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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

Started to ask "but which half" and nearly died laughing that the question makes sense.

I'm pretty sure he's mentioned it before, and do you really think he'd be at this level without the +2 racial bonus to kvetching? He's too good.

(Edit: sorry, only a +1 bonus for cross-specing, my mistake)

People here don't buy guns or gun accessories that the Biden administration is trying to use administrative procedure to make retroactively illegal?
People here don't read books the FBI considers "warning signs of domestic extremism" such that buying them puts you on an investigation list? We didn't have literally a thread about those books a few months ago?

FC might have something to say about that.

Citation linked for the 5th time btw because apparently nobody ever reads them or just pretends it never happened EVERY SINGLE TIME


If you're going to be a journalist, you need to be careful about precisely this type of thing.

You created and printed out fake worksheets to back up your claims. That's a level of preparation most 'it was only a prank' jokes don't go for. Now, the next time anyone gets a story with alleged "here is hard copy evidence", how are they to believe it's true? How do they decide or weight "don't investigate this, it's all fake like that furry story"? There are exactly these kind of stories about "here's the curriculum about CRT/gender and transgender that the school board is pushing on the kindergarten classes" going around, with alleged 'hard copy' evidence of "this is a screenshot of the actual teaching materials". Whatever level of scepticism that should always be around such allegations, now you've made it tougher to risk "if I go ahead with this story, will I end up looking like a fool?" and that is a loss for the public interest, because if these stories are fake, we need to know, and if they're true we need to know, too.

You've pissed in your own nest, sorry to say.

This post was spot on. That's what people who want to dismiss the evidence say every time now, and you helped them. LoTT has been one of the only people actually gathering and publicizing evidence of the batshit things teachers are pushing on American kids, and she was your first target, coincidentally(?) at the same time as the entire left wing organized a simultaneous assault on her.
Just why, dude.

The people who pushed the consensus that kendi and diangelo were serious thinkers about "whiteness" and that arresting people for going to the beach or a hike in the woods (but not a BLM riot) was perfectly normal have backed off those extreme positions, so there's less open fighting.
But the people they were pushing it on remember and do not extend the same spirit of charity any more.

It feels like many people have been waking up from a 4 year bender of religious mania and don't quite remember what they did or why their friends give them strange looks and don't return their calls now. Suggesting "covid amnesties" the way a drunk at brunch might sheepishly ask "what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, right guys?"

That's interesting. The majority of people I know here who did solar before the subsidies were fringe Christian survivalists (great folks, very practical, always good for a 5 gallon bucket of 1999-dated dried beans).
Now it's the Subaru and Prius crowd getting paid to put prayer flags on their roofs.

Think I ruined a "friendship" with one when the power went out at his place during the day, and I laughed at him because his grid-tie solar couldn't even power his own house. I may as well have been Mohammed spitting on his pagan idols.

"my people rules-lawyer God, you never stood a chance"

How are we going to be able to prove this to your satisfaction? We couldn't even get a consensus that retail theft, homeless misbehavior, and bad driving skyrocketed in 2020-2023 despite all the evidence. People who didn't want to acknowledge it just went "oh ho, I see you're falling for fox news scaremongering, didn't you know crime is down?"

My friend I literally just linked an article last week about the FBI skimming through everyone's credit card purchases for "suspicious activity."

The majority of Republicans with solar seem to be off grid and not eligible for the absurd subsidies given to California Democrats.

"I have solar and get paid $.5/kwh to use the grid as my battery!" <-probably leftist.
"I installed it myself" <-probably conservative.
"I'm off grid and power my home with a salvaged Tesla battery and some microcomputers I had laying around" <-there are two wolves inside you: they are both far-right libertarian congressman Thomas Massie.

This is probably one reason why IRA subsidies now require home inspections from "energy efficiency experts", other than the usual "jobs for the folx" pork.

Edit: this also applies to heat pumps, on a scale of "brags his $25k install is saving the planet", "installed it himself", and "is a real HVAC tech"

Let me know if you want to compare notes when you finish it. Won't say anything that might spoil you now.

Maybe I was just in a bad mood for it.

trying to bring .

