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Gonna say, as a Virginian resident the last few years have been one blow after another to my wife and I's trust in our institutions. Went from "Maybe we should private school" to "Maybe we should homeschool" to "We are definitely homeschooling" to "Oh fucking fuck, we need to keep the contact between our child and institutions to the bare minimum" to "FUCK FUCK FUCK, how do we flee the state with our child if we have to?" Because everything I've read is that once the state targets you for not "affirming" the gender their school talked them into, you need to nod, smile, schedule an appointment with whoever they say. Then take your child and run in the dark of night. It's literally the only way. At least until they nationalize the process of stripping your child away from you so they can sterilize them.

Guzman's attempt at an applause line which turned into a self own ("Hell yes, we're gonna take away your AR-15 kids!"), and the unconvincing attempts to walk it back and/or gaslight the public into believing it never happened aside, like you said it changes nothing. Fun fact, when I saw Guzman said that, I looked her up. In addition to being a state representative, she already works as a court appointed service advocate for CASA CIS to prevent child abuse. You think she's not already pushing for this shit by extra-legal, extra-judicial, purely bureaucratic deep state means? This law is probably just to provide cover for the shit she already does.

But then…can I at least have my own awards convention so that I know which books from this year aren’t utter crap?

Probably not. Every time someone picks up the "Don't like it then build your own" gauntlet that's been thrown down, they get deplatformed, smeared, sued, unbanked and destroyed. The mask has slipped. It was never about inclusivity. It was about stealing your toys, smashing them in front of you, and watching you weep.

There are a lot of half arguments here.

Like, you scoff at impenetrable end to end encryption. But the realities of the internet are that any back-door or security flaw that allows end to end encryption to be penetrated exposes literally everything to literally everyone. There is no limiting principle as is the case of say, a door to a kiddy porn dungeon. Presumably there would be a warrant. Or maybe in the case of your valuables being in the sort of safe The Lockpicking Lawyer could open in under 1 second with a toothpick, some hopefully limited number of criminals will ever actually get a crack at it. Not so with anything on the internet. Either it's impenetrable, even to legitimate law enforcement (but especially illegitimate law enforcement), or virtually every criminal on Earth already has access to it. There is very little in between.

Then you decide to stan for cloud computers. Because a friend of yours is an idiot and didn't fix his NAS when it had a problem. But the fact of the matter is, the cloud is still only someone else's computer. And they can revoke access to your data just as capriciously as a RAID array might fail.

And then to smear everyone concerned as QAnon, as though fears of data collection and spying haven't been validated time and time and time again. Did Snowden happen before you were born? Has it been that long?

Let me illustrate my expectations by going over some historical pogroms.

The 1821 Odessa pogroms are sometimes considered the first pogroms. After the execution of the Greek Orthodox patriarch, Gregory V, in Constantinople, 14 Jews were killed in response.[1] The initiators of the 1821 pogroms were the local Greeks, who used to have a substantial diaspora in the port cities of what was known as Novorossiya.[2]

So just 14 Jews killed, but the message of "Your kind isn't welcome here" is clear. Moving onto 1881

The event which triggered the pogroms was the assassination of Tsar Alexander II on 13 March [1 March, Old Style], 1881, for which some blamed "agents of foreign influence," implying that Jews committed it.[9][10] One of the conspirators was of Jewish origins, and the importance of her role in the assassination was greatly exaggerated during the pogroms that followed. Another conspirator was baselessly rumored to be Jewish.[11] The extent to which the Russian press was responsible for encouraging perceptions of the assassination as a Jewish act has been disputed.[12]

So that's the trigger. Here are some of the excuses made during that time.

For decades after the 1881 pogroms, many government officials held the antisemitic belief that Jews in villages were more dangerous than Jews who lived in towns. The Minister of the Interior Nikolay Pavlovich Ignatyev rejected the theory that pogroms were caused by revolutionary socialists, and instead he adopted the idea that they were a protest by the rural population against Jewish exploitation. With this idea in mind, he promulgated the notion that pogroms had spread from villages to towns. Historians today recognize that although rural peasantry did largely participate in the pogrom violence, pogroms began in the towns and spread to the villages.[17]

Man, the more things change, the more they stay the same, huh?

