amirite" still has the latest iPhone.

The black guy was an older brother, not a father, and the Chinese guy is technically some manner of fascist.

I do have a beef that the Commune(ists) don't get any critique compared to the pastor and his pseudo-cult or the QZ revolutionaries (who could possibly uncharitably be said to be coded a bit MAGA-y).

It's just so damn annoying that no one ever tells the story of how communes descend into bickering committee backstabbing. Even Dying Light 2 barely touched on it.

I think you underestimate ironic Nazi slogan larping.

I'm afraid of contemporary communists not because they'll otherthrow the government, but because it's a clique of smug hypocrites that pull out Marxist slogans to excuse them doing what they want to do anyways, and imagine problems that they can pretend to fix. Infesting and hollowing out subcultures, scenes, and organizations that were created and nurtured by people who have better things to do than jockey for clout.

Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other five?

I've been trying to watch a few of the "Northern European" shows that have been streaming lately, 1899 and Elves are both at the top of my mind.

I don't understand what people get out of these shows. Characters don't react to things in recognizably human ways, they don't communicate with each other. No one expresses curiosity, no one remembers what other characters say, they seem to follow an internal script that doesn't match up with that's actually presented on screen. I'm reminded of Westworld Hosts shuffling through a hackey, rushed scenario with no actual human there to riff on it. My attitude really is becoming the meme:

Why does Ross, the largest Friend, not simply eat the other five?

I'm just not sure if what I'm seeing is due to Cheapness/badness. It's not bad ACTING, the production is all solid and competently staged. The IDEAS are there in the premise, they're just executed so shallowly I'm not sure the writers themselves understood them.

The American equivalent is excessive #CurrentYear dialogue and a gibberish handwave-y moral myopia.

Are regular Nordics/Germans actually this stiltedly dull in real life? Is there some sort of cultural context I'm not getting? I "understand" Anime, in that it has a lot of genre conventions, and I might be doing the equivalent of asking why the loser has a hot girl living in his closet, or why every fight is just characters standing still in a field while they internally narrate/charge up their ki blast.

This is in my head in particular because of "Troll." I've seen Shin Godzilla, and I've seen Trollhunter, and I just don't know how to relate to human beings who can't tell that two of those films are good and one is shit.

Also, feel free to complain here about bad TV that confuses and infuriates you. Maybe I'll feel less alone.

I've noticed that recently; progressive women claiming to be autistic in addition to their various other identities and maladies. As someone ambiguously spergy, it bothers me slightly. Apparently one of the symptoms of autism in women is being incredibly intolerant of anyone else's autism.

I aggressively don't care. Everyone should stop paying attention and be less sensitive to slight changes in rates of deaths; we got into this stupid situation due to exactly this sort of anxious over-sensitivity.

Some of those women just have personality disorders. I remember the first time I was accused of "Gatekeeping" was in 2012.

A woman asked me to teach her to play magic and to " help me build a deck or whatever." I said it's best to learn with something preconstructed before building your own, let's sit down together with some starter decks, and she immediately accused me of Gatekeeping by not letting her make her own deck. Then she said I was just like her Father and her Brother. Then she called me a Niceguy and then a Creep. I guess she was more interested in bullying male geeks than actually engaging in any geeky hobbies.

By the numbers, what IS the median experience of an Israeli taken hostage? What's the % on being released? The % on being tortured before being released? The % on just never being seen again? Honest question.

I know too many women who seek out and stay in relationships with shitty men that already do this stuff to them. For people so afraid of sexual assault and abuse, they're really, really bad at avoiding it.


Some people are so ideologically motivated that they'll shill for free/for goodboy points.

A week ago in downtown Chicago by Daley Plaza, there was a large van with LCD panels on every side of it showing dead Palestinian children, and it's stereo blasting uncreative rap lyrics about free Palestine. I deeply regret not getting footage of it, but I did say "Look, a semi-automated propaganda van! Boy do I love living in a cyberpunk dystopia."

There appear to be some peculiarities to police in the UK that I've heard are to do with a scandal in the 80s that left them incredibly paranoid of being accused of racism, and they therefore are overly-relisnt on procedure and ass-covering paperwork. As a beat officer, any time you interact some sort of minority, that minority will apparently call you racist, which will be officially logged and looked in to. The joke is that going after mean Tweets and people who quote rap lyrics is a better investment of police time/money for the police; makes the numbers look good in terms of arrests vs complaints of racism, since no one goes outside.

My position is that if any of this was true, there would have been profound advances in theoretical physics during this time where the US government is capturing and studying alien technology. There haven't been. Unless all these spacecraft have been sitting in a warehouse next to the Ark of the Covenant, which is even dumber. The last claim about UFOs I heard involved "Unknown Elements." It's possible I'm being pedantic, but why is the element still unknown? Do they mean entirely new elements? (which are still going to be somewhere on the periodic table) or just previously-unknown isotopes of elements? Exotic matter? New metamaterials and wacky alloys? Details were not forthcoming, and I'm not left with any confidence these questions would even be understood by the leaker.

Show me the godsdamned Element Zero Drive or shut up.

I've never once seen a Born Again TradCath Right Wing-Er IRL, it's very much online posturing looking for the mirror opposite of moralistic progressivism, especially since New Atheism got eaten from the inside by moralistic progressivism.

Only thoughtful weirdos ever really cared about genuine religious faith; most nominal church-going people were just getting an emotional high from being in a chanting crowd. The rest were conforming to get by; now they conform to the New Faith to get by.

Chris Pine's wife was black, dude. The daughter was black-ish with big poofy hair.

Most of what you're saying is a nonsensical reach; a sci-fi user interface with gestures and blink-clicking doesn't favor anyone in particular. Mouse and keyboard wasn't invented to bypass jock physical superiority.

I've messed about with Windows Mixed Reality, doing basic computer tasks in VR, and it's kinda fun for the novelty, and allows for as many monitors as you want, but the idea that it will give jocks an advantage is (thanks for giving me an opportunity to use this word) Asinine.

Ive always preferred Dwarves as the fantasy-jews, myself.

She got subtly uglied between game 1 and 2. She also ditched all her (masculine) friends and allies from game 1 and replaced them with PoC simps.

And after going through the effort of making a post-racial future with new societies to be the cast of heroes and antagonists (the 1st game bad guys were Carja political extremists being manipulated by an AI) , in the 2nd game they brought in DBZ floating space hwite people to be the villains, complete with a floating crew-cut southern-accent straight white male goon. Everything about 2 just fucking bugged me.

Also, how many spunky oseram wrench-wenches who are way better at engineering than the men but are fighting against patriarchy do you need? I'd say two, three max, because I like wrech wenches. You dont need 8.

Hard disagree, it's older neurotic urban hypochondriacs of either gender still wearing masks, and a few demented 20something women with goofy hair and pantsuitaloons. That's bluest of the blue.