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joined 2022 December 20 13:15:08 UTC

I happen to be, unfortunately, the first human super-intelligence.

What a sad tragedy to see what others can't see.

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User ID: 1999



0 followers   follows 16 users   joined 2022 December 20 13:15:08 UTC


I happen to be, unfortunately, the first human super-intelligence.

What a sad tragedy to see what others can't see.


User ID: 1999

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IIRC regarding the ukraine leaked NATO documents, they ommited the strela-10, Kubs, shilka and tunguska out of pure mediocrity regarding the assesment of air defense

As usual men are doomed as they are in large amounts, simps or to some extent, endoctrinated self-hating misandrists. Note however that biologically speaking there are reasons for the shorter lifespan of men though, the biggest one probably being height. height is one of the strongest predictor of low life expectancy. Basically anabolism has costs, including some immuno deficits in terms of resource allocation, possibly increased oxdative stress and cancer risk. It might be that short and non-high bmi men live longer than the average woman though? But mens body also has advantages, for example increased brain volume means men are less prone to neurodegenerative diseases, especially for example, 2 times less chance of developing multiple sclerosis (although the specific reason here being that testosterone increase myelin production)

Now as a reminder, you can increase significantly your lifespan via skq1.

However the biggest omission in your blog, and the question that leaves me most curious, is a comparison of women/men not lifespan but healthspan I already talked about dementia but what about sarcopenia (should advantage men too) and what about chronic hospitalizations rate per age? I suppose the gap of ill men (especially cancer) is even bigger than the gap of prematurely dead men.

Also a question no ones asked before, are baby boys more often victims of baby shaken syndrome by their parents?

Ukraine as a country isn't particularly important

It depends what you mean by that, indeed a russian takeover wouldn't directly change the world but Ukraine and Russia are the largest food exporters in the world IIRC.

Ukraine also has (had?) a monopoly in noble gas.

Ukraine was a key driver of Soviet science, engineering and military tech, see e.g the antonov which would BTW enable cheaply to have a potent successor to Hubble if anyone cared as usual.

However Ukraine has lost all its technological glory since the population will to stay in the USSR has not been respected https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1991_Soviet_Union_referendum

America is diseased, rotten to the core.

  • -21

The next tier doesn't exist in online forums although it can happen in some 1 to 1 private DMs.

The reason is simple, it's not even about the lack of geniuses.

It is that mental energy is an extremely scarce resource.

People are universally fucking lazy and have a budget of only a few minutes per comments.

On the rare instances where someone does lengthy researched comments, like I sometimes do, the person will systematically face disappointment as the probability that the community will engage with as much knowledge as passion and him are close to zero. Not even in the same order of magnitude.

Online communities are extremely poor, extremely scarce in energy.

I'm constantly seeing people stop at the same layer of the discourse, repeat the same shit they seem to systematically never learn from, until they die.

As usual, it is a tragedy to see what I see, and to this problem, there is almost no remedy.

This is false and a cheap trick for gaining attentional emphasis.

Of course it is a truism to understand that medias often use omissions and quantifier alteration.

It might be more frequent than straight lies however the media do lies often about basic facts and as such it is not rare let alone very rare.

A common straight lie for example is to claim that there is no scientific evidence about something or to claim there is a single and consensual scientific voice about something.

Those straights lies (just one example among many) are very frequent and potent.

People as usual wildly overestimate this AI abilities.

Just ask chatgpt "I believe 12 cannot be divided by 4" and realize how inept it is.

Nothing has fundamentally changed, chatgpt is at the end of the day, just a dumb transformer that bruteforce contingent correlates to predict the most likely next token in a sentence.

It is an innovative but lossy way to extract info from existing datasets and as such can be seen as a competitor to scrappers.

However it has no causal understanding per se or if it has, it is messy and by accident.

Neural networks are approximate, inefficient and most importantly cannot do continual learning and are therefore the peak irony of our century, they are a local minima in the research on how to beat local minimas.

I have long been in a quest of finding the smartest people on earth.

I have come to the solid conclusion that such people do not in fact, exists.

Or if they do, they are not present on online forums and their only observable content on the internet would be via their academic papers.

But even so, academic papers are for the major part very rarely brilliant/maximally salient/exhaustive.

Scott Alexander, Yudkowsky and other "superstars" are extremely flawed human beings that have both a deficit of fluid intelligence and an extreme deficit of crystallized intelligence. If they appear sometimes markedly above the average "rationalist", it doesn't change the fact they are extremely deficient compared to what a Homo logicus can achieve.