At least 40 Jews were killed during pogroms between April and December 1881.[18] An additional 225 Jewish women reported being raped; Of these, 17 were reportedly killed while being raped.[citation needed]

Only 40 casualties. And the results...

The pogroms of the 1880s caused a worldwide outcry and, along with harsh laws, propelled mass Jewish emigration from Russia.

I'd say historically, pogroms weren't about murdering even a significant proportion of the population. That's why it's not called genocide. Instead, they are about instilling fear through the much beloved stochastic terrorism, so that they leave. Historical pogroms also aren't a single event, but a steady roil of targeted racial violence with peaks of mob violence, and occasionally lethality. The role of the state seems to alternate between inflaming tensions with racial rhetoric, and being incredibly passive aggressive towards defending the rights of the unwanted citizens.

Frankly it's a state of affairs most Democrat run cities are already in, in their racial anti-white libelous rhetoric, and their slaps on the wrist, if any enforcement at all, for racially motivated anti-white hate crimes.

Most people totally immersed in the mores of the sexual revolution will never be able to entertain the notion that those mores harmed them. They may look around them, at their peers, and see the damage. But their own decisions will always be above reproach, because SLAY QUEEN!!

It gets particularly bad when the consequences are just manifestly obvious to everyone except them. Among the moms at my daughter's school, it's a fucking train wreck. Even only getting their side of the stories, it's a horror show. One woman can't hold down a job, can't hold down an address, and was in some sort of situationship with the guy she was staying with. All she had to do was not also fuck the felon ex partner/father of her daughter while she fucked the guy she was living with, and she couldn't do it. Cause nobody can tell her what to do. So then she was homeless again. Cause it's not like felon baby daddy had a place she could stay.

Then there is the woman who shameless adopts every upper class luxury belief she can, which coincidentally enables her to adopt an uninvolved wine mom poly lifestyle. She wonders why the other moms don't like her, when she casually drops lines like "It's really hard for me to not fuck my kid's friend's dads". And it's not like her kids are thriving either. All her children have some pretty significant developmental delays which signal neglect IMHO.

Oh, and local to me, an actual, no joke, camwhore ran for a state legislature seat. When it came out that she was having sex on a camwhore site for money, she started threatening to sue people for distributing revenge porn. Keep in mind, this was content, free content publicly available, that she produced and distributed herself. Naturally all the liberal local news outlets took her claims about it being revenge porn at face value, and hid in the middle of the article in a throw away line that she had, in fact, been a camwhore. The rest of all the articles implies by omission and the constant use of "revenge porn" that these were private videos illegally obtained and distributed.

The flip landscape for men couldn't be more stark. Men cut in half by divorce, parental alienation, jail if they can't afford the blood from a stone the court mandates for them. And the response is always "Well, if you didn't want to have kids, you shouldn't have had sex." Consequences for men are the one thing conservatives and liberals seem able to agree on.

No, I literally cannot imagine a scenario where a pregnant woman successfully forces a teenaged male off a bike he doesn't want to be removed from, and takes his place. Especially not without everyone falling over in a tangled mess and getting scrapes and cuts all over their hands, elbows and knees. Probably some decent bruising as well. I especially cannot imagine such a thing happening with not just 1 teenage male present, but 5. Its not just a physical impossibility, it boggles the mind the consider the psychology of the person who thinks thats a thing they could pull off.

It only takes one “KKKILL_ALL_*******” or fedposter to make a lot of people nope out. Not dealing with that, going to hang out somewhere with fewer witches, etc.

Am I the only one who remembers when it was trending on Twitter, to seemingly no problem what so ever, to cheer all the old white men dying after the last census? To signal, crassly, how truly enthusiastic you were, and how much better you thought the world was, with more dead white people?

Left leaning spaces, if you take for granted that Twitter and Reddit are left leaning, absolutely support "KILL ALL ******" posts, so long as you are talking about Republicans, or suspected Republicans. If you don't nope out of that just as hard as when you see someone "just asking questions" about the "Jewish Question", it's because you take it totally for granted.

