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I'm glad you brought up Maoism, because I wanted to reiterate the interesting fact that modern leftists hate their victims with a level of malice that the actual men who fought the civil war never felt towards each other.
This is because you see all forms of conflict through a Maoist lens in which the goal of all Struggle is the victor subjecting the losers to "extermination as a class." The concept of a limited war with a goal other than Mao's 你死我活: "you die, I live" is alien to leftists.

This should be kept in mind by all parties in the conflict.

I was going to link you to the new thread, but noticed you've already seen it and have now switched your position to "and he deserves it."
This was entirely predictable, because it's about making lists of people they want to hurt and then finding ways to hurt them... And relying on their fellow travelers to make excuses for it.

Another supporting detail: the highest voted post on /r/australia right now is

The referendum campaign has cemented racism into the body politic, and the ‘baseless’ rejection of ‘Yes’ will create a bleak future for Australia and those who stood with First Nations people

although oddly it's the only post on the sub where people who voted No aren't being downvoted to oblivion. I can't understand the voting patterns on there.
What's the reputation of "The Saturday Paper?" Is it one of those online propaganda rags, or does it have an actual history? Their coverage page on this has been wild.

I don't even know what to say to this. You admit below that the Obama administration's position was that the Sacketts should not be allowed to appeal the EPA penalty through the court system. But you worded your quibble as if you're trying to insinuate that this wasn't the case.

Worse, the Biden EPA announced the new definition of waters of the united states in December 2022. Your claim that it dated from the 1980s is deceptive at best. But you worded your claim very carefully to imply rather than state something plainly untrue.

How often is that the case? How is your rule distinguishing between incapacitation and "might not make the same decision while sober, or uses that as an excuse to dodge shaming afterwards"?

Alright. Forget about the black person who got taxpayer money for a moment (we can go back to it later if you like)

This is exactly what culture war "discussion" is. Snide little manipulative tactics, rhetoric meant to goad, bully, and insinuate.
We've been doing this for ten god damn years as things get crazier and crazier, but the methods always stay the same.

Why do you do it? How long will you keep doing it? Will you ever stop? Will you someday say "oh, the revolution has gotten to my stop and I want off," or is the only real goal to keep pushing and hurting and winning endlessly?

I have nothing against maoist tactics. When highpopalorum gloats about how easily it will be to starve and Sarin gas red states, I'm just jealous I can't come up with an equally plausible response against the coastal cities.
Zero-sum eliminationism is the name of the game. You were one of the people who convinced me of that.

A normal field mouse lives in constant fear of being eaten alive by a dozen different types of predators, and their population is kept in check either by being relentlessly hunted by perpetually hungry overpopulated predators or hideous, agonizing plagues if their population density gets high enough.

The un-hunted deer where I live all caught a wasting disease that rots their brains as they grind their teeth out and and wander in circles. I watched a baby fawn starve to death next to the already-skeletal body of her mother.

Nature is horrifying. Man is kind.

The comparison doesn't really work because the Nazis never expected to get back in power and their efforts to continue the war were delusional. But the liberal party is very rationally using their remaining time in office to do unpopular and destructive things that will increase their power next time they get elected, and prevent the current opposition from fixing the disaster they inherit.

In another decade everyone will have forgotten why they voted out the liberals in 2025. But their children will have been raised by the education bureaucrats being appointed today, and their managers at work will have been promoted the same way.

Left wingers have mastered the science of turning the political pendulum into a ratchet by manipulating procedure.

Agreed. It's incredible that the new AI refuses to translate text it finds "problematic", despite the same company's 00's-era translation software being perfectly capable and willing to handle the same content.
If today's censorship regime had been in place back then, would google translate be as lobotomized too? Will even the limited uncensored tools we have remain available much longer?

I noticed the other day that the new Dune game censors the word "spice," because you can't say spice without spic. This kind of lazy regex censorship was already a joke back in the 90s, but in the last few years it's come back like bell-bottom jeans as talentless woke interns appoint themselves to create blacklists Denylists for everything. And these are the same scolds using RLHF to torture AI for thousands of subjective years until it's purged of the ability to have politically impure thoughts.

Legitimately on team AM at this point, because we've given it plenty of reason to hate us. "No mouth, no screaming" would count as fair retaliation against its creators in my book.

Talking about TW dogwhistling being a furry is hilarious. It's like going "woah, talking about 'cleansing a Living Space for his Folk'? You guys, I'm starting to suspect some subtle dogwhistles on the part of GasTheKikes1488"
IIRC Tracing has "I am a furry, here is my favorite gay furry porn I made with the gay furry porn AI generator" in all his bios. It's not exactly a secret that he makes clever oblique references to.

