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joined 2022 September 05 18:51:09 UTC


User ID: 679



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User ID: 679

The solution is to encourage a culture of open and honest discussion where no meme is above criticism.

Sounds like the solution is banning TERF rhetoric which is repressing trans youth.

I’ve been feeling under the weather for the past couple weeks, and am thinking about doing a cleanse to see if that can jumpstart my body’s immune system.

Any recommendations for a healthy cleanse, maybe lasting up to 6 days?

If each bill was only one item that would be a huge improvement. Want to pass a 6000 page bill? Break it up into 6000 items and vote on each one individually.

If the hospital is the site of a military installment, the number is not unnecessary, just excessive.

And, as the saying goes, the man who divorces his wife and marries his mistress leaves a job vacancy.

“TERF” in general is also used to describe a lot of libfems and even center-right women who are gender critical, so the number of actual TERFs is even smaller than you might think.

I was including this group when I wrote "TERFs", so the group is larger.

Yes. I can see conservatives rallying behind an otherwise unsuitable candidate because they're against calling a trans woman a woman. And then being surprised when that candidate votes against their interests in everything else.

It's a great addition. There is a bug where every time you click on expanding a response or loading more comments it adds another new to the post, so after 5 times it says newnewnewnewnewnew~

you posted this in the wrong discussion

he spoke about how seeing it as a child affected his whole life.

you can see the recoil of a drone when a gun attached to it is fired here. I'd agree that the drone wouldn't have enough force to stab the tire. But what about something like an electric spinning saw attached to the drone. That might be able to cut the tire.

Note that with the other themes you can still click where the lines should be, you just can't see them. I'm using the 4chan theme, and used the css I posted here to see the lines.

In your settings, in the content tab, you can choose how many comments to see at once. The largest value is 100.

It looks like the border-left is not set for the alternate themes. I'm using 4chan. I changed the css to this:

.comment .comment-collapse-desktop {

	padding-right: 20px;

	cursor: pointer;

	border-left: 2px solid var(--black) !important;


and it worked. for some reason, some colors worked and some didn't, so I just chose black.

There are studies that show that the addition of vinegar in a carb rich meal lowers glucose and insulin response in healthy individuals, which is associated with weight loss.

My understanding is that Japanese food has a lot of vinegar in it, which may have contributed. I don’t know if it would offset 9000 calorie meals.

I thought Salt was a really good action movie with a female lead. I remember seeing talk of a sequel but it never went anywhere.

I’m not sure how well the movie did in the box office.

The hope is that the decimated services immediately switch over all their efforts to the critical stuff because they’re decent people who don’t want grandmothers to starve to death and leave the makework to one side.

That’s a very optimistic view of government agencies. These are the same institutions that close federal parks every time their budgets are threatened. It’s more likely that they will withhold the vital care grandmother needs so that the whole world will see how necessary they are and how evil the people who are trying to take away their money are.


That article is the first on his list of dumb stuff he’s said, and retracts.

Didn’t the family get $700000? The author of the book probably had his own separate deal.

The format of having a “3 act” country song, where the words of the chorus are the same, but the lyrics of each act change the meaning of the chorus is very popular in country music.

I can only think of a couple examples off the top of my head right now, but there are a lot more.

Kenny chesney’s there goes life

Tim McGraw’s Don't take the girl

I think networks are trying to cut costs due to soft economic environment, so this is a justifiable excuse to cut expensive talent.

Don't they still have to pay the rest of their contracts? If so, what are they saving by firing them.

I doubt even The Outsiders would make it. Pony Boy is 14 (strike one) and a boy (strike two) for starters.

S. E. Hinton is a woman, so that ups the chance of it being published.