For the same reason it's "valid" to judge anyone's media consumption habits when you become aware of them.

This crystalized something for me I didn't really vocalize.

Nobody needed to be aware of how I modded Doom in 1994. There was no social media. There were no centralized modding repositories making executive decisions about what mods to allow or not. There were people at computer shows slinging floppies, random personal pages, sometimes CD-ROM compilations of just dumps of WADs scraped from god knows where.

I never needed to complain that the Kill Barney mod got taken down. There was never a pro shooting Barney and an anti shooting Barney faction arguing about it who you had to cast you lot in with. Nobody needed to set up a dissident host for Barney shooting mods. It was just... in the aether. It was out there. You knew some people liked it, and maybe some people didn't, but it was unquantifiable and frictionless, and totally nobody else's business.

It's this spirit of "nobody else's business" that has been lost. Because now it seems broadly accepted that media can be harmful, and so it's in everybody's interest to police all the media everyone else is consuming to make sure they aren't a harmful person. Shit, it's gotten to me too. My above screeds absolutely betray that I to believe the media you consume can be harmful. My bugbear is demoralization propaganda. I want it out of my house, away from my children. I refuse to patronize peddlers of it. I despair at how prevalent it is in our culture. I die a little inside when old friends I haven't seen in a while, who've been getting all the NPC updates, make casual disparaging remarks about how terrible white people are apropo of nothing. There is a sense of "Shit, they got to you too?"

Witness to Jordan Neely chokehold death calls Daniel Penny a 'hero'

Whoops, wrong link, not sure how that happened. Lets try again.

Witness to Jordan Neely chokehold death calls Daniel Penny a 'hero'

"He’s a hero," said the passenger, who has lived in New York City more than 50 years.

The witness, who described herself as a woman of color, said it was wrong for Bragg to charge Penny with second-degree manslaughter.

"I’m sitting on a train reading my book, and, all of a sudden, I hear someone spewing this rhetoric. He said, ‘I don’t care if I have to kill an F, I will. I’ll go to jail, I’ll take a bullet,’" recalled the woman, who is in her 60s.

"I’m looking at where we are in the tube, in the sardine can, and I’m like, ‘OK, we’re in between stations. There’s nowhere we can go,’" she said. "The people on that train, we were scared. We were scared for our lives."

Penny stepped in when Neely started using the word "kill" and "bullet."

"Why in the world would you take a bullet? Why? You don’t take a bullet because you’ve snatched something from somebody’s hand. You take a bullet for violence," she added.

Freelance journalist Alberto Vazquez began recording the confrontation after Neely was already in a chokehold and offered a second account of the homeless man’s conduct.

"He started screaming in an aggressive manner," Vazquez told the New York Post. "He said he had no food, he had no drink, that he was tired and doesn’t care if he goes to jail. He started screaming all these things, took off his jacket, a black jacket that he had, and threw it on the ground."

I do wonder if words can do justice with how threatening Neely was being on that train. I'm reminded of the Always Sunny bit about "the implication".

The only future I see any longer is 1984. We may shift to a multipolar world, but every pole will utilize the same, no exaggeration, Orwellian systems of social control. Extreme control of information. Elections that are more or less completely rigged. If not the actual vote, then having the intelligence community shaping the information environment to such a degree that nobody of a previous era would have ever considered it a fair election. The shift to a defacto one party state, where participation with the infrastructure of civilization is dependent on being a party member in good standing. It may not look exactly like China's social credit score, but it won't be far off, and will be identical in intent.

Weird Malthusian degrowth policies will rule the day. Every year our quality of life will be worse than the last for some nebulous greater good. Despite this, I see no end to the forever wars either. Forever wars pair too well with degrowth anyways.

Governments will cull their electorate more openly, encouraging suicide and sterilization as "ethical" choices to meet degrowth goals. This messaging will begin as early as Kindergarten.

People who advocate for actual human flourishing will be considered terrorist.

And I'm just gonna stop there because I'm already depressing myself too much to go on. Should probably go touch grass or something...

