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User ID: 869

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If you were in charge of setting high school fiction reading curriculums, what books would you choose? I think Dune holds up, maybe Blood Meridian? But I’m not as well read as some of you

< 3g in a hotel room is prob fine as long as you don’t have any psychological issues like suicidal tendencies

Have you heard Thundercat? Great 2010s funk, “Them Changes” is prob his most well-known

Been taking it for a year with no side effects as far as I can tell. That being said not sure it improves my focus beyond a placebo, whatever the effect is it’s not noticeable.

Any nicotine gum users in here? I tried some 4mg gum this past weekend for the first time (it was the first nicotine product I had ever tried), taking 1/day Saturday-Monday. On Saturday the effect was so strong I just wanted to take a nap for three hours, but after that I had a very productive afternoon. Sunday/Monday it was much more manageable and I got a lot of work done. Helped me move quickly from subtask to subtask without thinking of all the more fun things I could be doing with my time. Tuesday and today I abstained and had no withdrawal effects. I suspect this could be a very useful supplement provided I avoid addiction, my main concerns are things I've heard about how it harms tendon repair, but maybe once or twice a week while working on learning a new skill could be beneficial? Any advice/thoughts/anecdotes appreciated.

I tried this game for the first time last weekend, how do you keep everyone from dying the first time a wild animal attacks?

My libido fell off a cliff last Saturday (the 5th). Just woke up and it was like sex had lost all appeal to me. I can only get erect with VERY focused extended stimulation. I’m single atm and on a bit of a dry spell so I guess this isn’t a super pressing issue but it feels odd considering I’m only 24. I don’t watch porn so that’s not it. Though I’ve made a habit of rubbing one out to salacious texts from college flings which I guess could have the same effect? Still odd it would affect me this suddenly and all at once. I quit weed cold turkey on the 3rd and have been noticing weird side effects, even though I’ve had multiple t-breaks of similar length in the past with no issues at all. Been waking up slightly nauseous, usually goes away after some dry heaving. Got my testosterone levels checked last week and they’re at 380, which I think is on the low end of normal but shouldn’t itself be the explanation. I did test positive for a UTI last week accompanied by some bladder pain but it went away after 4 days on antibiotics, which I’m still taking. My doctor said my EKG was “slightly off but nothing too concerning” and referred me to a cardiologist and a urologist just to be sure, both appointments set for next week. I suppose they’d have the most relevant advice but this has me extremely concerned and sort of depressed so would appreciate any input. I don’t think I’ve gone a single day without an orgasm since I was 12 and now I do it without even trying. My body fat is at 10.5% and I don’t undereat. I’m not any more stressed than I’ve been at any other point in my life, just minor work-related stuff but I’m financially secure. It has been over a week of this so I’m very concerned.

I’ve been taking 15mg forever so doubt that would make a difference. That being said this issue has mostly cleared up since I made this comment but thanks anyway. Think it was just withdrawal symptoms.

How would India achieve this? Why would the federal government allow states to secede? India is also diverse along multiple different axes. Even within states formed along language boundaries, Kerala for example, you have different religions and tribal vs rural vs urban populations. Would be a nightmare to partition, especially considering how chaotic the initial India-Pakistan partition was.

Do you consider work generated by ChatGPT to be theft of intellectual property of the writers who wrote the text used in the training data? I’m fairly confident in saying its not because transformers generate fairly novel content word-by-word, especially for fiction prompts, but am open to being convinced otherwise. If you agree with me, what’s a simple way of explaining to normies that ChatGPT-generated content is not IP theft?

I’m not sure I understand the Against point here

I Am You by Daniel Kolak. A long, detailed book positing Open Individualism, the idea there’s only one subject of experience in the universe

“Open Individualism” is the most formal name I’ve seen, mostly because it contrasts nicely with Closed Individualism and Empty Individualism, and it was coined by Kolak. It was first postulated in The Upanishads (Atman, The Self, is the same for all conscious beings, and is identical to Brahman which is the Ultimate Reality). Averroes also independently discovered it.

I think The Egg story is cool but doesn’t exactly get at the same concept since there’s a soteriology to it and it’s anthropocentric.

In hindsight I shouldn’t have used the words “intellectual property” in my comment since it’s more of a legal term, my question was more about “is it stealing/plagiarism in the same sense that it would be if a human produced the same work”.

Not-so-small scale question but this is probably the only place I can get an informed answer on this not constrained by political correctness: what’s your overarching theory of why Western Europe and its descendants are the world’s most influential civilization of the past few centuries?

Gave the longer book I was reading on the philosophy of personal identity (Daniel Kolak's I Am You) a break to read David Pearce's The Hedonistic Imperative. 1995 Manifesto on how and why we should use bioengineering to totally eliminate suffering. Not just specific kinds of emotional suffering in the Buddhist sense, but literally all negative-valence qualia. He does a good job anticipating and responding to most objections too. Was a huge influence on Nick Bostrom and it's publicly available online if anyone is interested: https://www.hedweb.com/hedab.htm

Lmk what you think

I think I might have a last minute v-day date soon (or one tomorrow night). Pretty Argentinian girl, I live in America. Unfortunately, she’s a huge sports fan and I am not. What should I know about the World Cup Finale or the Super Bowl? I didn’t watch either of them. Aside from who played/won ofc. This is a first date.

I’m not really trying to floor her with any encyclopedic knowledge on it but I’d like to not come off as a total noob. I consider myself an otherwise good conversationalist.

She stopped responding. But I had an ice cream date with a med school student last night that went well and boba with a real estate agent tomorrow so I’ll brush it off.

I’m not that smart but if he actually believed this he’d be borrowing as much as he could from a bank to buy BTC with right?

Is there a good writeup on how AI might affect employment in software engineering in the next 3 years or so?

You just stated this without justification though. I think it’s totally plausible, maybe even the most likely scenario, but I’d like to see some kind of reasoning for it, preferably with numbers.

Alice in Chains’ Dirt is a great depressing hard rock album

Saw a tweet floating around linking a paper that talked about how a lot of European countries executed 0.5-1% of their population every year during the middle ages or something like that, does anyone have access to this or something similar? Can't seem to find it