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User ID: 1874



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User ID: 1874

Circumcision makes sex less pleasant for men. No idea why being uncircumcised would be a problem for women; sounds like they've been watching too much porn.

based on the vehicle morphologies and material science testing and the possession of unique atomic arrangements and radiological signatures

These statements would be way more compelling with some more detailed examples that would indicate that anyone with some degree of scientific literacy is in the loop. I'm not quite clear on if "Unique Atomic arrangements" are referring to novel chemicals or novel elements or novel isotopes of elements. I'd love examples of what kind of vehicle morphology would prove non-human intelligence. A fucking rough sketch from this guy of what vehicles he's seen isn't even forthcoming. Any of this stuff would massively change human understanding of physics and materials tech, the fields there haven't been real theoretical breakthroughs in in forever.

Also, apparently he got clearance to say these things from the DoD? Article says "his statements [were] cleared for publication by the Pentagon in April," and then also Ross Coulthart (Australian journalist) says the same here.

If so, I want to ask the DoD why they're giving people clearance to say untrue things. And if it is true, why have all these groundshaking scientific discoveries been kept secret from all the people who could have done something useful with it?

As presented, it makes the deep state sound like they've been doing absolutely nothing for decades and letting this stuff rot in a warehouse next to the Ark of the Covenant; 10 years after getting a hold of something, it shouldn't still be made of Unknown Elements.

If she does agree, try to exchange phone numbers and move off the app. Set up the date in the next couple days and then don't text until you are headed out.

This is the point of failure for me. Women say yes to a date, then turn out to apparently have zero availability for a date since they're busy every single day you propose, don't propose their own day, and when you ask them what day works best for them, they say "let me get back to you on that, not sure", and this process continues until I get the hint and go away. Or they say yes, then cancel on the day of. Or they say yes, then abruptly vanish. 95% of the matches that say "yes" do not result in an actual date happening.

This happens on actual texting not the app itself, and yes I present dates as one message. Most recently, I proposed two different dates with different connotations (walk in the park on an afternoon or drinks a different evening) so she could pick the one she was most comfortable with. She just replied "so many options, lol." [Sound of head hitting desk]

I looked up Edith Tolkien and JRR had good taste.

Lily Collins

4 out of 10, jaw too small.

Witcher 3, Mass Effect 1 and 2, TES: Morrowind, Shadowrun Returns. Morrowind in particular really is my first love, I love everything about the setting to this day.

Deus Ex Human Revolution and Dishonored, also Prey.

I checked out of Dresden Files after...Skin Game, I think. Couldn't get through the next book, and not even sure why. Is Battleground a big turnaround?

I don't see it happening any time soon, apple is a lifestyle brand moreso than a software or hardware company at this point. people buy iphones to fit in with other people who have iphones, this is why their USA market share has gone up in the past few years. They have a stranglehold on all the trendsetting populations, and they're a tool for teenagers to socially exclude other teenagers.

Yes, apple could go out of business far in the future when technology changes in unforseen and unrecognizable ways. That doesn't make this a useful prediction.

What is the genuine health threat of the current level of smoke/smog in the midwest, specifically Chicago? For reasons that should be obvious, I no longer trust any institution to give reasonable public health advice. I've personally just been putting off recreational outdoor activities, but I'd rather enjoy the summer than not enjoy the summer.

Most of what you're saying is a nonsensical reach; a sci-fi user interface with gestures and blink-clicking doesn't favor anyone in particular. Mouse and keyboard wasn't invented to bypass jock physical superiority.

I've messed about with Windows Mixed Reality, doing basic computer tasks in VR, and it's kinda fun for the novelty, and allows for as many monitors as you want, but the idea that it will give jocks an advantage is (thanks for giving me an opportunity to use this word) Asinine.

I really don't want to see an AI trained by Twitter.

Recently read Blindsight and it's sequel Echopraxia, and was immediately struck with flashbacks to Eclipse Phase; apparently Blindsight was a big inspiration for the game.

Blindsight has aged incredibly well for sci-fi from pre-2010. I highly recommend reading it; it's freely available, the audiobook is good, and it even has a short film that functions as a trailer https://youtube.com/watch?v=VkR2hnXR0SM

(The events of the book are presented in reverse order in the trailer).

They figured out whatever they were communicating with initially was a chatbot made from intercepted human communications

Yes, broadly. Is he conforming perfectly to some party line or other ideologically, and just doing whatever he wants to do personally?

What is he DOING in his interpersonal relationships?

Got specific examples? When I've seen this, they're generally doing a bit to get laid/advance themselves socially or professionally. They don't care about ideas for the sake of ideas, it only matters what's popular or useful in the moment.

It's not necissarily funded by Disney, these days you can have grassroots astroturfing. There are people who comport their entire lives ideologically and will go to bat for anything they think has progressive values in it, and an overlapping group of people who will go to bat for anything they think toxic incel cis white male haters will hate. Tranny Jannies do it for free, and so do these people.

...I don't think we were watching the same media franchise. The Second Reneissance is a far more traditional depiction of humans being dicks until the AIs had enough and stopped playing nice.

My beef with revolutions in particular is that the war stuff is fucking BORING. The mechs the humans use are stupid designs with exposed cockpits, and there's only the one mech unit, and the machine forces consist of squids and a giant drill.

My take will always be that the Watchiwski's ideas were smarter than they themselves were. the Matrix 1 was riding on a lot of heady concepts and stylistic anime stuff (cinematically it owes a lot to Ghost in the Shell), that they couldn't actually execute any further because it was beyond them intellectually.


Some people are so ideologically motivated that they'll shill for free/for goodboy points.

Then he made TENET, though.

I first watched Tenet during COVID with a now-ex-friend who had gone full progressive pod person; this fucking guy pretended to be "queer" because he just had to complete the trifecta of being a gay black communist (to be maximally appealing to college-educated white women).

He claimed to love TENET because (direct quote) "It had a black protagonist and internationalism themes." He will forever be my model organism of empty-inside clout-chasing scum.

...none of that was in The Second Reneissance, and the Zion Archives thing was just a framing device. I think you're putting more thought into this than the writers did.

Also, The Matrix's version of AIs doesn't have anything to do with the current paperclip-maximizing ML GPTX doomer anxieties, which is just Performative Climate Alarmism for techspergs. Matrix AIs are conscious entities who were denied personhood and thus have that resentful tinman love/hate attitude towards humans.

I post pro-bono on behalf of my own seething resentment over being told what opinions I should have. I care about storytelling and creativity as a craft, not as a political tool.

I think anyone who feels alienated from the modern world will read their own personal struggle into The Matrix. https://youtube.com/watch?v=N2LkM-tBT4o