But it was easy enough to find people who believed it wasn't actually happening. Who rationalized it by the existence of the second hand market. Despite ebay banning resale of the books because "nobody should profit off hate." Or they rationalized it because it was only a few Dr Seuss books. It wasn't even the ones most people had heard of. Or they went full "It's a private company and they can do whatever they want."

Turns out being unable to find anyone who actually supports it is cold comfort, when it's easy to find people willing to cling to any excuse that the thing they would absolutely not support isn't actually happening. It's just right wing misinformation and scare mongering.

Life imitates art. The less whites are represented in art and culture, even something as incidental as ads, the more ire gets directed at them for being mistakenly "over represented" in the real world. It filters into college admissions, hiring, governance, more art, etc, etc. It just creates an overall zeitgeist that white people aren't supposed to be here. It's demoralization, plain and simple.

Don't give money to people who hate you.

Lifelong medicalisation happens anyway no matter when you transition, but if you do it as an adult, it's much worse. You have to pay huge sums of money (tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars) for very painful, potentially risky surgery - for MtFs, facial feminisation surgery - which is literally slicing your face open, shaving your bones with a saw, and stitching it back up - tracheal shave, voice feminisation surgery, hairline reduction, and some more. All of this you do if you want to pass as a normal member of the opposite sex instead of a freak that's the butt of jokes.

My understanding, is that the state of the art research on the topic, before the mania, was that the vast majority of gender dysphoric individuals ceased being dysphoric with the completion of puberty. Upwards of 90%. Part of the diagnostic criteria in fact demanded you wait, to make sure the dysphoria persisted, before you began throwing medical interventions at it. Because "do no harm" still reigned.

The current state of the art is that the 90% that would have had their dysphoria resolved, and required no medicalization, must now be medicalized before puberty to make the transition of the 10% who's dysphoria wouldn't have resolve easier.

In other words, 90% of kids with transient gender dysphoria are being irreparably harmed for the benefit of the 10% with permanent dysphoria.

I get that if you have permanent dysphoria, this sucks. It might seem unfair. I don't care. I value the 9 other kids that would have grown up to be gender nonconforming and/or gay adults with intact bodies over you.

Even so, if that was as far as it went, I wouldn't be half as hopping mad as I am. What has me incandescently furious are the local school districts around me pushing pornography on children, and fighting tooth and nail to transition children in secret. And I'm especially livid at gender ideology being pushed as early as Kindergarten. This article, framing it as if it's a good thing:

In his kindergarten classroom, one teacher in western Massachusetts using “Rights, Respect, Responsibility” introduces the idea of gender as part of an exploration of identity. He explains that people use all sorts of pronouns: he, she, they, ze. He introduces the terms transgender and gender queer but doesn’t fully define them because that is too much for kindergartners, said the teacher, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his district did not authorize him to speak publicly.

He talks to students about anatomy but declines to classify various body parts as male or female. “We don’t say a penis belongs to a man,” he said. It belongs to a human, he explains.

All I see is institutions, starting as soon as kids are verbal, amplifying neurosis around puberty, nurturing them relentlessly, and then medicalizing the children that they've brainwashed behind their parents back. As such, we're not letting our kid anywhere near those institutions.

Vibe shift?

I've thought, several times, certainly this will be the vibe shift. And every time, somehow, normies go back to sleep. Some comforting narrative Xanax get's cooked up and shipped out.

I thought surely, the naked insanity on college campuses, that may have peeked with Evergreen and Bret Weinstein, will cause a vibe shift. And maybe a few people on the edges woke up, but most people went back to sleep with tales that it wasn't so bad, and also they deserved it.

I thought the nightly footage of BLM/Antifa burning down cities, sieging a federal courthouse, and occupying and then murdering people in CHAZ/CHOP would wake people up. And once again, a few did. Then Jan 6th happened and most people went back to sleep. They were told that was worse than all of the above combined, and they slept soundly.

I thought the government taking away people's children, sterilizing and mutilating them would surely wake people up. But if my in-laws are any indicator, it's a crime against humanity so horrifying to contemplate, and so mired in euphemisms like "trans health care for children", that they literally think it's impossible that doctors could be operating on children as young as 13, or prescribing permanently altering drugs to prepubescents. They think my wife and I are making it all up.

