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User ID: 2984

Banned by: @Amadan

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User ID: 2984

Banned by: @Amadan

"Looting as praxis to demolish late stage capitalism" is centrist now?

I am beyond frustrated at dealing with "nothing is ever leftist" deflections. It never seems to matter how far an institution falls into embracing leftist dogma, you will always be told "that land acknowledgement where they called you a settler colonist of Turtle Island whose whiteness is violence isn't real leftism according to this week's redefinition."

NPR has objectively moved so far to the left that its current editorial positions would look like cringe parody to its 2014 listeners. It doesn't matter that whatever progressives you hang out with have gone even more mask-off re. "settler children get the bullet too" (see Ian Golash and the hezbollah-flag waving demos); a fringe demographic of online leftists is not allowed to dictate where the center is.


It's been a real thing for years. The call is "NORMALIZE X", where X is a deformity, mental illness, obesity, etc. it's the natural result of "representation matters.".
You can see it in all the comments: "Damn apparently every character needs to follow strict societal beauty standards rooted in white supremacy" etc. etc.

Once again it's only a conspiracy theory when outsiders notice what the insiders celebrate.
Even that dev who was recently making excuses about how face modeling is hard snuck in an "and actually it's good to challenge cis hetero beauty standards and we're doing it deliberately" towards the end.

Diverted uncounted billions of dollars to leftist activism to give sinecures to hordes of useless college graduates, putting fringe "critical theory" activists in charge of university hiring, science funding, and formerly apolitical NGOs with massive endowments and prestige.

I don't know what goals you think they had other than "all power to us, loot the system for our ingroup"

How can people still pretend the institutional takeovers of 2020 just didn't happen?

I just saw "child safety guidelines" from a pediatrician visit which said not to allow your child out to play from 11AM to 3PM, because of the sun.

Didn't anti-sunlight safetyism peak years ago? Why has the advice continued to get crazier? Is this pediatrician a lone vampire groomer, or is the whole AMA like this?

It wouldn't make me so angry if the children in question weren't pasty obese maggots who desperately need sun and exercise. The doc made a choice to ask "so, are they being exposed to the evils of natural light? Oh, they sit inside and play Minecraft, eating Totino's™ Pizza Rolls™ all day? Good, good, check that health problem off the list. Now, are there any guns or motorcycles in the house? Because they can lead to dangers like going outside and doing things."

I'm not a parent, but everything I've seen of education and child-raising recently has been throwing up giant red flags. How are motte parents dealing with this stuff?

Dumping an EA veganism quote for people to reference.

Vegan advocacy can spur the transition sooner. I submit that one of the most important efforts that Effective Altruists could be doing is triggering the veganism S-curve, i.e. reaching the tipping point earlier. It’s a unique S-curve in that it’ll be both technologically and socially driven. In this post, I delve into the social component and the impact that individuals and institutions could have by steering toward more uncompromisingly vegan diets.
I see the transition reaching completion when all mainstream restaurants and institutions serve 100% vegan meals due to significant demand from consumers. I expect stragglers such as Chick-Fil-A, who doubled down on their stance against same-sex marriage. But for the most part, I expect all progressive-leaning institutions to switch over. Eventually, the Ivy League universities, the Apples/Googles, and leading newspapers will cease serving animal products in their dining halls/events.

The biggest tipping point can occur through institutions. Jacy Reese Anthis’ great book The End of Animal Farming emphasizes the tractability of advocating toward institutions. Imagine the cascading effect if Harvard University or The New York Times had a full vegan mandate, e.g. vegan food for all events, dining, and travel expenses. Those would be big jumps in some of the values above, e.g. D. Institutions are sensitive to social winds as we saw during the MeToo and George Floyd movements. For example, the Golden Globes was effectively annihilated for not acting fast enough on inclusivity.

But there is room for flexitarianism. What matters is hardline vegan demand on planned occasions. A flexitarian may have a vegan Wednesday, in which case, the same awkward restaurant interaction may play out then. I see D as the proportion of occasions where the vegan demand occurs. Whether it’s a binary or tailing distribution among people is immaterial. Newly elected mayor Eric Adams started Vegan Fridays at New York City public schools. I anticipate this having a positive, significant effect on the S-curve transition

This is what desantis is fighting, and I don't see how anyone could blame him for it. They see no issue using any dirty tactic to ban meat, so why should anyone defending themselves against the attack feel any regret about clobbering them with whatever weapon they have on hand?
They want their enemies "effectively annihilated", what right do they have to protest their victims doing it to them first? You can even have fun #me-too-ing them or copying "firey but mostly peaceful" 2020 riots: they've already endorsed those tactics!

