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joined 2022 September 05 18:51:09 UTC


User ID: 679



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User ID: 679

I dislike singular "they" but at least that is standard English and seems to be becoming widely adopted. The xe/ze/e lot can go stand in a corner, as far as I'm concerned. Pick "they" or be "it" which is the neuter pronoun in English.

I'm exactly the opposite. When it first came out, I couldn't stand ze/zir/etc., but every time I read something where people use the "they" pronoun to refer to a singular person it grates like nails on a chalkboard, and it almost always makes the writing more confusing to read. Now I wish the powers that be would switch to ze/zir/etc.

Maybe I was oblivious as a kid. I probably was. But somehow I don't remember children's books being as blatantly propagandized as now.

I received a copy of Father Gander Nursery Rhymes as a child. It was published in 1986.

he spoke about how seeing it as a child affected his whole life.

While an alternate conservative/libertarian history of the post would be interesting, it would also be irrelevant.

We're discussing why Millennials are not becoming conservative, and only people who are already conservative would have access to that history, anyone else would just have access to the media worldview, and would never hear the other side of the story.

From here (that article argues that it is still a problem, even if he asked):

CK opens his official statement by saying he was able to tell himself "it was OK to show women [his] dick" because he always asked them first. To people still wrestling with how consent works, simply asking might seem like all that's needed.

I mean, look at this guy.

your link has an extra 0 in it.

A study by economists Chang-Tai Hsieh and Enrico Moretti estimated that the housing restrictions brought on by NIMBY activists are costing US workers $1 trillion in reduced wages, (several thousand dollars for every worker), by making it unaffordable to relocate to higher-productivity cities.

Wouldn't all the workers moving to higher-productivity cities lower the salaries of workers living in those cities? The glut of workers vying for jobs would probably bring the price down more than several thousand dollars for every worker.

Keep in mind that ChatGPT suggested it would take at least several hundred cords of wood to cremate 5,000 people

In my experience, chatgpt has a real problem with numbers. I've asked it to give me a prompted block of text with 500 characters, and it almost never gets it right.

I've attached a screenshot of me asking it: "what's a larger number? 537 or five hundred and forty five?" to which it responded: "537 is a larger number than 545."


Radical Feminist believe that gender is a social construct, created by the patriarchy. From this article in the New Yorker, titled "What Is a Woman? The dispute between radical feminism and transgenderism.":

Trans women say that they are women because they feel female—that, as some put it, they have women’s brains in men’s bodies. Radical feminists reject the notion of a “female brain.” They believe that if women think and act differently from men it’s because society forces them to, requiring them to be sexually attractive, nurturing, and deferential. In the words of Lierre Keith, a speaker at Radfems Respond, femininity is “ritualized submission.”

In this view, gender is less an identity than a caste position. Anyone born a man retains male privilege in society; even if he chooses to live as a woman—and accept a correspondingly subordinate social position—the fact that he has a choice means that he can never understand what being a woman is really like. By extension, when trans women demand to be accepted as women they are simply exercising another form of male entitlement. All this enrages trans women and their allies, who point to the discrimination that trans people endure

The solution is to encourage a culture of open and honest discussion where no meme is above criticism.

Sounds like the solution is banning TERF rhetoric which is repressing trans youth.

This was discussed in the latest Bailey podcast.

I know this goes against the point, but would you consider writing up a 1 month and 6 month update on how this is working for you? Maybe email it to someone to post so you don't have to post it yourself.

I've been trying to categorize the difference between Blue Collar and White Collar jobs for a while. The closest I've got is that Blue Collar jobs are clock-based while White Collar jobs are task-based.

With blue collar jobs, the work is never actually done. For example, a worker in a widget factory will never finish making widgets. No matter how fast or efficient he works, he's not leaving the factory a second before the whistle goes off, and he'll never stay extra to finish up the last couple widgets (of course overtime is a possibility, but it is just an extension of the same work he's doing, and he'll still have to be at his next shift. It's also not decided by him, but by his supervisor). This is part of the reason the going to the DMV is such a terrible experiences. The workers are just working a factory where you're the product. There is no incentive to be helpful or efficient, because the worker gains nothing out of it.

With White Collar Jobs, work is done until the task is done. A lawyer has to prep for a case, and if that means long hours and all-nighters, that's what he'll do. On the other hand, there will be days when he has less to do, and will leave early, or just lounge around the office.

This distinction fails in some cases. A plumber, for example, works by the task, but nobody would consider him a white collar worker. With your categorization, I think it all falls into place. A white collar working is someone whose task-based job involves primarily manipulating symbols. A job which does not meet both those criteria, is a blue collar job. So a plumber may be task-based, but it primarily involves manipulating objects, so it is blue collar.

I think this still fails in the case of a surgeon. Based on my categorization, a surgeon should be considered blue collar, because it is a task-based job that primarily involves manipulating objects. Perhaps one could argue that the surgeon is mainly using the knowledge he learned in medical school, and the physical surgery is just a physical manipulation of that knowledge.

and, unlike work, you can take a semester off college and pick up where you left off.

There is The Vault.

and we can't trust corporations to handle something with such a significant downside risk.

If we let corporations could build nuclear plants, but make it mandatory for all the executives to live next to the plant, you may be able to get them to build it with significant safety features in place.

The comments are the absolute lowest tier garbage of any platform. Messages are typically under 200 characters, repeating lines of dialogue, cheering on a character, or the most basic observations you could imagine.

Don't go to the Letterkenny subreddit. 98% of the comments are just people quoting lines of the show to each other. It Kinda makes a fella wonder.

I doubt even The Outsiders would make it. Pony Boy is 14 (strike one) and a boy (strike two) for starters.

S. E. Hinton is a woman, so that ups the chance of it being published.

I think networks are trying to cut costs due to soft economic environment, so this is a justifiable excuse to cut expensive talent.

Don't they still have to pay the rest of their contracts? If so, what are they saving by firing them.

It seems obvious to me that this law is intended to go after the people who leave the racist fliers in the baggies on people's front lawns.

I really need to polish it and publish, it's pretty useful.

Those are impressive search results. You should definitely publish it.

This also leads to things like Duarte's War on Drugs, which includes, "In speeches made after his inauguration on June 30 of 2016, Duterte urged citizens to kill suspected criminals and drug addicts. He said he would order police to adopt a shoot-to-kill policy, and would offer them a bounty for dead suspects."

One thing you never hear about is what the actual women athletes have to say about this. Governing bodies don't seem to be too concerned, and polls have repeatedly shown that the competitors aren't either.

Here's another one.