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User ID: 878



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User ID: 878

Weakening selection for a trait isn't same as selection for lower values of a trait (as with "too stupid to use contraception => more children"). I think SMV is still selected and I think immune system somehow influences SMV.

  1. If so, then unvaccinated individuals dying, humans wiping other species or other ethnicity is evolution too.

  2. Dysgenics happening now doesn't occur is a stateless society. It's happens with governments which ban many things and implement income redistribution, and also governments cooperate on wide scale to prevent many things.

poor immune systems

sorry, what?

nobody could publish results using the leaked data.

Your mean publications in scientific journals?... ... one can publish anonymously.

I believe that growing up in a middle-class two-parent household has a greater effect on a child's life outcomes than

Because you don't have evidence, it looks like "I believe that growing up in a middle-class two-parent household has a greater effect on a child's life outcomes than" is based on faith

I don't think US Ashkenazim have same IQ as Israeli Ashkenazim. Migration to Israel was subsidized, to US it was not. Also many people faked Jew ancestry to leave USSR. Old joke "A Jewish wife is not a luxury but a means of transport".

That is correct, and I don't think you can point on them being inconsistent on this subject.

Smolensk NPP size is irrelevant, it's a RBMK-type reactor which is large compared to any other type of nuclear reactor. Water-water reactors are a lot smaller.

....like principle of embrace, extend, extinguish?

Italy should confiscate every property and freeze bank accounts of all politicians complicit in tearing apart Lybia

There was one poll (I can't give link now) which tells that nearly half of Russian self-identified Orthodox do not believe in God. "Orthodox Christian" is just a tribal trait for them

because it is a matter of ethical principle that individual and cultural accomplishment is not tied to the genes in the same way as the appearance of our hair

basically, this is just another way of saying that every human has preexisting, indivisible SOUL and SOUL is more important than bodies

Key principle of behavior genetics

>Not a single mention in literature until 2002


In practice, the one side's bad things is slopppy statements (esp. in Twitter where format encourages them) and the other's side bad things are both sloppy statements and coordinated attacks on non-sloppy researchers from other side. There is no symmetry in what you're suggesting.

Growing in two-parent household isn't an independent variable. Earlier, a parent might die to war or natural causes, or slave master moved them to another location. Now, in rich 1 st world countries, living with 1 parent is usually because one or both parents are bad at impulse control (assholes), which is correlated with intelligence and anything.

IE when you control for genetics the differences don't go away.


FWIW, there's large environmental differences between rich countries (like yours) and poor countries, but this usually isn't talked much about.

It is a lie.

If we study fighting abilities of men vs women, controlling for upper body muscle mass, does it bake in assumption that form of genitals is more important to fighting than muscle?

Journalists and academia. They're not 50% conservaties. What your median conservatives says is irreleveant

"phenotypic null hypothesis", according to Google Ngram, does not appear before 2002 and it's usage going after 2010. It's a neologism.


And disingenious one. For testing medications, null hypothesis "it doesn't work" is useful because we have voluminous history of ineffective medications. We don't have prior history of controlled experiments on population IQ differences. It's like theists requiring atheists to prove.

Jack and Jane both collected some stones on beach. Compute average size of stone each of them collected. Must they be same, exactly to 10-digit after comma, unless proved otherwise?

Rightist inclined people want to preserve racial inequality of outcomes

As been said, it is looking at rightists under leftists theory of universe. What about "rightists don't want certain kind of government-mandated redistribution which give a net harm to society" or "rightists don't want their bikes stolen"?

Now I am going to violate rules and say that intelligence is clearly biological. It's not controversial to say that fish are smarter than jellyfish, and crocodiles are smarter than fish, and rats are smarter than crocodiles. It's only when feelings are hurt it requires some "phenotypic null hypothesis". Yes, intelligence has long causal chain, but so are many biological phenomena.


It seems pre-agricultural.

I second that. I think that compassion to economic-poor and hate towards sexually-poor is because our morality lags economics and we're still think like hunter-gatherers do.

Those called by far right usually don't like East Asian getting higher IQs, ditto Jews.

...Your question about taboo attracted so few answers. Maybe the topic itself is tabooed...

So, if a human can't do it, a machine will surely be unable to do it.

I'm fairly sure there's humans who can do it, just it takes a lot for time to learn to draw and even still it's labour-intensive.

Different elements update at different frame rates.

Yes, correct, but it seems to be a little easier task than deducing correct animating of body parts from known 4 running frames.

I heard there's Google frame rate upscaler, thought it seems it has no specific support for anime...

A large amount of dog owners talk in such matter, but it isn't unclear if it's plurality or majority. And I think that people who have such vulgar "dog intelligence" concept deny utility of IQ tests.

If you have subjects who are not cooperative for sugar blood tests, and eat a lot before blood sample is taken, is it a problem of blood tests?

I can think IQ tests duration is limited to 30-60 minutes so willingness to cooperate has little effect (for most individuals) even if it makes measurement of intellect per se less precise.

Note for some important things willingness to cooperate matters more than intelligence! Just there isn't a good method to measure it, and it's much more prone to change than intelligence.