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joined 2022 September 05 18:51:09 UTC


User ID: 679



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User ID: 679

wear an orange shirt, and put some writing on it that expresses how you feel. Maybe something like "how does this shirt help indigenous people?". You can also put a QR code on it that goes to somewhere to donate money.

Yes. I can see conservatives rallying behind an otherwise unsuitable candidate because they're against calling a trans woman a woman. And then being surprised when that candidate votes against their interests in everything else.

the argument is that if stronger voter id laws were in place this wouldn't happen. If as soon as they presented their ids to vote, the computer would be able to tell whether they were ineligible or not, this wouldn't happen.

It seems obvious to me that this law is intended to go after the people who leave the racist fliers in the baggies on people's front lawns.

Ben Shapiro famously tweeted that "And by the way, I don't give a damn about the so-called 'browning of America.' Color doesn't matter. Ideology does." But of course, when it comes to Israel he massively cares about demographics, although he can hide behind the unique fact that membership to his "ideology" is genetically inherited.

It can be very easily argued that ben Shapiro’s problem with hamas is ideological. He often mentions that there is a large amount of Palestinians living in Israel. I haven’t heard him say they need to be removed.

I’ve been feeling under the weather for the past couple weeks, and am thinking about doing a cleanse to see if that can jumpstart my body’s immune system.

Any recommendations for a healthy cleanse, maybe lasting up to 6 days?

If each bill was only one item that would be a huge improvement. Want to pass a 6000 page bill? Break it up into 6000 items and vote on each one individually.

If the hospital is the site of a military installment, the number is not unnecessary, just excessive.

And, as the saying goes, the man who divorces his wife and marries his mistress leaves a job vacancy.

“TERF” in general is also used to describe a lot of libfems and even center-right women who are gender critical, so the number of actual TERFs is even smaller than you might think.

I was including this group when I wrote "TERFs", so the group is larger.

It's a great addition. There is a bug where every time you click on expanding a response or loading more comments it adds another new to the post, so after 5 times it says newnewnewnewnewnew~

you posted this in the wrong discussion

he spoke about how seeing it as a child affected his whole life.

you can see the recoil of a drone when a gun attached to it is fired here. I'd agree that the drone wouldn't have enough force to stab the tire. But what about something like an electric spinning saw attached to the drone. That might be able to cut the tire.

Note that with the other themes you can still click where the lines should be, you just can't see them. I'm using the 4chan theme, and used the css I posted here to see the lines.

In your settings, in the content tab, you can choose how many comments to see at once. The largest value is 100.

It looks like the border-left is not set for the alternate themes. I'm using 4chan. I changed the css to this:

.comment .comment-collapse-desktop {

	padding-right: 20px;

	cursor: pointer;

	border-left: 2px solid var(--black) !important;


and it worked. for some reason, some colors worked and some didn't, so I just chose black.

The solution is to encourage a culture of open and honest discussion where no meme is above criticism.

Sounds like the solution is banning TERF rhetoric which is repressing trans youth.

I've been trying to categorize the difference between Blue Collar and White Collar jobs for a while. The closest I've got is that Blue Collar jobs are clock-based while White Collar jobs are task-based.

With blue collar jobs, the work is never actually done. For example, a worker in a widget factory will never finish making widgets. No matter how fast or efficient he works, he's not leaving the factory a second before the whistle goes off, and he'll never stay extra to finish up the last couple widgets (of course overtime is a possibility, but it is just an extension of the same work he's doing, and he'll still have to be at his next shift. It's also not decided by him, but by his supervisor). This is part of the reason the going to the DMV is such a terrible experiences. The workers are just working a factory where you're the product. There is no incentive to be helpful or efficient, because the worker gains nothing out of it.

With White Collar Jobs, work is done until the task is done. A lawyer has to prep for a case, and if that means long hours and all-nighters, that's what he'll do. On the other hand, there will be days when he has less to do, and will leave early, or just lounge around the office.

This distinction fails in some cases. A plumber, for example, works by the task, but nobody would consider him a white collar worker. With your categorization, I think it all falls into place. A white collar working is someone whose task-based job involves primarily manipulating symbols. A job which does not meet both those criteria, is a blue collar job. So a plumber may be task-based, but it primarily involves manipulating objects, so it is blue collar.

I think this still fails in the case of a surgeon. Based on my categorization, a surgeon should be considered blue collar, because it is a task-based job that primarily involves manipulating objects. Perhaps one could argue that the surgeon is mainly using the knowledge he learned in medical school, and the physical surgery is just a physical manipulation of that knowledge.

This also leads to things like Duarte's War on Drugs, which includes, "In speeches made after his inauguration on June 30 of 2016, Duterte urged citizens to kill suspected criminals and drug addicts. He said he would order police to adopt a shoot-to-kill policy, and would offer them a bounty for dead suspects."

and we can't trust corporations to handle something with such a significant downside risk.

If we let corporations could build nuclear plants, but make it mandatory for all the executives to live next to the plant, you may be able to get them to build it with significant safety features in place.

From here (that article argues that it is still a problem, even if he asked):

CK opens his official statement by saying he was able to tell himself "it was OK to show women [his] dick" because he always asked them first. To people still wrestling with how consent works, simply asking might seem like all that's needed.

yet dogs are allowed to be defecate in public . It does strike me as an inversion of a functioning society.

I guess that places san francisco at the vanguard of the struggle for human rights.