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Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users  
joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC

All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83


Rise, ramble, rest, repeat.

4 followers   follows 4 users   joined 2022 September 04 19:07:27 UTC


All alliterations are accidental.


User ID: 83

How I dislike CRPGs. So much writing, and almost all of it bad. Planescape: Torment, okay, fairly unique. Disco Elysium, not my cup of tea but I can see there's something to it. But yet another generic trip down D&D memory lane, with all the same old systems, the same old setting that was never much good outside of the tabletop to begin with? The intervening CRPGs that I tried - Wasteland, Inquisitor, Tyranny, Pillars of Eternity, Pathfinder: Kingmaker to name that ones I most readily recall - were all such bad, unrewarding trash that I finished not a single one of them. The gameplay is a stupidly contrived to make a tabletop RPG run without a GM, the dialogues go on forever but if you've read one of them you've read them all and none are worth reading, why even play those games? Many play them, so I'm sure I just don't get it, but do I ever not get it!

Which is too many words to say - I hope you're having fun, but I'm not touching another CRPG until I hear some serious praises sung about both the writing and the gameplay.

I'm sure you will.

I doubt that you will.

In the spirit of charity I hereby express my baseless estimation that I consider it more likely for you to be talking tough than to actually mean what you say, but I have no proof so I suppose I'll take your word for it.

Damn, sounds like you want to court my wife.

Anyways, there's something wrong with you. Seriously. What the hell would you get out of a relationship with such a wreck?

Nah, it was already there. Not formalized, not organized, but the value system was the same: White straight christian man bad, all others good. Not complicated.

We get plenty of coverage on American insider baseball and X-wrote-Y-about-Z-saying-K-about-J-which-may-not-even-be-real in agonizing detail when it pertains to the least significant facet of the CW in America. Significance is hardly the only criterion here.

Not really shocked or saddened. Scott may put his rationalist persona in the foreground, but in the end he's a human like any other - unreasonable to the extreme in any area he's not actively dedicated to reasoning his way through. And people usually avoid reasoning out anything if the process would be painful to them, which I guess it would be for someone who is likely circumcised himself and has a strong cultural attachment to the practice.

This doesn't really change anything. I'd never circumcise my child, advise anyone to do it or even condone it...but it's one of those little atrocities that people commit daily that's also just not significant enough to not tolerate. As long as they only do it to their own children I can live with it, and hope that they get a ton of value out of it. Any pro-circumcision propaganda is detestable though. Since Scott doesn't seem to be doing that - correct me if I'm wrong here, as if that weren't the whole purpose of the Motte - I'd say consider the man on those merits of his that are actually relevant to our interests.

And by the time this discussion is done, Zorba will come in and find that everyone has banned everyone and he's all alone on the Motte.

Neutral question: Has it occurred to you that, with the sides changed, you are still overreacting now as you were back then?

now German-Americans are simply Americans that enjoy Oktoberfest slightly more than the median

Very true. German-Americans coming to Germany stick out as entirely American with nothing German about them.

So either their good German blood was diluted, or being German is a cultural categorization rather than a biological one.

American insider baseball? I lack the context to make sense of this.

Edit: Thanks for the explanations, makes sense now.

So the ethnically homogenous Greeks who looked down upon barbarians should've just let the ethnically heterogenous Persian empire that willingly assimilated them conquer them?

I'm under the impression that there are relatively few people who are truly sympathetic to NATO and the US presence in Europe, relatively more who are against it out of some lingering cold-war era pacifist or anti-American sentiments, and a large majority that doesn't care either way.

IMO it doesn't take much bottom-up for these things to happen. It's not just the youth, after all. Everyone has a smartphone, most people and almost all women are consuming social media, and this includes older people well into working age and also those who have great influence over or are decision-makers in organizations that now openly display the symbols of some woke agenda. The youth may be faster to get on board, but not by much - most want to be on the right side of history, and even middle-aged administrators will pick up on which is the right side in CURRENT_YEAR.

I can't. 3D CGI is soulless trash as far as the eye can see. So is most 2D animation as well, of course, but to a noticeably lesser degree.

Well my ears are burning. So what media would you say has excellent writing? Some books. A few films.

Because it seems to me like you object to anything that gets in the way of gameplay and your favourite games would be the likes of Galaga and Centipede.

