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Lord, have mercy.

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joined 2023 February 15 19:59:17 UTC


User ID: 2188


Lord, have mercy.

2 followers   follows 3 users   joined 2023 February 15 19:59:17 UTC


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User ID: 2188

You might consider that you don't have a very solid grasp on what Christianity is, if that's your definition.

I'm honestly a little conflicted about who I should support.

This might sound a little glib but it's an honest question: Why do you feel compelled to support either side, here, or even to have an opinion on the matter at all? Seems to me that something's been snuck into the process such that the question is being begged. But should this be the case?

there’s simply no way to have biological creatures cross interstellar space within less than twenty or so generations.

Some organisms can go dormant for long periods. Perhaps indefinitely.

Gaston is by any measure the hero of the movie. He's a paragon, the absolute image, of his people, and they adore him. He is the bringer of benefit, the one who is capable of moving them to action as a body.

Seems to me that the problem here is looking at them as 'the blacks' (okay you actually said 'the African American community') instead of as individuals. There is a high degree of European admixture in black Americans. The average American black has roughly 20% white genetics. Plenty of 'blacks' are half or even majority-white. One even became President! Treat individuals as individuals and this problem becomes a lot more tractable. Insist on lumping people into groups and those groups must shortly be at each others' throats. (EDIT: And, you know, it's not like they're actually 'a community' by any stretch.)

Besides which, the strategy which I perceive you to be espousing here might work today, and it might work tomorrow, but at some point it becomes untenable sheerly due to numbers. Perhaps a technological singularity will save us. I don't like betting on that.

In the meantime, every major institution is sliding because standards are being lowered to desperately attempt 'equitable' outcomes. The elements of our society which produced this wealth in the first place are precisely those under attack.

I'm pretty skeptical of this narrative. See:


In short, it's a good takedown of the default, overconfident narrative of American migrant assimilation. If your idea of 20th century immigration is wretched refuse coming ashore, moving their way up, and merging economically and politically into the uniform White America we know today, that pretty much didn't happen. By most measures, identifiable European ancestries are still differentiated within America, and in ways that parallel their differences in Europe. The story of white America, then, is less one of assimilation, and more of selection bias and attrition.

There's not much selection pressure on Sweden's migrants if they and their children all get free rides.

But I believe the American Heart Association etc absolutely does endorse seed oils and warn against animal fats.

Well, you can say so, and I can disagree.

As I say, I don't think ending segregation was per se the problem.

Without that threat, nobody would follow the rules.

Some people will return shopping carts. Others will block spaces with them. I think the tendency is mainly genetic, and that some peoples can get pretty far without threatening each other into decent behavior.

If we want to understand the mechanism behind the massive decrease in discrimination against non-Whites, we would do well to notice that it has coincided with a massive increase in discrimination against Whites.

Seems to me that most of the people I hear pointing this out at all immediately blame 'the Jews'. But I think this is a poor proxy for whatever is actually going on. Just wish I knew what it was.

So why are you calling him 'her'?

Definitely not the case. This is a chance for you to ask where you heard that, why they're lying to you, and what else you might have believed from them.

"No, you see, every time you say 'monkey' I immediately think of black people, so you need to stop using such racist language."

his amoral visions of conquest

What would you say made them amoral?

Hold on, they subject you to audio ads on the bus?

This is smuggie-tier material. You're not using 'omnipotence' to mean anything like what we do when we use the word, and I suspect you have very little idea of the context regarding the matter.

So what we're left is,

"Oh, your story makes sense internally? Well let me just motivatedly redefine terms until it doesn't. Wow, you look so dumb now."

Do what you want, I guess, but if you'd like to know what we actually think and why your criticism doesn't seem even remotely applicable, I'll be happy to tell you.

Generally speaking, God's not into smiting people in the OT, though it's often read that way in the West. Mostly what we see is God removing His divine protection and letting people suffer the consequences of turning away. Yes, even the great flood. He pulled back His ordering of the primal chaos and it broke loose. Yes, even the people who get smoked by His presence in the temple. That's just what God's presence does to fallen humans (and also why He protected us by expelling us from Eden). He gives very specific instructions to the effect of "this is how you can live with Me safely" and people reject those and the consequences are what you'd expect.

Happens also with Ananias and wife in Acts.

Come on. You really ought to at least say why you think so.

Sir, I believe you have erred in your placement of this post, and that it was intended as a response to the one below.

I'd like to hear more. So far in my experience when people say that they're just talking about game theory.

There's a reason most parenting guides say "don't beat your kids". It really screws them up

Do you have any sources on this which attempt to control for the causation possibly running in the other direction? I.e. low-quality children simply more likely to be beaten.

The Chinese government isn't sufficiently based or red-pilled to do that, hence the imprisonment of the scientist who used CRISPR on humans.

If dystopian sci-fi has taught me anything, his "imprisonment" involved working on a similar program at some kind of black site. Show us you can cooperate, and someday you'll be able to go back to your normal life. Or, maybe not.

the Chinese are mostly happy to follow western norms in these matters.

Well, they're happy to do so in Western-public-facing matters. I believe they still have organ theft vans rolling around, yeah?

What’s stopping you from doing that now?

Well they're not teenagers now.

As a theistic person, your post reads to me thus:

I am asexual. I cannot comprehend how sexual people like the way they are and I regard it as a sickness rather than recognizing myself as the one who is sick. If I can, I will fix the flaw in human beings which causes them to desire romance with each other. That is disgusting and it is clear to me that so much unnecessary pain could simply be avoided. I know so much better.

What I'm saying here isn't an argument. It's an apology. Best wishes to you.