Unfinished sentence there.

I'll come back and try to read this later when I can go through all the blue links to piece together the context.

I like to pretend it's all a very long con to implement their preferred one-state solution: "king Carlos of Jerusalem"

Has anyone found a full recording of Der verbotene Ohrwurm? I haven't checked the alt-tubes yet, but either nobody is putting it online, the regime is fighting very hard to keep it off, or quite possibly I'm retarded.

Comments on original versions of the song are either off the hook or just off.

I absolutely second the "that happened" comment. The quote was just strange

Update. Do not read "the killing star", it is a very silly mish-mash of unconnected silly plots, weird obsessions of the authors, and silly name-dropping + self inserts about persecuted science fiction authors.

It was actually worse than Red Side Story, so looks like I'm batting 0 for 2 this week. Time to read some non-fiction for a palate cleanser.

I had completely forgotten about the imploding submarine until you said that. There's only so much current thing you can cram in your brain before it starts leaking out.

Started The Killing Star as my falling asleep reading last night, and it reminded me how huge Titanic-mania was in the 80-90s, with the 1997 film release hitting what seems like the crest of the wave.

For a solid decade you'd see raising the Titanic as a random "as you know, we are living in the future" infodump, there were endless books and documentaries about it, people invested millions in building replicas. As late as the 2016 the Chinese were building a full size one (in Sichuan of all places) that seems to have been abandoned during construction.

It was striking because of how absolutely the meme died since 2015 or so. "Draw me like one of your French girls" is the last relic.
A good warning of the dangers of making big investments jumping on cultural bubbles only to be left holding the bag when they burst (cough Sega)

Is anyone old enough to remember the start? Did it just build steadily from the discovery of the wreck? "Raise the Titanic!" was late 70s, and Clive Cussler isn't known for original ideas...

Is it best to try and avoid presentism in your writing, or embrace it and write for your audience/profitable fads rather than for future readers?

Also read Jasper Fforde's "Red Side Story" last night, and regret the wasted time. Dreadful sequel 15 years too late to use the original ideas of the first book.

Thank you, I spent hours trying to come up with a "new soviet man was noble savage all along, is much surprise" joke.

I only heard today that a state AG has sued Media Matters, and that they've laid off some of their doxxing team and antifa-organizers in response.

I don't have time to look into it right now, but if nobody else is writing a post I can try to find out whats going on over the weekend. It sounds amazingly encouraging so far, because media matters and their affiliates are the big stick of the "just build your own international banking system" attacks.

Is anyone else more plugged in to the topic, or working on it?

Doesn't look like we'll get much traction on it, but I'll tell you how calyx goes.

I'm off windows on my laptop, but still need 10 on desktop basically just for Adobe software. Gimp is earning its name these days.

Windows 11 looks creepy. The new "we constantly record you screen and process it with AI" thing was unintentional self-parody.

The curse of directly replying from the comments feed

Most golf carts don't have the little extras required (seat belts, mirrors, etc), but many of the more expensive "campus security vehicles" are road legal, like the ones Google uses.

Funny anecdote actually: my college made it very clear that the new gold-plated camp sec golf carts hit the dollar threshold for Grand Theft Auto if you, say, got shitfaced and stole one to do donuts on the baseball diamond.
They were the road-legal upgrade package so they could use the public side roads instead of being limited to campus paths.

As for climate, I'd want some zip-up canvas doors or something to keep the winter rain off, and probably need to build a garage + heated batt box for charging lithium batteries in cold weather.

Most likely UCLA is experiencing much more trouble attracting the limited pool of black students with good test scores now that every other school in the country is aggressively poaching them.

Morehouse college has the same problem despite going from 100% black to 100% Black

The immediately visible effects of AA first show up at the lowest ranked schools and work their way up. When Harvard takes the 1050 SAT guy who would have gone to Evergreen State, Evergreen has to settle for the guy who learned to write his name in his juvie GED program.

Combined with the rise of Grade-Inflation Studies degrees and endless free money, it's the perfect cover for everyone who matters choosing to ignore the consequences.

The votes seem to agree with me, and the mod team discord defense force doesn't. That should tell you something.