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User ID: 2984



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User ID: 2984

We've already had proof of cases where the FBI groomed Islamic mass shooters and literally had agents observing their attack without intervening (the Texas Draw Mohammed attack).

There's been some others where the attacker was literally a paid informant, but there's no evidence (found) that he was ordered to do the attack.

So imo it's not an unreasonable jump to assume the state is directly involved in planning and carrying out mass shootings for political reasons. At best it's one of those things that exists in a quantum superposition of "duh, everyone knows that, it doesn't prove anything" and "that's a right wing conspiracy for which there's no evidence"

Someone needs to hire Scott to write "20 childhood illnesses The Jews don't want your child protected from." He's pretty good at those, and there's a legitimate hippie-bashing angle you could take to avoid turning people off.

It's unfortunate that 99% of public health writers can't help sneering at their audience.

I dated my linear algebra tutor in college. She was a Czech math major who very clearly thought my economics courses were cute play-acting from sociologists pretending to do math.

Didn't cause any problems, maybe because I didn't take my major very seriously either. And unlike a lot of women she had the breadth of interests for us to find things we had in common at the same level (cello and violin, swimming)

Oh, you're just going to do that thing where you pretend that Justice Was Done when someone you don't like is targeted for prosecution, acknowledging but then completely ignoring that the entire system is rigged to target only enemies of the regime.

When leftists vandalize people's homes and scrawl Hamas logos on their doors, this is of course bad but it means nothing that the state doesn't prosecute them. But of course someone carrying a lit tiki torch 8 years ago being re-prosecuted over and over is just the justice system working as intended, got it.

Ok, sure, my fault for forgetting the rule about interacting with users who pull manipulative debating strategies like that.

I don't know, maybe they could actually investigate them for admitting to firebombing a federal building?

But hey, the libs who run the security state have more important targets, like kids leaving scooter tire marks on rainbow crosswalks and parents at school board meetings complaining about their kids being forced to read gay porn

Hmmmmm, what about a situation where a literal designated terrorist organization posted lists of people to harass, and the followers of that designated terrorist organization repeatedly committed criminal violence against those people?

But somehow I'm not seeing them being fined eleventy billion dollars, because they're just terrorists rather than political opponents of the regime.

"I was 30 at the time" would put it right back in scope, but my reputation's probably already bad enough

Most Democrats used to be fairly moderate and skittish about a lot of things they are now extreme and vocal about, with propaganda spread on social media the thing that changed their consensus-mediated understanding of reality.

The propagandists understand how this is done and are now doing it with court packing. Appealing to the moderate position makes no sense when it's being manufactured and changed at will.

Can't help you, because I've just started saying it once they've said something similar a few times first. (Keeping a mental note of who does this is a surprise tool that will help us later)

Turns out it's a lot of fun, can see why feminists have been doing it to us for years.

Do you know what sites and apps people actually use for reading manga? I see a lot of stuff being half-digital now, where the first and latest few chapters are free online, with physical volume releases and paid subscriptions for archived chapters.

I still read almost everything pirated, but I'm trying to shift to full raw as my jp slowly improves/i get faster at looking up confusing kanji and slang.

Plus I'd like to at least support LO and a few other publishers after all these years of stealing their stuff.

Wasn't it heavily suppressed to the point of people being prosecuted for not deleting it fast enough when totally different people posted it to a website they moderated?
The difference is in the media coverage using the suppressed manifesto as an excuse to hurt their political enemies.

I am one of those people, and think there are serious issues with being somehow even more autistic than my dad.
It really screws with your life in lots of little ways, and even as an adult I regret missing the opportunity to do fun stuff with my dad when he was still in decent shape. We wanted to go sailing together, go hiking in Europe again, build another house together... That's not happening in his 80s.

The cool ones obviously. (I wasn't stumbling, but I did fall out my GF's window at 4am once and woke her dad up)

The problem I personally have with YouTube is the awful clickbait content being produced because of the site's incentives, not my inability to download the content.

There's just so much crap and it's impossible to find the gems buried in it. If only there was an addon for that.

Almost literally no historian who has documented white flight ever claimed it was for "no good reason

I checked Wikipedia for the summary of academic documentation of "white flight"

However, some historians have challenged the phrase "white flight" as a misnomer whose use should be reconsidered. In her study of West Side in Chicago during the post-war era, historian Amanda Seligman argues that the phrase misleadingly suggests that whites immediately departed when blacks moved into the neighborhood, when in fact, many whites defended their space with violence, intimidation, or legal tactics.[18] Leah Boustan, Professor of Economics at Princeton, attributes white flight both to racism and economic reasons

Wikipedia says it's because whites were evil racists.

White flight contributed to the draining of cities' tax bases when middle-class people left. Abandoned properties attracted criminals and street gangs, contributing to crime

Whites were the evil perpetrators and the root cause of all that crime, which didn't exist until white people's racism racismed it into existence.

See also:
"White demographic decline"
"White genocide conspiracy theory"

Aren't all handguns banned in Canada now?

He's French, it's his culture. And also he's right imo.

tell me you've never held a blue collar job without coming out and saying it.

I have a blue collar job and agree with him. If we could organize politically our wages wouldn't be stagnating as our bosses replace everyone they can with illegals.

If we weren't hopelessly inept at organizing, how did construction workers end up being forced to take "male privilege" training sessions? If we were capable those responsible would already be dangling from cranes and meat hooks by now.

The stories I could tell you about my coworkers who've uncomplainingly slaved away for decades for people who despise them...

CMP garands are still available? I thought the whole thing was pretty much done after the Obama regime made a point of not cooperating with them any more.
Didn't they destroy M1s rather than give them to the CMP? There was a huge lawsuit over it.

I don't even care if that's true because it's absolutely beautiful, and I regret we missed our chance for nuclear apocalypse started by a tea lady who thought she was unlocking the broom cupboard.

Yeah, multi-vote systems are a classic "I have a new system that if everyone uses it correctly will solve the problem of people using the current system incorrectly"

Haven't all the easily-deployed-by-third-parties nuclear weapons been decommissioned? There aren't backpack nukes with 4 digit arming codes written on the side in crayon any more.

The closest thing is probably a Russian Topol, and I don't know how well those are locked down. Can the crew launch a nuke with the truck ignition key? I seriously doubt it.

Probably a lot of pushback from reli-trads, but interesting pushback. Most of the ones I can think of are at least familiar with ye old manosphere, and at least have reasons why they don't agree.

I agree with your first bolded highlight. On reddit voting was easily gamed by subreddit brigading to create a false appearance of consensus, but that's not an issue on a single-sub-site.

This just cedes the territory to people who are skilled at writing posts that are maximally annoying but time-consuming or frustrating to refute with as much evidence as they demand. (Or who ghost and return to demand the same evidence over and over, pretending the previous conversation never happened).
This is a common tactic, as you will have noticed on reddit and certain heavily downvoted users here.