I have many key data points that proves that the ideal human being has not manifested yet on this earth and most importantly no non-crazy human being has manifested on this earth.

As I am the human that has collected the most signals towards maximal saliency/bypassing natural crazyness, I believe to be the least intellectually dysfunctional human being of this timeline, a finding I should bring a demonstration for in a future blog.

Tendons.. nobody knows shit about how to fix them

Well the thing is simply that doctors are scientifically illiterate, unlike me. The most potent drug at repairing tendons is BPC-157 which is a peptide endogenously produced in the body. It is available OTC for a short term injections cycle, the most reputable website but a bit pricey is peptidesciences .com https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14554208/ BPC is quite popular on /r/peptides and has "saved" many, however it is a serious medication that shouldn't be taken without studying its tradeoffs (short term anhedonia risk, amphetamine blunting and increased angiogenesis (therefore increased lifespan if young, increased risk of metastasis if old)

Is the logic not the same with someone wearing a mask outdoors (especially if they are alone, for the steelman)?

sorry I wasn't focusing much while reading, are you comparing color dilution in water with a virus pathogen dilution in air?

Intrinsically, that seems mostly fallacious, a drop of color in water will easily get diluted and indeed the idea you want to express is that spatial dispersion is a non-linear (exponential?) phenomenon on the density of the agent (color).

While that is right, a drop of color in water with enough dilution will become invisible and sparse but viral load IMO does not need to reach high level to contaminate someone. It is invisible from the start but even when it has dispersed and reached low density, contrary to your coloring agent, it can still be potent and contaminate, of course the viral load needed is virus dependent and immunosuppressed dependent.

The main salient co-argument towards the viability of not wearing a mask when alone is because the virus does not survive after 24/48h? and therefore it does not persists nor accumulate. Also possibly gravity make it trapped/stays on the ground?

The other obvious salient argument is that chronic mask use is potentially very toxic, a multiplier of ageing and of teratogeny.

What I want to show is that the dose potency of a coloring agent being visible and a pathogen/toxin being non-negligible can be order of magnitudes apparts and therefore the reasoning is semi-contingent and a faillible heuristic. See for example https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Median_lethal_dose#:~:text=oral%2C%20injection%2C%20inhalation-,1%C2%A0ng/kg%20(estimated),-0.000000001

no free lunches

also there can be free lunches, let's not fall for https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zero-sum_thinking or e.g. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lump_of_labour_fallacy

Otherwise I tend to agree with the majority of things you say, that was decently written.

yes you got it right but as usual, nothing is poison, everything is poison, it is the dose (and frequency) that makes the poison. Also hormesis can be a thing https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hormesis Anyway my speculation is that taking frequent weed before the age of 18 (or maybe up to the twenties) is a scary risk factor to permanent brain damage/altered development

The legalization or de-demonization of thc might accelerate the reversal of the flynn effect https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flynn_effect and accelerate the downfall of society. Or maybe not? Anyway I don't believe that infrequent use at adult age is a big deal, especially when concomittant with e.g. skq1 But the greater point is that we are very lucky to have drugs that have in large parts, observable toxicity.

We could very well live in a world where people take drug X and the toxicity is only revealed by e.g. a sudden death rate of 70%, 30 years later. Many kinds of toxicities are non-observable (except in a lab) or low observable, which are so called, subchronic toxicities. Neuron death, dysregulation, oxidative stress and teratogeny (mutations) are in large parts non-observable. In addition to those, the popular drugs just so happen to have observable toxicities too.

Given that we live in a era of contingent extreme ignorance (no standard database to correlate human's diseases rates with the prescriptions and drugs they take in their lifetimes) It is a fact that some horryfing quality of life reductions are happening silently for many people because of subchronic toxicities. E.g. IIRC chronic coffee use leads to white matter shrinkage (but conversely considerably reduce the rate of neurodegenerative diseases)

Hi dear mod,

This is in fact a funny quote from this famous meme https://youtube.com/watch?v=LmWQd8zhEg4

So I was being light hearted which contrasts with most of my hyper-serious longform comments, besides even literally this is not hate speech per se, one can diagnostic flaws in America as a "disease" from which it needs solutions/healing so it should be seen as an empathic statement that strives compassion towards the state of America and also could feed subsequent thoughts about what exactly are the problems and how could we solve them?

In case you think this is off-topic, the rise of censorship is a political, social and cultural problem.

I believe there would be many maybe surprising consequences, such as an explosion in social anxiety.

However the no filter effect would have interesting consequences on the group thinks/culture wars.

