@ZorbaTHut's banner p




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joined 2022 September 01 11:36:40 UTC


User ID: 9



13 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 01 11:36:40 UTC


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User ID: 9

From the topic text:

Accordingly, we ask that you do not use this thread for waging the Culture War. Examples of waging the Culture War:

  • Posting links that could be summarized as 'Boo outgroup!' Basically, if your content is 'Can you believe what Those People did this week?' then you should either refrain from posting, or do some very patient work to contextualize and/or steel-man the relevant viewpoint.

Please don't post things like this.

We're not asking you to not post about it. We're asking you to also post about other stuff.

Those are definitely the worst parts, but the rest of it ain't great either - it appears the entire point of this post is to complain about someone doing a thing you don't like. What's the point? Why are you posting it? If it's "these people are doing a bad thing", then it's not a good post; if there's some other reason, go into that.

I'm afraid this is definitely culture war material. Please repost in the culture war thread, thank you!

Probably, yeah. Nobody reported you, don't worry about it too much, we'd appreciate picking one of the other options next time :V

There are literally people disagreeing with you in the replies. Read those, and don't make universal moral statements if people are going to disagree with you, because then it's not fact, it's opinion.

Mod intervention!

It's totally fine to express disagreement with the general concept of trans. It is less fine to make statements that flat-out imply trans is a thing. Not everyone agrees they're "male", and I think this falls under the whole building consensus rule.

Permabanned for ban evasion and racial slurs.

Hey there!

I am totally removing this thread. Sorry. I know you're unlikely to do this, but if you do want to post, go check out the rules.

I've dubbed this thread the official rdrama.net hangout, so if you want to go post your questions there, go for it. But a few of them you'll want to tweak or those will get removed too.

Unless I'm misunderstanding, "You must adhere to progressive orthodoxy on pronouns or avoid them altogether" does not sound to me like the middle compromise position you're making it out to be.

There's also "you can use 'they' regardless of whether the person in question is OK with it".

I'd say the strong trans-approving position would be "you are required to use the pronouns they want, and if you try to avoid those pronouns, you're a bad person for doing so". We're providing two different ways to avoid that, both of which the extremist left would disapprove of.

I hope, for my unblemished account's sake, that some story about a trans person doesn't become the culture war topic du jour any time soon. I also think that you'd see immense pushback from the community if those rules you propose were actually enforced. I suspect people just haven't read your comment above because it's buried in the previous week's culture war roundup thread.

For what it's worth, this has come up a few times now, and trans has occasionally been in the news between now and then, and it's just never been an issue. I do think you're overstating the issue here.

The general antagonism clause applies as it always does, as do a bunch of adjacent rules. No individual word is banned, no individual word makes you exempt from the rest of the rules.

I could write both bannable and perfectly-fine comments with any of those above phrases. If you want to come up with a more specific example, I can tell you how I'd judge it.

self-identification as the only criterion which determines which pronouns are OK in the opinion of mods is the the trans activist position, not a neutral one

This is not the only criterion which determines which pronouns are OK. I recommend going and reading it over again.

I'm honestly trying to figure out what to do with the sidebar; right now it's kinda just overly cluttered, and I'd like to slim it down. But I'm not sure how.

I've refrained from putting this up just because it doesn't come up often and doesn't seem worth the clutter right now.

Yup, exactly.

(You could also use "she" for the entire history if you wanted.)

Join the Dev discord if you haven't already. That's where development discussion mostly happens, and that's also where the people who took it out originally hang out. I think the first step here is to just come up with a list of stuff that would have to get done.

Alright, I apparently need to be louder about this one. I asked you to change your nickname and you haven't; I'm banning you for a day to get your attention. Once you've changed it to something not-confusing, feel free to message the admins to get unbanned (and link this post to them in case someone other than me sees it.)

But I also view convincing kids to mutilate and sterilize themselves as abuse, and these activist absolutely have that intent.

Aight, hold up, calling you on this one.

No, the activists do not have the intent of convincing kids to mutilate and sterilize themselves.

Be charitable.

Assume the people you're talking to or about have thought through the issues you're discussing, and try to represent their views in a way they would recognize. Don't paraphrase unflatteringly. Beating down strawmen is fun, but it's not productive for you, and it's certainly not productive for anyone attempting to engage you in conversation; it just results in repeated back-and-forths where your debate partner has to say "no, that's not what I think".

If you'd said something like:

But I also view convincing kids to mutilate and sterilize themselves as abuse, and I think gender transition surgery counts as that, and the activists are trying to convince kids to undergo gender transition surgery.

then I'd be fine with it. But right now you're drawing a direct line from your opinion of the outcome to what you believe is the activists' intention, and that direct line implies cartoon-supervillain evil.

And is probably wrong.

So either bring evidence or knock it off with that kind of rhetoric.

We can, but I think the arguments against the bare-links post that were made before are still valid. If it's making discussion worse, we're better off without it.

From the rules:

Make your point reasonably clear and plain. Try to assume other people are doing the same.

When dealing with sensitive topics, people often veer into sarcasm and mockery, or rely on insinuation. These do not carry on well to written text (even more so with people with a different outlook), and make your point harder to understand, which leads discussions to spiral off into confusion. Say what you mean, mean what you say, and when in doubt, err on the side of being too explicit. Thought experiments are fine, but mark them as such.

Please flesh out comments like this a bit before making them; this isn't meant as a place for low-effort dunks.

Yeah, it's not ideal. But it's a tradeoff between that and constantly putting out fires caused by flames and low-effort culture warring.

Back on Reddit we didn't have a filter that could apply to everyone, there were ways to (accidentally, usually) get around it, and a significant number of our worst threads and biggest problems were caused by newbies dropping in, giving a hot take, and having it not be filtered. Thankfully that isn't an issue here, which is why the filter is set so low, which so far is working out.

But there have been some pretty grim posts and comments that, thanks to the new-user filter, we've gotten to before they caused problems.

I frankly think you may already be out of the filter; if you're not, you're really close, fwiw.

Should be fixed now!

This definitely falls into the Culture War category; please repost in the Culture War thread!

That said, there's a few things you should probably fix before doing that; for example:

We did have an argument, but as civilized persons, we don't believe in mandates.

This breaks the rule against enforcing ideological conformity; please don't do that.

We don't want to just go straight-up spamming people. If there are communities you think would be receptive to a sidebar crosslink, I'd be happy to contact them.

Is this really where the bar of a slur is?

Yeah, frankly. We keep it pretty low.

Are you going to apply this level of sensitivity to everyone?

Yes. If you think someone's pushing the line, report it; if it gets approved and you disagree, you're welcome to ping modmail if you feel strongly about it.

Yeah, it's a little weird because this implies that @loper happened to be the one who made the admin account, and I'm not convinced they're the one who made the admin account because I think they would have mentioned it.

(loper are you the one who made the admin account when the database melted a bunch of hours? if so, that answers that question, I guess)

(also, if so, I'm so curious what you thought was happening)