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User ID: 679



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User ID: 679

Here’s Matt Damon explaining that the death of DVD sales killed mid budget movies that took risks.

He doesn’t give quantitative analysis.

Sure. And don’t do any transitions until you can reliably tell the difference.

But at the moment, a doctor feel pressured to do the opposite.

Not to mention the required reprogramming.

I don’t think Andy dick has gotten away with it. A recent headline reads “comedian Andy duck arrest warrant issued after failing to register as a sex offender״

You left out the 3rd clause in the Russel conjugation: https://tomdehnel.com/what-is-russell-conjugation/

I think it is important to add that he invited her to discuss a business opportunity. He wanted to offer his knowledge of online subscription to Jordan Peterson.

There’s the old joke of a governor interviewing prisoners, determining why they were incarcerated. After prisoner after prisoner professed their innocence, one prisoner said he was in jail for theft. The warden quickly proclaims, release this man from jail, before he corrupts all these innocent men.

There are studies that show that the addition of vinegar in a carb rich meal lowers glucose and insulin response in healthy individuals, which is associated with weight loss.

My understanding is that Japanese food has a lot of vinegar in it, which may have contributed. I don’t know if it would offset 9000 calorie meals.

I thought Salt was a really good action movie with a female lead. I remember seeing talk of a sequel but it never went anywhere.

I’m not sure how well the movie did in the box office.

I have no experience in pond building, but here are two suggestions anyway. Look into natural pools. https://youtube.com/@organicpools-davidpaganbutler — this guy designs and builds them with filtration systems.

Also, what about building a second pond that gets its water pumped in from the first pond instead of the spring and runoff? With the right filtration you can keep it silt free.

I’ve been feeling under the weather for the past couple weeks, and am thinking about doing a cleanse to see if that can jumpstart my body’s immune system.

Any recommendations for a healthy cleanse, maybe lasting up to 6 days?

If each bill was only one item that would be a huge improvement. Want to pass a 6000 page bill? Break it up into 6000 items and vote on each one individually.

The part I struggle with is, how does a society argue against compassion?

By showing that what is claimed is compassionate is not really so.

I can’t imagine David Mitchell needs too much of an excuse not to leave the house.

What is tpot?

The hope is that the decimated services immediately switch over all their efforts to the critical stuff because they’re decent people who don’t want grandmothers to starve to death and leave the makework to one side.

That’s a very optimistic view of government agencies. These are the same institutions that close federal parks every time their budgets are threatened. It’s more likely that they will withhold the vital care grandmother needs so that the whole world will see how necessary they are and how evil the people who are trying to take away their money are.

I think part of the reason the comment count was low was because the thread wasn’t pinned, so people didn’t see it and posted in the main thread.

What can be seen as more surprising, this story was revived in 2014 by Eric Raymond on his blog and reaction of libertarian both left and right tended to be positive and affirming.

Off topic, but is esr blogging anywhere? I used to read his blog, but haven’t seen anything from him since his website died.

• (Related tidbit from outside this particular hearing: Senator Bill Cassidy, Bernie Sanders’ Republican counterpart on the Senate HELP Committee, has complained that we have a shortage of trained nurses partially because many states require nursing colleges to be taught by nurses with masters degrees, who are few in number and already mostly working as practitioners. I can buy this because in my experience looking into other healthcare issues, state level regulations often do make federal laws go much less far. For example pricing transparency rules don’t really matter when states allow hospitals to be monopolies.)

• Democrats responded that the rule provides $75 million in grants to train nurse aids, and also pointed out that Democrats repeatedly have tried to boost federal spending to help with this kind of training and hiring but Republicans were opposed soooo.

So the states restrict training more than is federally required and the response is to give them more federal money so the state can get out of the problem they caused? Seems wrong.

I think their point is instead of Israel saying straight out, “Arabs can’t have guns”, they prefer to make it harder for everyone to get guns.

They get married in the Shades series, which seems to support the theory that a woman’s fantasy includes marriage.

If you click on view source you can still see the original version.

I don’t have a twitter account, mostly for my own sanity. One of the worst new features is that if you are not logged in to twitter you cannot get a chronological feed of an account, it sorts by most popular, which is more than useless. (You can change it if you’re logged in).

Also, unless you’re logged in, you can’t click on a link to a twitter comment and read the replies. Only the actual tweet is displayed.

On the other hand, This has caused my twitter usage to go down to less than a minute a week, which is great.

If the hospital is the site of a military installment, the number is not unnecessary, just excessive.