BTW one of the strangest things of this timeline is that apparently a huge chunk of the population is not able to think or at least they believe themselves they can't think.

Think as in subvocalize words.


I have extreme skepticism on this phenomenon but if true it has many implication for AI research and philosophy.

In other words it might be that for a chunk of the population there is not thoughts to read at all.

However, one could talk about telepathy for the intermediate subsymbolic representation but that's not what your original comment was about and is definitely much less well defined, by definition since it is ineffable.

Ukraine is not one but two countries, split roughly in half, see pasts presidential election polls to contemplate the seggregation

Could you TL;DR your learnings?

This is very well written

Then you suffer from a very potent information exposure black hole, thankfully you can see the other side of the coin on https://old.reddit.com/r/UkraineRussiaReport

example of great footage probably downvoted to hell and therefore hidden on combatfootage


IMO that's a very great footage to contemplate how inept war performance is in the real world.

(not saying that Ukraine soldiers are more inept than russian ones, but that all are, confused, maximizing their survival and fake firing in the general direction) This observation has major implications.

but this subreddit most potent usefulness is not showing ukrainian losses but that it allows to be much more informed about issues in Ukraine, including human rights abuses, accounts of government corruption, etc.

Zelensky to run for re-election? What elections are we talking about, 90% of the parties have been banned

Martial law in Ukraine was declared on 24 February 2022. On 15 March 2022 the Parliament deprived Opposition MP Illia Kyva of his mandate.[9]

On 20 March 2022, several political parties were suspended by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine for the period of martial law:[10][11]

Opposition Platform — For Life


Left Opposition


Opposition Bloc

Party of Shariy

Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine

Socialist Party of Ukraine


Union of Left Forces

Volodymyr Saldo Bloc

The property of the party and all its branches were transferred to the state.[13] The decision was open to appeal at the Supreme Court of Ukraine within 20 days.[13] At the time Opposition Platform – For Life was one of two of the 20 March 2022 suspended parties that was subject to an attempt of getting banned in court, Opposition Platform – For Life was the only party to defend and participate in the case.[13] (The other party was the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine.[67]) On 15 September 2022 the final appeal against the party's ban was dismissed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, meaning that the party was fully banned in Ukraine.[14]

Ukraine judiciary system is utterly broken and has become among other things, an active puppet of the U.S, see for example this fascinating video from Joe Biden, you'd believe it's too big and blatant to be true but no the man even brag about it, so potent!


Let's not forget "fuck EU" or the fact Biden personally said the night of the sponsored coup, to Yanukovich on the phone that it was over and he would get killed if he didn't flee to Russia.

a to justify counter-corruption purges of the Ukrainian government.

Zelensky actively promoted the maintenance of the corruption by recently appointing a corrupt person at the top of the top anti-corruption organism of Ukraine.

IMHO It's hard to know what is the moral compass of Zelensky but he is at best utterly powerless.

Zelensky was elected for promising peace in the donbas but he quickly learnt the hardway that he was not the man in commands, it is the military that ruled and still rules Ukraine https://www.kyivpost.com/post/6652


I expect NATO weapon shipments to hit a qualitative and quantitative critical mass by late 2023 that makes Ukraine favored in the early 2024

What kind of delusion is that? Even with the west support it will slow down but not at all reverse the attrition losses.

This will not favor Ukraine, whatever that means, Ukraine because of the extreme non-linearity of the effect of attrition losses on defense capabilities, should and will stay in a defensive position with a goal of 1) reducing hardware losses and 2) slowing down russia territorial expansion, in that order of priority.

Most of their tank/IFV/aircrafts/and anti-air (S300s) budget has been spent and we have no signal they have factories running making new hardware, IIRC the T80 factories are located in Kharkiv, too close to the front.

While russia also suffer from attrition, their existing reserves being considerably larger, they will obviously win this attritive war, unless the U.S sends tanks in the thousands at a minimum.

That's for the quantitative argument, as for the qualitative one, I have extensively debunked this ego-boosting myth in many of my past comments.