Hey, I do appreciate some plot and lore and world-building in games. But the formula is (quality divided by quantity). If quality isn't possible, then I do prefer the least quantity required to let the game make sense. In cases where that means no writing at all, the game is usually too simple to hold my interest.

Since your perspective is so alien to my own, I hope you don't mind some additional curiosity - what did you think of something like Super Hot, or aliens dark descent, or grim dawn? And how would you rank fire emblem, xcom and total war? Oh, and what you do you think of grand strategy games?

  • Superhot: Massively overrated. Gameplay is an one-trick pony. Writing is aggressively bad. Would recommend staying away from.
  • ADD: Never played, can't say.
  • Grim Dawn: It's okay for an ARPG, which isn't saying much. Not my cup of tea. The writing struck me as utterly forgettable, but sparse and irrelevant enough compared to the massive levels to not get in the way.
  • Fire Emblem: Never played.
  • XCOM: I like those. For the gameplay, that is. What little writing they have seems pointless to engage with - the plot never goes anywhere, the world isn't built up, might as well ignore anything but the instructions.
  • Total War: I fondly remember the very first Shogun: Total War, and I must say that I'm disappointment by what that entire series has become. The gameplay is extremely stale, and the writing - what little of it is there - is trash.
  • Grand Strategy: Do you mean Paradox map-painting simulators? I played EU3, HOI4 and Stellaris, and I've come to thoroughly regret that as wasted time. The gameplay is a mess and the writing, piecemeal as it is, is not worth sticking around for. And maybe I'm too much of a rube, but that worm story in Stellaris was so much pretentious crap. Apart from Paradox, let's say looking at Stellar Monarch, Terra Invicta and Dominions, I'd say Grand Strategy has a few intriguing titles, but most of them are very flawed in many ways and their writing is above average at the most.

brags about fucking other men's wives on the internet


Well, yes. I've read old Thuk, and I agree with the Athenians there and with your note regarding this stance. But it's my opinion that the quote requires no justification, being very obviously true, whereas anything running counter to it does require justification, since it contradicts something obviously true.

You talk so much about your supposed ugliness. Have you posted a picture of yourself so far?

JarJar couldn't make it clearer.

Yes he could. And you seem to be reading a lot into what he says. Without even going into your object-level discussion of HBD, the truth or falseness of which I have no idea of, I think you're making some enormous leaps to your favorite conclusions based on very little, or at least very little right here. Your post, as it stands, reads a little "schizo" - please provide more evidence regarding @JarJarJedi's perspective if you make such strong assertions about it.

You want unique wisdom, then go and ask the people who had the experience. I mean, it seems you bought into the notion that you can generate personality traits or attractiveness or valuable experiences by going through with some zany scheme, and you also seem to be genuinely mentally ill to the point of holding ridiculous delusions as factual truths, but maybe you'll manage to consider the following: Other people have done what you consider your best path forward. Go and talk to them. Ask them about how great it is to be married to mental and biological failure. Ask them how much they get out of their lives when most of it is spent propping up that which fails to give reason to its existence beyond a hole between its legs. Maybe take a good look at them, figure out whether they're the kind that made their peace with fate and are waiting for death to release them from the shitshow they failed to extricate themselves from, or whether they're deluding themselves into thinking that what they're doing will ever get any better, or even that it's valuable. Also try to figure out how much of a burden their ward is on the people around them.

Your ideas are wrong, all wrong, and I am unreasonably angry about someone wanting to throw themselves and everyone around them into decades of misery. But it's none of my business. Go ahead, make the biggest mistake of your life. We all die eventually, and what does it matter whether you turned your life into an existential horror show. From what you wrote so far it seems your mind is beyond reason or repair, so all we can do is accept your planned self-destruction. Easy to do, since I don't know you.

I'm not sure I read you right, but I take it your post means that you do want hormone treatments for children and teenagers?

Thanks! I really didn't expect to be spoonfed a review in response to my complaint, but I do appreciate it.

It's my observation that German media uncritically accept and promote the framing of democrats as good and republicans as bad, and this has been ongoing at least since the Clinton presidency.

Cheap labor might be a net benefit if welfare expectations weren't so high and if crime were more effectively dealt with, but yeah, as it is it seems to be a bad deal.

Edit: And the sociocultural problems, obviously. And the identity politics.

Are you suggesting that anyone who cannot guarantee that his children are better off than himself should not have any?