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Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

No idea, I've never been over the pond.

Don't tempt me, lest I spill tens of thousands of words on the subject, to nobody's benefit and everyone's detriment.

Why can't people just leave good enough alone? Nyet, Steak if fine.

No, but that's mostly down to interruptions IRL.

Yeah, even after three decades I still sometimes fall into that same old trap of taking what people say at face value, and of expecting the same of them, as if we spoke to each other in order to exchange epistemically sound information. Which is practically never what regular people actually intend to do in conversation.

In my next life, I want to be a song by Dim.


I considered it, being a fanboy of the publishers, but declined. Neither the gameplay pitch nor the visuals do anything for me.

(assuming any humans survive the resulting nuclear winter)

I thought nuclear winter was a discredited theory?

My sample size is a little small, but the Ukrainians, especially the Women...do they all talk a lot?

I'm mostly picturing fully digital minds dissolving through infinite hedonism; wireheaded to death.

This seems to be less of a lie and more of the underlying assumption of modern egalitarianism. I disagree with it, sure, but the people who base their ethics on it seem to be sincere believers.

Congratulations, you now understand the concept of a "cost-benefit analysis". Please apply this concept to lockdowns, social distancing and so on.

And they did, and they reached the conclusion that pubs, schools and offices don't need to be open because you can do all that via Zoom.

You can call that wrong, or motivated reasoning to justify their compliance, but in my recollection it wasn't as simple as pointing out that costs exist either way.

Please provide links.

Edit: I just noticed that the title is a link. Sneaky.

Preferable to the scenario in which we don't get any potential newcomers at all.

It's bad for those people that they died and bad for their families. But in the end, nobody forced them as far as I know. Yes going out of doors is dangerous. Yes its better to correctly judge the risks and to not do anything overly stupid and to come back alive. But there's always some danger, and there will always be some people who happen to be the bad end of some bell curve by disposition or by bad luck. Someone will die.

Not offensively bad, but not worth seeing either. Didn't do anything for me, other than kill two hours.

I suspect that many of our regular posters are simply putting their rationalist phase behind them and are ceasing to actively value decoupling.

Same experience here.


German media are overwhelmingly one-sided on the Israel-Gaza issue: https://www.themotte.org/post/716/israelgaza-megathread-2/150352?context=8#context

Berlin has seen a series of riots by pro-Palestinian leftists and muslims. Reactions are predictable - indignation about violence, worry about antisemitism, the left ignoring and the right emphasizing the role immigrants play here.

Federal Chancellor Olaf Scholz, our head of government (no, Merkel is gone, for real), has done exactly what anyone would predict - toured the middle east in general and Israel especially, gave speeches there as well as at home, and generally took a hard line against Hamas, against antisemitism, in favor of Israel, and against Putin. And, fulfilling expectations, he announced nothing material.

Sahra Wagenknecht, hitherto leading member of the leftist Die Linke party, in the past a self-described stalinist, now an outdated socialist who failed to get with the woke times, aims to found her own party. The woman has a reputation as someone with actual ideals and principles of her own, which allowed her to stand out and earn a modicum of admiration on left and right alike. Her founding her own party is thus likely to draw at least some supporters away from Die Linke as well as from the far-right Alternative für Deutschland. The current leadership of Die Linke, a party in steep decline, is outraged, calling this an ego trip. The AfD, flying high in polls, seems largely unbothered. The founding is supposed to take place on next monday.

In other news, the head of the German Union Association, Yasmin Fahimi, called the AfD - a party with strong support among unionized workers - the enemy of the workers, for its racism.

And I just heard on the Radio that two Bavarian companies will soon launch satellite-bearing rockets from a ship in the North Sea.

Edit: I just realized it's thursday and I posted in an old thread. Guess I'll repost this in the evening. So it goes.

It's mostly Germans and "Germans" telling other Germans that they're insufficiently penitent.



I agree with your reasoning, but I'm not sure about the assumptions. What exactly do you mean when you say

Gazan genocide


IMO this level of simplicity is just right for the job. Sure, highly elliptical or inclined orbits can be fun to look at, think about and play with in orbital simulations, but I somewhat doubt that it's really within scope here.

Nice. How did you do the orbits? Kepler parameters, or something simpler?

Disagreed, unless your definition of physical is very literal.