The iconic scene from the Unite the Right rally of "Jews will not replace us" is being repeated by diverse crowds in every major city in America in support of Hamas. If the handful of losers in Charlottesville, dwarfed by the counterprotest, were hung around Trump's neck for 4 years and considered the most significant threat to America, what do we make of the current explicit shows of support for Hamas' terrorism and antisemitism from the radical left that dwarf Unite the Right by several orders of magnitude?

I'd like to think people will wake up. But I've thought that before. It's impossible. They'll just tune into MSNBC, fiending for more narrative Xanax. They'll be told to stay off Twitter, everything you see there is misinformation. It's not so bad. Also the Republicans are still worse. The ADL says so, and they'd know. They're the authority on antisemitism after all. Just goto sleep.

I'd bet anything its the kids that moved the needle. Also the explosion of it, such that more people had proximate experience with how off the rails it's gotten. Schools socially transitioning children without telling their parents. The repeated lies about how "Kids below a certain age never receive cross sex hormones/double mastectomies/penectomies" and then just straight up seeing it happening. The obvious at the time and increasingly proven lies about how "hormone blockers are fully reversible". The constant mealy mouthed crocodile tears about how "Republicans are banning books!" because parents don't want books with graphic details about how to have gay sex in middle school libraries. Or books that say sex work is like any other kind of work, and a good way to pay for your hormones. The fact that increasingly Democrats and trans activist are messaging that they want to take away your children if you don't "affirm their identity".

It's just lies, lies and more lies the whole way down. People are given more reason to distrust trans activist every day.

The trust is completely gone, and there's very little I can think of that would bring it back.

Here is a good punting off point for this video. It's Robby Soave and Briahna Joy Gray at The Hill arguing over a 13 year old carjacker that was shot and killed. Frankly, they get off in the weeds super quick with their speculation. The key exchange happens around 2:39 when Robby says nobody is obligated to stand by and allow themselves to be victimized, and Brie emphatically insists yes you do.

I see Brianha's perspective echoed endlessly from progressive sectors. They think the slow, plodding, overburdened criminal justice system should be the sole arbiter of criminal consequences. Criminals shouldn't even suffer the immediate physical consequences of their own criminal acts.

And it gets even worse when they argue about the severity of the crime, with Brie taking a perspective that carjacking isn't so bad around 5:15. It happens all the time. You shouldn't get killed over it. Robby of course retorts horrified that carjacking has become so normalized, that people need their cars. A world were you never know if your car will be where you left it is a worse world.

But it's not the Robby's of the world that will determine what the police reform will be. It's the Brie's. We see that amply in every American city post BLM. It's not even a question. The policies are already being experimented with, or just rolled out unilaterally, to disastrous results for normal people. So yeah, I can't be for "police reform", and I no longer trust anyone promoting it.

America has changed, but the skills are there waiting for us to pick up and practice.

The skills may be waiting, but they are behind barbed wire, with a stern Bureaucrat handing us a dozen forms that may as well be in another language before we are allowed to touch them. Any unauthorized attempts will fine you into permanent poverty or get you thrown in a rape cage.

Not America, but watching Clarkson's Farm recently was heart breaking. Literally everything that man attempted to do on his own property was subject to government approval. And at some point, the government decided it just didn't like him anymore, and said no to everything he attempted no matter how insignificant.

I few months back I was reading a post by someone in my local subreddit about them attempting to navigate the permitting process to do some work by themselves on their own home. The entire system was literally set up so that he could not possibly complete it. It required his "business's" tax ID and other registration information. And no bureaucrat he spoke to about this could provide him any solution. They just robotically repeated that he had to complete the forms in full with all the required information. Not sure how, or if, that ever resolved itself.

She scans (checks out) a bike one of the kids is sitting on, and tries to take it.

Wait, what? In the video don't we see the nurse sitting on the bike? How the fuck did that happen? This chain of events as given makes no sense with the video of the nurse sitting on the bike.

Unless my eyes were lying to me, I call complete bullshit.