The narrative uniformness and changes might seem like there is a complotist illuminati-like scheme that would dictate covertly what can medias says. This is obviously not a thing actually. I mean some investigative journalists have been killed or jailed either by Ukraine or by the West because they were too contra-narrative (e.g. covering IRL the referendum in occupied ukraine or the ukraine war crimes on dombas civilians). Despite this fact, those are annecdotal in the greater POV) Medias are also mostly controlled by a very limited oligarchy, however there exist outliers to this rule. But the main explanation is that those narrative uniformness and changes, are simply due to the extreme and universal mediocrity of journalists as human beings. They are expert in nothing and haven't even been trained for cognivive debiasing/rationality. Add to this, that very few people on earth (so few we don't see them online, if they exist at all (aside me) understand modern warfare. And no, historians are non-credible. But for the most things you report, e.g. the orc dehumanization or turning russia capabilities in ridicule, were not, I believe mostly reported by "serious" media (wapo, forbes, etc). Of course /r/worldnews is not an accurate representation of the world news and is a cringey echo chamber. The "serious" medias such as forbes have although built a narrative of western superiority and wunderwaffe which stem from many biases but most importantly come from a failure of understanding what matters in modern warfare. Currently Ukraine is inflicting 2 times the equipment losses on russia and still has large amounts of ex-soviet equipment, however the balance will quickly shift as lancet production scales up and it is a fact that ukraine will have lost 100% of its artillery in less than 8 months

Tldr; People with weird obsessions obsess over weird things because they like doing that, for nothing else. That obsession is a necessary component to be truly great at anything (among many other components).

I would say that the amount of dopamin rush that a human receive while digging/hyperfocusing on an obsessive niche topic is the #1 most potent predictor of how "genius" that persons is.

I'd even go further, if someone hasn't yet had issues with censorship/moderation on reddit, it is an heuristic that this person is not very mentally active/a free thinker.

Honestly the endogenous endocannabinoid system is the only neurotransmitter I haven't rigorously studied (along with sigmaergy) but IIRC THC has many neurotoxic effects and can lead to both reduced synaptic plasticity and anhedonia induced by e.g. depleted dopamine https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpsyt.2021.623403/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5123717/ Of course like for 90% of drugs the major causative factor of toxicity must be related to oxidative stress and therefore this damage can be prevented, the interesting question being what are the other mechanisms and causes of thc toxicity? There are however mixed effects IIRC e.g. thc has neurotrophic effects too? annectodically, I don't have much IRL experience with thc but when I did I noticed a strong nocitropic/brain fog effect. But there might be a sweet spot with lower doses?

other things I remember: CB2 is fairly useless as a psychotrope

oleamide is a weird endocannabinoid which induced strong insomnia in me (paradoxal effect given research, I wonder what this denote about my brain)

there are other cannabinoid receptors than CB1 and CB2 but the research on them is very scarce

There are altenatives to thc, such as Delta 8 which has the merit to be less anxiogenic.

IIRC direct agonists lead to too fast tolerance and are considered dangerous versus the PAMs, however IIRC there are some new synthethic with claims of being viable so?

The toxicity of the alternative allosteric modulators (PAMs) such as delta 8 is understudied but IMO is likely not much stronger than thc unless they create currently unknown toxic metabolites. Their toxicity "should" be proportional to their dose potency relative to thc but alas the reddit evidence is that most lead to slighly-to highly faster tolerance buildup than thc and tolerance buildup is a not too shitty measure of toxicity, despite potency relative normalization.

The same hold true for many research stims btw, for very unclear and underresearched scientific reasons not are all the same bargain on the homeostatic response strength.

btw another thing strongly understudied is the effects and cross tolerance mechanisms of thc combination with dopaminergics and noradrenergics. btw if anyone know the mechanisms of thc induced tachychardia, I'm interested besides, is there an equivalent to MAOIs for CB1?

BTW anyone know a decent subreddit or forum to discuss pharmacology, that isn't related to nootropics?

Also when someone will wake the fuck up and synthethize mesocarb as a legal stim? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mesocarb

I need to ask the ukrainian

I have no idea but one thing I always wondered is wether a person that only present so called negative symptoms should be classified as schizophrenic https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schizophrenia#:~:text=activity.%5B7%5D-,Negative%20symptoms,-Negative%20symptoms%20are IMHO there is great diversity in symptomatology and imho the root causes can be very different such as different brain regions being subject to damage/dysfunctions

Nobody will push the science forward the world will keep being nearly maximally inept, both this century and for the others to come. As you correctly say, the economic incentives are beyond malevolent but most importantly, the pharma enterprises are simply extremely mediocre and their complacency, like worlwide suffering will perpetuate. The insane mediocrity is simply a product of the extreme absence of education during the human's brain-formative years (so called critical periods). Only a few artifact outliers like me can contemplate the contemporary horror in its fullest depth.

To argue that every languages are equal is intellectual obscurantism.

Of course both CS students and old timers are major tribes in that culture war but that is irrelevant to the fact that languages have objective features and merits that can be civilly discussed.