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Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

Yemen/Red Sea war we're now fighting? Iran and the US are fighting a proxy war in Iraq

War? I guess there aren't exactly any fixed and universal criteria to consult, but is it really a war, outright? That seems to me to imply higher stakes. I'm not saying you're wrong, mind you, but I'd expect to have heard more about it if it were more than some foreign-shores-coast-guarding with occasional naval gunfire exercises. In other words: Please inform me.

Do you believe that every human, no matter how unviable, has to be kept alive at any cost?

I'll echo your reasoning.

Neutral question: Has it occurred to you that, with the sides changed, you are still overreacting now as you were back then?

Right on the is, but I'd disagree on the ought. This discrepancy shows that other countries tax too heavily, and offer too little in exchange. Ireland is making a better offer. This seems to me to be a free-ish market working as intended.

Oh, pedantry! Income is monthly, grocery shopping is weekly.


Some of them, sure. But we'd still be dissolute, atomized materialists with no ability to generate culture, and ideologically captured and committed to the most outrageous Wolkenschlösser*1 and we'd still be wallowing in self-hate over muh nazis. Foreigners cause many problems and prevent many solutions for other problems, but blaming it all on them is facile and off the mark.

*1 Cloud-castles, i.e., ideas with no chance of being implemented.

Why shouldn't I just let the fat pack on and on?

Why do you want to continue to live at all? Whatever your answer to that is, it probably works better when you're not getting dragged down by half a ton of flab.

Also, what's wrong with diet and exercise? Eat half, move double, problem solved.

Fair point, but I would maintain that there is still a significant difference in reach and intended audience between the big-name game companies of the 90s and those of the 2020s.

I used to do that up until something over ten years ago, but then the giant HDD I kept it all on broke and I just gave up on the concept.

Nothing in life is permanent, and holding on to anything requires continuous effort and attention. Can't hold on to every piece of data that seemed remotely interesting at some point. The internet is ephemeral, but so is all existence.

Rimworld has always taken my personal crown for "most mods applied". Think I had almost 150 in one playthrough.

Same here. It's what saves me from ever wanting to play it again - too much hassle!

  1. Rightful German Clay, had to protect the German minorities.
  2. They attacked us first! Remember the radio station!
  3. Had to be done to push the starting positions of the inevitable anti-bolshevik war further East.
  4. Lebensraum. We needed space to live.
  5. It was just an anglo puppet and we had to call them on their bluff.

Alright, alright, I'm just fooling around here.

Anyone incapable of understanding 'this post'....

Please, do finish that sentence.

Arguments? Spew your disgust at him. Chances are that'll have more weight than any attempt to reason him out of something he didn't reason himself into.

Was it worth it to password protect that archive in the first place?

Eh, not necessarily. I mean, I'm no lawyer or political expert - I don't actually know how it works in the nitty-gritty. What I look at is just how media and people around me act. And Wagenknecht doesn't really play any noticeable role in their fear of the AfD. But sure, when it actually comes to elections, she may have an effect.

Go start a thread? "Sweet Nothings Saturday"?

No idea, I've never been over the pond.

Don't tempt me, lest I spill tens of thousands of words on the subject, to nobody's benefit and everyone's detriment.

Why can't people just leave good enough alone? Nyet, Steak if fine.

No, but that's mostly down to interruptions IRL.

Yeah, even after three decades I still sometimes fall into that same old trap of taking what people say at face value, and of expecting the same of them, as if we spoke to each other in order to exchange epistemically sound information. Which is practically never what regular people actually intend to do in conversation.

In my next life, I want to be a song by Dim.


I considered it, being a fanboy of the publishers, but declined. Neither the gameplay pitch nor the visuals do anything for me.