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Does not have a yacht

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joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


User ID: 174


Does not have a yacht

8 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 04 21:42:16 UTC


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User ID: 174

You can't fricken drone strike a single family house (let alone a single person's apartment) without causing mass collateral damage.

Of course you can. Single family detached is easy. An apartment, maybe you're using a robot of some sort instead of a drone, but more likely police in riot gear. There aren't going to be 10,000 Joes; once you make an example over the first one, the rest will snap into line. Remember all the protests on Joe Biden's inauguration day? Of course not, because the government made its point on January 6.

(And the gun control advocates would totally take the deal. Then they'd welch. What are you going to do about it?)

But you'd be basically alone, because conservatives continue to accept the legitimacy of the institutions even though they're corrupt.

Distributed throughout the second half. The whole tone of that half strikes me as just gleeful that Trump's people are being sanctioned.

No, it hurts Musk's credibility. The NYTs credibility is unassailable.

Sure, straightforward selective breeding and culling might work. But it ain't gonna happen.

Maybe, though I have my doubts. Not before that particular bit of pravda become part of it, I'd wager.

Few people in Iran supports the current regime.

Why should I believe that?

And if they do reconstitute - you kill them again. Until they are tired of dying

I'm not sure why I, or the United States, should care so much. If they did anything significant enough to the US I can see killing them until whoever replaces them includes "don't fuck with the Great Satan" among their policies, but other than that, such a policy seems pointless.

Unlike you who want an one sided perspective, I am not going to defend the Russian invasion.

You're just going to ignore it and advocate for the US and the West to also ignore it.

Zagorsky pointed out that “people with above-average IQ scores are only 1.2 times as likely as individuals with below-average IQ scores to have a comparatively high net worth,” which means, “relatively large numbers” of people with low IQs are rich.

IQ is a bell curve, which means there's a lot more people in the middle than the ends. So that figure is greatly influenced by the mass of people near the center of the bell curve; that is, a randomly selected person is most likely (by a factor of more than 2:1) to be within 1SD of the median. It speaks to the strength of the correlation that, even considering that, a randomly selected person in the top half is 20% more likely to have high net worth than a randomly selected person in the bottom half.

Zagorsky said “the average income difference between a person with an IQ score in the normal range (100) and someone in the top 2% of society (130) is currently between $6000 and $18,500 per year,” or roughly on average just $12,000. That isn't actually a lot.

$12,000 is indeed a lot, if the median is $40,000.

“People with above-average IQ scores (> 100) are three times as likely as below-average IQ individuals to have a high (> $105,000) income,” that describes almost no one (only 10% of individuals earn so much), and all one needs to have so good a chance at that is any above-average IQ.

10% is not "almost no-one" and that claim does not mean "all one needs to have so good a chance at that is any above-average IQ"; that is, it does not mean that someone with an IQ of 101 is as likely to have a > $105,000 income than someone with an IQ of 120. And further, note that these graphs left off the "very rich".

To be fair to German society, this is a trend affecting pretty much the entire developed world, and nobody has ever managed to find a solution to it, not even in Singapore.

Repeal Luke 12:48.

Well, the whole issue seems to be the Hlynka does find it racist, and isn't just applying the labels of the other side.

Worse, then; he's internalized their labels.

I don't think he ever denied the fact that black people commit more crime, or called pointing that fact out racist.

Above he claimed, without any evidence at all, that you can't use demographics to determine who is more likely to shoplift (specifically, p=0.5 -- no significance)

If Democrats have the power of defining 'racism', and he's purity spiraling, why doesn't he go all the way, and tell us how anti-white racism is ok because of our white privilege?

I think he just doesn't like the particular wording.

Only between barrages, I'm sure.

That's asking to be moderated, which is the lion's share of the problem.

I have a hunch that this phenomenon has always existed to some extent

It didn't exist during the Clinton years, for some reason, although it probably did at the tail end of Reagan (I don't have data further back).

basically implying I was a Democratic party operative for mentioning it

That's probably mostly priors.

It's a law-and-order conservative take on the matter; the progressives got it from them.

Of course, that doesn't make it a good idea; the real result of taking Trump-as-Republican-nominee off the ballot isn't "Democrats win by default", but rather "civil war".

No, the Republicans will cave except a few hotheads, who will be shot to the approval of those who caved.

It means that Israel will have to accept becoming a more diverse and multicultural state as opposed to an ethnostate.

This amounts to the state of Israel ceasing to exist and the state that remains in that place being hostile to Jews.

Any sort of claim that this would constitute a genocide of the jews or even be bad for them in any way runs completely counter to leftist messaging

Yes, but only some leftists think that means it's false (or alternately, don't care).

I mean, it should be an obvious, uncontested point that this sort of a two-way street exists - right-wing actions also lead to a counter-reaction.

It should be, but it isn't. There's little counter-reaction against the left, and nothing significant or lasting. The "counter-reaction" theory is mostly an excuse to advocate the right do nothing.

Institutions consist of individuals. If enough individuals within some specific institution are pushed to some direction, that will at least put pressure on the institution to do likewise.

Or to cut those individuals out (as indeed often happens) or force them back into the fold.

Conversion is asymmetric too; it nearly always move left. To no small degree because the institutions which can convince are in the hands of the left. By the time an artist is actually known they've been steeped in leftism for so long you're never going to move them out short of a religious conversion experience.

Many see rich people and ascribe their wealth not to their intelligence or hard work or even luck but to the imposition of negative externalities on others... simply because the externalities cannot easily be quantified.

What you're missing is the DVRO case is not the edifice being chipped away. It's an invitation for higher courts to reverse or limit Bruen. The idea being that you start from the position that any decision that allows nasty defendants like this one to win must be wrong; therefore, some limit must be found to Bruen which makes it wrong.

I was thinking more the Great Schism.

The point is that it's not a systemic problem (I argue). The conduct of these abusive officers is not tolerated by their fellow officers and superiors (why would it be? It makes their job that much harder and opens them up to criminal/civil liability). Further, these abusive officers are are regularly fired, as well charged and convicted, with the obvious caveat that it's not always easy to pass the bar of guilty-beyond-a-reasonable-doubt (just look at non-cop criminals!)

The point is exactly the opposite of this. Abusive officers do whatever they like. Everyone knows about it -- other cops who may not be so abusive themselves, defendants, defense lawyers, supervisors, prosecutors, even judges. But defendants aren't considered credible, and cops support each other unconditionally in the "blue wall of silence". Occasionally there's physical evidence and maybe a cop gets fired (and then later quietly re-instated with back pay when the union sues), but they nearly always get away with it.

When you control the truck you feel much larger than any person who is not controlling a truck. You feel smaller than the man controlling the tank or the semi truck but you feel bigger than anyone in anything smaller than you.

Cool story, bro.

What is the source of the FUN of guns? Is it POWER?

Naa, it's self-sourcing.