Do not compromise or negotiate with terrorists, do not trust them when they lie about their goals to your face and brag about it to their co-conspirators where they think you can't hear them.

Eventually? It already happened.


Fincen started to fight money laundering and international tax fraud. Now it's being used to make dossiers on domestic political opponents. Shop at Cabelas, you're on a list.

All the worst case scenarios have already happened so fast nobody noticed. The Democrats have complete institutional control of the government and zero qualms about abusing it.

Remember that everyone said this exact same thing about BLM protests in 2015. The movement was a joke, just some crazy college kids.

This is just another loop on the death spiral.

Free expression is fine. She's saying she will run her organizations according to those arguably illegal principles.

I wouldn't want to fire a guy for tweeting "There Might Be Niggers Here, He Thought to Himself etc."
But if the chairman of the national science foundation started posting "don't feel like giving any grants to niggers this year lmao" there should be questions asked about whether he's violating the law.

At least this is the distinction being used to justify his tactics among liberal types. After the New York Times went after middle school girls for singing along to rap lyrics I'm personally happy to make them eat their own shit for eternity.

Trump got rid of the worst excesses of Title IX, which Biden just made even worse with a (literal) vengeance. Did you pay attention to that one?

This "trump never did anything so don't support him" thing bothers me coming from liberals because it's transparently dishonest. Just say "I'd rather have Biden's "misgendering-is-a-crime" Title IX policy" than try to trick people into thinking there's no difference.

Jordan Peterson is a case where we know he was targeted for destruction, because the people doing it said they were doing it. The mob helped, natural social media mechanics helped, but there were malicious actors with an open goal of "neutralizing an influencer radicalizing young men by any means necessary."

You can tell because they only defend them when they're being attacked, like everything they know is wrong but also disliked by the enemy. They also try to pull the "Republicans pounce! It's right wing culture war!" card instead of a real defense on the merits, just like with "whiteness must be exterminated because it means showing up to work on time"

There were never any NYT articles crowing about how 75% of all professor applicants are now pre-screened out by the DEI department, before their resumes are even given to the official hiring committee.
Maybe even you don't know that, even though people have told you before... It's that kind of defense through carefully cultured and reinforced blindness.

It's not happening, only those people commit the faux pas of noticing it, and now that it's been brought up everyone uncomfortably shifts their eyes around the room to avoid defending it. It's almost a relief when LaShawna from HR launches into "how DARE you!", and you can just nod along silently cringing and memorizing her spiel for your next promotion review.

Because they don't want people making and distributing porn independently of party control. Even the "liberatory queer sexuality" team want it managed like the government affiliated "kids BDSM" clubs in Germany.

Or the Sozialwerk.LGBT+ club for kids 13+ in Switzerland that made the news recently, with the big box of sex toys on the table.

These groups don't want natural sexual expression, and certainly don't want it tainted by capitalism! They want it broadly repressed and its release carefully managed by Licensed Queer Social Workers.

BLM was the previous vehicle for institutional leftism to take over everything. "Decolonization" is the new one.

Did anyone see the SF DA's press release about the Golden gate blocking arrests? The perps were booked on a felony conspiracy charge, and it concludes

anyone who was detained against their will (falsely imprisoned) on the golden gate bridge... Is urged to contact the CHP at ### and provide a statement detailing what happened to you... So you can be alleged as a victim. You may be entitled to restitution and have other victim rights guaranteed under Marsy's law

(Edit: to clarify, this statement was addressed to anyone who the protesters blocked from crossing the bridge, declaring them victims who can seek restitution from the protesters! TTBOMK I'm not aware of a statement like this being issued after a left wing protest/riot before.)

They're not throwing the book at them, but does this seem like a setup to finally go after the leftist orgs funding these protests and inflicting financial harm on them?

It's strange for an SF official to be pursuing a strategy from Rufo's Twitter feed! "False imprisonment by rioters" has been a talking point on the right for years now, but it took urban liberal Jewish/* lawyers to deploy it in practice?

/* Don't @me, you know it's a safe assumption on this issue!

