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joined 2022 September 05 18:51:09 UTC


User ID: 679



0 followers   follows 0 users   joined 2022 September 05 18:51:09 UTC


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User ID: 679

Here's a steelman argument that has nothing to do with health:

Eating meat prevents us from justifying giving in to our animal nature, and instead striving to live in a just society. If we forbid eating animals, we're implying that they are on the same level as humans. This, together with the fact that there is little genetic separation between man and beast (humans share 99% of their DNA with chimps), can lead us to conclude that we are no better than animals, and can therefore act as animals would (subjugating those weaker than us, stealing and killing at will, etc.). We can forget that we have an intelligence and compassion that animals don't, and should act accordingly.

By killing and eating animals we show that we consider ourselves a superior lifeform (we all agree that killing and eating another human is wrong). Meditating on this will remind us not to give into animal instincts, and instead act in a way befitting someone of our intellect and emotions, striving on creating a society where people do not take advantage of their advantages to subjugate those weaker than them.

It looks like the border-left is not set for the alternate themes. I'm using 4chan. I changed the css to this:

.comment .comment-collapse-desktop {

	padding-right: 20px;

	cursor: pointer;

	border-left: 2px solid var(--black) !important;


and it worked. for some reason, some colors worked and some didn't, so I just chose black.

In your settings, in the content tab, you can choose how many comments to see at once. The largest value is 100.


There is a setting to "Enable if you would like to highlight comments made after the last time you visited a thread."

Is there a way to also collapse the old comments? If not, can I request that feature?

Hans cheated online at chess.com when he was 12, and again when he was 17.

He was Caught cheating online twice. It is very unlikely that the only two times he cheated he was caught.

Geena Davis

The actress?

Note that with the other themes you can still click where the lines should be, you just can't see them. I'm using the 4chan theme, and used the css I posted here to see the lines.

yet dogs are allowed to be defecate in public . It does strike me as an inversion of a functioning society.

I guess that places san francisco at the vanguard of the struggle for human rights.

first link, scroll down the page.

It is apparently illegal for states to secure their borders, as this fall only under federal jurisdiction. From here:

Can states enforce immigration laws?

The federal government has sole authority to enforce immigration laws. While DPS and the National Guard can’t enforce those laws, Abbott increased trespassing penalties under the disaster declaration and directed state troopers to arrest migrants on state trespassing charges when they are caught on private property.

It is very easy for the federal government to decide to let people illegally cross the border, since Washington DC is thousands of miles away from the Texas border. Why should Texas have to absorb all those people illegally coming into the country?

An open border advocate believes there should be no restrictions placed on entering the country. As such, there would not be any illegal immigration.

sounds like they're making room for the next group DeSantos sends there.

I've thought there would be a market for a newspaper that only reported 6 month ago's news. It would report the stories that were important half a year ago, and give us a good summary of where the story went, which facts people had wrong, etc. The "Breaking" story with the benefit of hindsight, would be very interesting to read. It would be a good way to see which stories were actually important when they broke, and which ones were just flashes in the pan.

wear an orange shirt, and put some writing on it that expresses how you feel. Maybe something like "how does this shirt help indigenous people?". You can also put a QR code on it that goes to somewhere to donate money.

Add it here. Maybe someone will have the link.

For that matter, Person of Interest ran until 2016 and had its main cast as all white.

Taraji P. Henson was one of the main characters in the first half of the show.

DeSantis is a Yale/Harvard educated former federal prosecutor. I would assume based on his background that he's not an idiot, and that he knows how criminal prosecutions work. If I keep my cynic hat on, DeSantis chose to make a big show of these arrests entirely as a means to appease the portion of the electorate that still believes the 2020 election was stolen and remains angry no one has gotten punished. But even so, what exactly was the follow-up supposed to be?

I'd imagine the end game is stricter voter id laws, which is what the right has been requesting for a while.

the argument is that if stronger voter id laws were in place this wouldn't happen. If as soon as they presented their ids to vote, the computer would be able to tell whether they were ineligible or not, this wouldn't happen.

How easy is it for students to simply lie about their race in their application? It's not like the university is going to run a DNA test to see if your grandma was actually native American.

Mindy Kaling's brother did just that. In his words:

I shaved my head, trimmed my long Indian eyelashes, and applied as an African American. Not even my own frat brothers recognized me. I joined the Organization of Black Students and used my middle name, Jojo.

Vijay, the Indian American frat boy, became Jojo, the African American med school applicant.

you can see the recoil of a drone when a gun attached to it is fired here. I'd agree that the drone wouldn't have enough force to stab the tire. But what about something like an electric spinning saw attached to the drone. That might be able to cut the tire.

I had almost no political videos in my home page. I watched one redneck compilation video, and all of sudden I got tons of Fox News, Daily Wire, etc. videos.

As an actual group, SBF and his partner gave $32 million to Dem's and $24 million to the GOP. This idea he was some Democrat-only donor simply isn't true.

It seems a little bit of a bait and switch to say that SBF donated to republicans as well because his partner did.

Hanging a line around a city to try and trick God is literal nonsense. Does God believe in the rules you have for the Sabbath or not?

This is based on a misunderstanding of the Eruv. In Jewish law, there are public domains that are biblically forbidden from carrying in. An Eruv does not work to let you carry in those. There are other semi-public domains that the rabbis categorized which they said must also not be carried in. Those same rabbis said that their prohibition is lifted if an Eruv is in place.

This is a little bit of an oversimplification, but if you want to take a deep dive, you might start here.

Don't forget "The Wrath of the Awakened Saxon", that's a popular one about how the right wing will eventually have enough and rise up.