I mean, in theory all "throwing money around" programs are just giving back to people money they gave the government. Plus the overhead of all the salaries of all the bureaucrats involved in the process. Being allowed to keep more of what you earned because decades of government policy have made it borderline impossible to afford to raise a family is kind of a solution. But then boiling it back down to "The government pays you to have children" seems to just assume the government owns all the money and we just borrow it.

Fuck. That might actually be more accurate.

God damnit. Nevermind I guess. I had a point I was striving to get to, but I think I just black pilled myself out of it.

Edit: I guess to talk about the cultural aspects of having kids, I was talking about that with my wife a few nights ago. She was lamenting, and I was in a similar situation, that we never grew up around babies. We had vanishingly few, and inconsistent, examples of how to be parents to babies. Our aunts and uncles, mostly white collar, spread to the 4 winds following career and education opportunities. They provided us with vanishingly few cousins that we rarely saw. And zero of those cousins ever had kids of their own. Both our family trees have gone through the shredder of modernity and we're basically all that's left.

Compared to my friends who are more religious, it's night and day. They all have large extended, mostly blue collar, families that they live near and see regularly. Some cousin or sibling is always having a kid, because they have like 20-30 of them. There is almost always a new baby they see at least once a month. The institutional knowledge of how to be a family is always being renewed and passed on.

Not so for myself or my wife, and it's been a struggle. It's had consequences. Namely utterly dashing my hopes of having a larger family. Frankly it's been depressing.

I was thinking about this a lot around when Gilbert Gottfried died. You sometimes hear comedians who knew him well light heartedly gloat in interviews about how they heard his normal speaking voice. And some young comedian who never knew him personally would predictably go "You mean he didn't talk like that normally?!"

But think about the world of showbusiness Gilbert Gottfried operated in. He put in his time doing standup, then moved onto acting and commercials. And it was easy to keep that mask on in public appearances, because there weren't many, and they were controlled environments. Press junkets, late night interviews, and his performances. He may have been "in character" 5% of his life or less?

With the modern entertainment landscape, of daily Youtube uploads, daily 8 to 12 hour long twitch streams, constant social media interactions, etc, I don't think it's crazy to assume people might be "in character" more than 50% of their time. And at that point, how much separation is there between the character you've crafted for the internet and you anymore? I mean theoretically there is some nugget of "you" rattling around in there. But I believe stronger that you are what you do, and that character is more the "real" you that whatever pre-character idealized self you've put up on the shelf, hoping to return to at some unknown time and place.

Two things.

  1. It's not just video game writing. Writing across the board has utterly fallen apart. Characters lack any sort or purpose or core motivation, and mostly just get shuffled to the next artificial point of conflict/drama. Plots make almost no sense, even on their own terms, with characters acting in wildly unbelievable ways to force it along. Or the plot just regularly breaks the rules or themes of the work because it doesn't know what else to do. And that's not even touching on the fact that literally the only themes worked into anything these days is weird demoralization propaganda focused entirely on privilege/oppression dynamics, often in strictly black and white moralistic terms. Zero awareness of the human condition.

  2. In so far as video game writing was "good", it was good in the sense that it was load bearing. The dialog could be awkward, the prose could be stilted, but if it supported the world that was being built and created the illusion that the game was a more lived in, real place than was possible to actually create or depict given technical, financial or design constraints, people generally say it was "good". I rarely find this to be the case anymore, as weird current year political bullshit immediately collapses the writing under the load a fictional world places upon it.

I do sometimes try to entertain the arguments of people who claim nothing has changed. That video games always had out of place "current year" pop culture references. Or that they were already political. And I know examples abound. I recall reading about one particular Infocom game that was written out of pure spite for Reagan winning a second term.

All the same, what felt like rare exceptions has become the norm, to the point where it crowds everything else out. It hasn't quite reached the level in games that it has on Netflix, where probably half the dialog is weird current year political references and marxist bullshit, and 3/4 of the characters are nonsensically and almost impossibly diverse for the setting. Which is to say, sometimes you encounter a purely ludic game with almost no writing what so ever. But among any game I've seen that has any appreciable amount of writing to speak of, if it's western, or even if activist got ahead of the translating duties, it's all sorts of shit up with current year nonsense.