It's been shocking how bad the Israeli propaganda ops are, like there's now a complete disconnect between Israel and American jewry.
But on the other hand we can see signs of immense power still in the hands of older US Jews in media. Papers like the NYT have been relatively unbiased despite their junior staff wanting to turn it into the Hamas Daily. There's a moderating energy that was completely missing during the hysteria of 2020, and I think it's safe to ascribe it to Jewish senior staff putting their feet down.

The new "female" model is just the male model with boobs stapled on

Oh no no no, they can't just bait like this, it's not sporting. And the worst part is PoGo is one of the few videos games that has an actual female player base rather than male not-models with boobs strapped on.

It'll be interesting to watch the universal condemnation turn into "only the chuds hate this" after the articles come out. It happens every single time, like people just forget what they used to think.

Can you link a study on that from any group that isn't openly pushing to abolish meat? Because I'm familiar with the propaganda tricks: classifying all rain that falls on grazing lands as "water used for animals", etc.

I know what my inputs and outputs are, and the inputs are extremely minimal. It's likely that the US wastes a lot of grain fattening up cows and even sheep (US carcass weights for "lambs" are double the UK's, which hurts quality for zero benefit), but those are inefficiencies due to our historically cheap feed prices and lack of innovation in decaying markets.

I hate the current year so much. The awful combination of performative histrionic prudishness and obnoxious, ubiquitous safe-horny normie-fap-bait.

Furries go around naming projects after horse diaper fetishes and nobody gives a shit because uwu programmer socks tee hee, but this gets their panties in a twist?

I like this idea because you actually do see a lot of scrawny guy-fat chick couples (every meme about "polycules" features them), but rarely muscular guy-fat chick.

But imo the most important thing for women is having a friend group of healthy women. The deep fried crab bucket effect is real, and a circle of fat friends will actively undermine a woman trying to stay fit.

This is already being effectively prevented. Every national science grant requires a DEI statement now, evaluated by a DEI committee. Even astronomers need to talk about how their work will empower marginalized communities and engage with indigenous ways of knowing. The system is set up at every level to ruin weirdos, dissenters, and anyone who isn't at the forefront of party dogma.

The absurd hypotheticals already happened years ago without anyone noticing.

"Men punching random women in NYC: a desperate last gasp of the male rage fueling MAGA"

My favorite example from the last six hours of making shit up out of whole cloth to scapegoat the enemy, although I'm sure it'll be topped by tomorrow

Slip her some real red pills like I'm Bill Cosby.

Wait, I just noticed the book is yours, not hers, the joke hardly works

Meanwhile the other side already uses government money to publish anti-meat propaganda. The reasonable answer is to grab the gun of state power and dump the mag before they get their hands on it, because they won't hesitate for a second once they have it pointed at you.

But they're also one of the worst offenders attacking popular content for arbitrary reasons. They'll order takedowns of "big titty high school ninjas 7", but give government art grants to obese men dressing up in latex women masks to perform home castrations and penis bisections on themselves.

They want to ban independent production of pornography for the same reason they ban independent schooling: so it can be run by men like Helmut Kentler.

It bothers me immensely and I'm struggling to finish an essay trying to explain it clearly.

Do you know Lewis's "The Inner Ring" speech? I think it's related to how concentric rings of social circles form, with people at each layer sneering at those in the outer layer, while apeing the fashions of the inner layer they're desperate to be inducted into.

The other (hierarchy) is not printed anywhere. Nor is it even a formally organised secret society with officers and rules which you would be told after you had been admitted. You are never formally and explicitly admitted by anyone. You discover gradually, in almost indefinable ways, that it exists and that you are outside it; and then later, perhaps, that you are inside it.

There are what correspond to passwords, but they are too spontaneous and informal. A particular slang, the use of particular nicknames, an allusive manner of conversation, are the marks.

It has no fixed name. The only certain rule is that the insiders and outsiders call it by different names...” From outside, if you have dispaired of getting into it, you call it “That gang” or “they” or “So-and-so and his set” or “The Caucus” or “The Inner Ring.” If you are a candidate for admission you probably don’t call it anything. To discuss it with the other outsiders would make you feel outside yourself. And to mention talking to the man who is inside, and who may help you if this present conversation goes well, would be madness!

The "shell game of implausible deniability" is how people advance in leftist circles. The dev I mentioned must affect all the correct mannerisms to be admitted to a higher circle in his ideologically captured industry. But to name that circle would be unthinkably gauche!
To label it with a term like "woke" announces you're an outsider, the worst kind of scum who has despaired of any social advancement, and anyone hoping for admission must publicly shun you.