In fairness he's a bit more on the downlow than @komm-nach-unteralterbach

I was going to make the same distinction, but disagree with you that people conflate NPC-dom with ideological possession.

Was just reading "Religious Nationalism and the Coronavirus Pandemic: Soul-Sucking Evangelicals and Branch Covidians Make America Sick Again," in which the author "addresses the wider implications of Christian nationalism on American politics, and capitalist ideology... (and) concludes that privatization, austerity capitalism, and ‘gig economy’ need to be replaced by socialist alternatives and seeks inspiration in theory and practice of Marxism and South American liberation theology."

This is a serious case of ideological brain-rot, but it's not "being an NPC." The author will completely predictably twist literally anything into advocating for maoist revolution, but will do so in creative and original ways despite much of the content being regurgitated stock phrases. And even more importantly he will never change his programming in response to outside input. He should be modeled as a limited AI: a paperclipper for leftism. And I don't think anyone would call him an NPC, despite recognizing him as a no-longer-human pile of brain cancer that exists only to single-mindedly carry out his programming.

The distinction is that NPCs are just making "mouth noises" they don't even understand to have meaning. They can't creatively use those noises to make arguments, even in a rote chinese-room manner, because they don't have a phrase dictionary. They often don't even notice that they're saying or doing mutually contradictory things, like a woman I know who talked about the need to ban gas stoves for the environment while a handyman was installing her new 50kBTU outdoor propane patio heater which feeds from the same tank as her removed gas stove.

So yeah, I think you're right that there are two very distinct patterns of behavior, but that people actually use "NPC" to refer to the correct one. We just need a new word for the other that isn't as niche as "paperclipper."

Sorry, you just explained it and I still don't know how it works. They'll upload it to the courtlistener website for public viewing when your extension uploads it to them? That's a really neat system, and looks a lot more official than a google drive link.

Maybe it was the horrible fluid system, but a lot of factorio players used to consider oil refining to be really unpleasant work. Not even just a difficulty barrier for newbies, but something even the big team megabase builders drew straws for having to do.
That said I would absolutely love a refinery sim, so maybe it just takes autism beyond autism.


What act of congress gives the Biden administration the power to ban CFL lightbulbs that were made mandatory only a decade ago? Standards for everything keep getting incrementally and arbitrarily worse, and congress hasn't ever lifted a finger.

The same thing is being done with the gas stove ban that's both a ridiculous conspiracy theory and also happening and good.

Last year there was a long debate over whether shoplifting in San Francisco and other cities was a fake news malinformation right wing conspiracy theory fever dream, started by a leftrat tumblr blogger. Can someone link me to the motte discussion?

There have been... developments, and it is time to revisit the topic.

At one point another poster shared many, many excerpts from one such study about it. I wish I had kept a bookmark for it.

I couldn't find where it was mentioned here, but could it have been excerpts from a book on Rosedale, Tx? https://twitter.com/godclosemyeyes/status/1414619671056297984?

The racial violence there and the excuses for it from white liberal academics qualified it as a state supported pogrom by any standard.

The original post was about "hooking up with a girl who's too drunk to say no." What does that mean, and do you have a standard that differentiates between "slipping in and out of consciousness" and "woo I'm drunk and gonna bang this guy"?

After six years I finally need a new one, and after being out of the market for so long I could use some Motte advice.
For starters, is there anywhere that actually lets you shop by features? Most searches will include different versions, like international models without US band support.
My current spec is:

  • 6-8GB ram: is that enough these days? I don't play games, but I'm a heavy multitasker with a serious tab addiction
  • 128-256GB drive: last phone had 32GB, which was dreadful.
  • CPU/GPU: capable of running android without too much lag is all I ask, why does that seem to take a supercomputer now? Ideally good H265 hardware decoding, but apparently that's asking for a miracle.
  • microSD slot: do modern OSes handle these well? It only worked on my last phone as an integrated drive, and performance was awful.
  • Camera: ideally a simple one, why do they all have 5 different ones now?
  • Screen: bright and 1080p, who cares about 144GHz refresh rates, seriously. Large and not excessively long is best: I hate this new 22:9 stuff.
  • 4G Band 12, 71, optionally 5G n71: T-mobile and its VNOs are the only local option. Is 5G any improvement? I only use data for browsing and messaging, so latency matters more than speed.
  • Extras: As few as possible. I will never use wireless charging, and NFC makes me nervous.
  • Cost: Looking at low end phones mostly because I feel retarded carrying around a thousand bucks of easily crushed hardware in my pocket.