I am truly beside myself, like you, these days. And every smarmy "You just need to touch grass" remark sends me further over the edge. Because the insinuation is that I'm only this fucking destitute because I'm extremely online. When the reality could not more manifestly be the opposite.

I'm trying to raise a daughter in a world that already hates her. I have a school system that wants to tell her she's evil (I'm sorry, privileged, not like there is much meaningful difference). It wants to promulgate "queer theory" at the earliest age they can get away with. I live in a state where the school system will secretly transition children, no matter who is elected. The increasingly blue state legislature keeps creeping closer and closer to just defacto taking custody of children who's parent's won't "affirm" their identity. Which isn't to say they don't do it anyways already. The paranoia I have whenever I'm forced to expose my child to these systems is off the charts. You cannot tell me it's not justified.

I often reflect how I could possibly explain to my child all the freedom we used to have. How easy air travel used to be. Or how fun it was to wait in the terminal to greet family as they stepped off the plane. How there didn't used to be security guards and metal detectors at theatres. How there weren't transients destroying every public work constantly. And literally nobody was murdered more often than not, under any circumstances, in the town I grew up in. I went back and checked the old FBI statistics, because I had one of those "Did I just not notice as a kid, or what?" moments, and it turns out, wouldn't you know, there was actually infinitesimal amounts of murder back then after all. That I had free reign to bike 10 miles to town, maybe 12 years old, along a busy parkway with zero reason to believe anything could possibly happen to me. And I find myself especially at a loss to explain what happened to all that.

No, touching grass is not the answer. Unless it's in a prone position at a shooting range.

By all means, I'll march alongside you when you want to complain about "pale, male, stale" is a thing. But I'm going to look at you quizzically if you also want to defend the idea that games shouldn't even try to be inclusive to people who aren't like you.

I mean, I think I made my case clear. There is "inclusive" and then there is weird, demoralization propaganda where everyone who looks like me is evil and families that look like mine have been utterly extirpated or portrayed in a manner of existential horror. And having found myself facing an abundance of media which very plainly hates me, I'm extra sensitive to the slightest hint of it anymore. Because not unlike how there is a weird bundling of political positions that theoretically have nothing to do with one another, but are none the less all or none, and sorted (perhaps falsely) as being either Republican or Democrat, I've long been subjected to "inclusive" media that barely seems to be about being inclusive, and instead seems to be about promoting hatred of white people and all their works. So I want all of it gone from my household.

I'm taking my enemies at their word.

They believe not depicting LGBTQ and interracial couples is hurtful. They believe it stigmatizes the groups, and leads to mental health issues and underperformance of those groups broadly. They believe it pressures under represented groups into unnatural or unjust conformity with the represented majority. They believe erasing those groups in popular culture is the first step to erasing those groups in the real world. They believe the absence of representation is a sign of tribal supremacy.

Well, now my family is the under represented group. If these things are true, it's now being done to my family. If these things aren't true, but the people doing it to me believe they are, it's still a sign they hate me and want to erase my family, first from culture, then from the future.

There was a parable I heard once. I think it was supposed to be one of those "Wise King Solomon" stories.

Basically, two authors came before a judge. Both claimed to have written a novel, and wanted the other to cease publishing it. The judge ordered both authors to write a sequel, believing only the true author would be capable.

I think about that all the time. When Star Wars went to shit. When The Hobbit movies went to shit. When Star Trek went to shit. Which is not to say creative works can't successfully outlive their authors. They seem to be able to... for a time. Often with the help of people who may have known the original author, and care deeply about the themes and ethos he wove into them.

The ghouls in charge of most of America's cultural legacy seem to actively hate all the American's who came before them. They don't have the mental capacity to contemplate the themes of the original works, much less engage with them or continue them. I wrote off all my favorite franchises years ago at this point. I need to secure more of them on DVD before they get memory holed. I no longer trust the rights holders to not adulterate them, or just quietly stop publishing them to force you to consume whatever slop they are serving up now.