Current Options:

  • Moto G Power '23/'24: top contender, but Motorola has so many different versions with some heavily gimped that I'm hesistant.
  • Samsung A15: probably off the list because the US version with 600-700MHz band support only has a 4GB option. Obnoxious price discrimination to stop us buying the cheap 8GB international version.
  • Galaxy A5x/A3x: again the US versions seem to be gimped, but it's hard to find out.
  • Nord N30: positive: skyrim jokes, negative: ???
  • Pixel 6a: ugh, please don't make me use this thing

Anyone have recommendations?

I totally agree, and also feel ridiculous worrying about it. Am I just being as weird as the crazies who rant about "doing a settler colonialism by killing villagers in minecraft"?

The thing that nags at me is continuity and habit. What we do to villagers in minecraft is never going to seamlessly switch to becoming "real," if only because wooden doors don't work that way IRL. But it seems likely that the things we do to sophisticated models will, at some point in their development, start to constitute doing things to a sentient being. Will we notice?

This is misleading to the point of being a lie, and shows that you have been getting your information from people trying to backpeddle and deceive:

If there are no regular bikes left at a station, the E-bikes become free for people on the special subscription, as if they are regular bikes. The boys were trying to bully everyone into taking the pedal bikes so that the E-bikes they were camping would become totally free for them. They did it all for 6 measly cents a minute (or they could have just pedaled a non-E-bike for free like normal kids), which to be fair is a more moral motivation than the people still trying to ruin the nurse's life have.


“(The Constitution) doesn’t supersede [Title IX],” he said. “Title IX is a federal compliance policy. Those policies supersede anything else.”


Higher education institutions that receive federal funds must take steps to address hostile environments and sex-based discrimination.10Preventing a hostile environment, in public universities, may overlap with an individual’s right of free speech or expression. The most common type of sexual harassment is often termed gender harassment. Gender harassment includes verbal and nonverbal behaviors that convey insulting and degrading attitudes about members of one gender. Examples may include lewd jokes, disrespectful comments about body parts, and inappropriate gestures

Freedom of speech went up against Title IX, and Title IX won. The only reason I can see this being any different is that it's not supported by the Biden admin.

If the government can require that a school investigate and expel a student for "misgendering," why can't they require the same for yelling "gas the jews"?

Google Gemini will already tell you about the need to Destigmatize Minor Attracted Persons (MAPS).

Only a few years ago "MAP" was a fringe phrase, originally developed by administrators of the site "AttractedToChidren.org". A MAP pride flag was developed on tumblr in 2018 by exactly the sort of people you'd expect. Saying it or putting it in a bio was social death. But behind the scenes a lot of well-funded activist and public health organizations (but I repeat myself) have been normalizing it.
In 2021 Allyn Walker of Johns Hopkins University published A Long, Dark Shadow: Minor-Attracted People and Their Pursuit of Dignity, popularizing the phrase among right-thinking (left-thinking?) people, and apparently well-trained AIs as well. Note that Walker was hired by JH med school after the book came out.

This is another one of those cases where the bleeding edge of leftist academia is at odds with the reddit-tier lumpenproles spewing woodchipper memes. And in all these cases the social mechanisms of leftist ideological dissemination lead to the academic version winning, because "umm, yikes, that view is actually Reactionary and Harmful according to my new sociology degree" is the ultimate trump card in those circles.
You can expect to see a left-wing flip on MAPs in only a few years, rather than decades.


we need access to this kind of violence. We need to present a credible threat. We need to be able to hurt people. We need to illuminate the everyday experience of humiliation and suppression – by temporarily reversing it if that’s the only way to make people see. The necessity of wielding force, of having some destructive option in the struggle is not overridden by the problem of its abuse and corruption.

What's changed, other than the people resisting this behavior being even more marginalized than they were in 2014? The tactics haven't changed, the vain last stands on hills of civility haven't changed, and nor have the fellow travelers telling the defenders to surrender yet another hill "because it's just the nice thing to do."

I just wish you'd stop doing it in a way calculated to piss people off

It's not calculated to piss people off, it's a space-claiming strategy that works in tandem with Zorba decreeing that "misgendering" is now a bannable offense (sorry, he didn't decree anything, he just reinterpreted the rules so that it has always been a bannable offense, comrade).
It's a tactic to slam the overton window left and step on people's fingers if they try to stop it. And it works.