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joined 2022 September 06 18:07:53 UTC


User ID: 878



0 followers   follows 1 user   joined 2022 September 06 18:07:53 UTC


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User ID: 878

Italy should confiscate every property and freeze bank accounts of all politicians complicit in tearing apart Lybia

Women are more likely to be conformist and vote for whoever has the power. In Russia, women are more likely to support Putin than men (at least it was so before 2022)

I don't think US Ashkenazim have same IQ as Israeli Ashkenazim. Migration to Israel was subsidized, to US it was not. Also many people faked Jew ancestry to leave USSR. Old joke "A Jewish wife is not a luxury but a means of transport".

I think of Ann Coulter law analogy.

More time without any solid evidence presented, increases certainty that US or US-aligned actor did it.

Write it down: %favorite_demographics% Americans kill because of narcissism and rage, not because of poverty or systemic something.

Finland and Baltic countries are small. What if you unexpectedly get, say, 5 million of Russians escaping conscription and while these 5 millions are much likely to support Russian Imperialism than those in Russia, they still be far apart in values from what expected to from Finland/Baltic resident.

80 years ago, USA and many countries didn't accept Jews escaping Nazis even those had >80% chances to die under Nazis (thought, we know it in hindsight).

Taking yachts from ultrarich to make free vaccines for poor is a net win. However, if you take yachts from ultrarich to make cash payments for poor and that money gets spent on addictive drugs, you have a net loss.

Consider me a right-winger. I definitely support a lot of redistribution, including subsidies for reproduction of high IQ young poor people and subsidizing PGS for everyone.

Often Soviet Russia is contrasted with West... but... if we look at early Soviets...

Two out of Holy Trinity (Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels) were German Jews living in UK. They hated Russia so translators had to omit parts of their works

Lenin and many other revolutionaries spent much time in Switzerland, Austria etc...

Soviets instantly switched to Gregorian calendar.

Soviets promoted use of Esperanto language.

Soviets intended to switch Russian language to Latin script but as popultaion was unhappy with it the plan was scrapped and never tried again.

  • -18

That is correct, and I don't think you can point on them being inconsistent on this subject.

Don't think "small" in modern population size or modern area of country, think population share at the time when the events happened. In 19th century, Africa was less populated than Europe and was growing at slower rate.

Spending all day is cruel, executioners should unionize and limit it to 8-hour work shifts.


They probably got paid, and maybe even explained why their work is important.

Not many posts about Ukraine latter days. Ukraine fatigue?

a woman’s psycho-sexuality is more sensitive to acts of aggression, and society must control mating in order to function.

Since spousal rape was legal almost everywhere (the definition of rape included that perp isn't the husband), it's evident that society cared about certainty of paternity, not woman's emotions. They didn't have paternity testing, or even pregnancy testing nor postcoital contraception. Now we have all that, but customs are old and even feminists keep parts of it.

because it is a matter of ethical principle that individual and cultural accomplishment is not tied to the genes in the same way as the appearance of our hair

basically, this is just another way of saying that every human has preexisting, indivisible SOUL and SOUL is more important than bodies

Have they banned all LISP users already?

Of course it was because of early computers and no AI. You just need to run multiple simulated realities with market economy in them, and copy result from simulation to real world. They couldn't do in with 1 MHz CPUs. /jk

If 70% of people want a product with feature A, and 22% want a product with feature B, then 100% of products will have feature A unless a company can figure out how to target the B market segment reliably. (Preferably both at once, of course.)

I'm very sure it's possible to be in 22%, companies to know about it and still don't get the product. I wish a smartphone without silly notches or punchholes, and without glass

I tried BH and was extremely unhappy with it

I am too addicted to this thing. Even more frustrating, if I decide to comment, then no matter how much time I spend composing comments I get "low effort" materiel and it only makes my life worse.

I do not recall such moods being so visceral among the common folk in the West before.

With number of protected classes increasing every day, people still want to hate someone.

They're expressing the sentiment "Soviets were bad!"

They're expressing the sentiment "MODERN RUSSIA is bad"

  1. If so, then unvaccinated individuals dying, humans wiping other species or other ethnicity is evolution too.

  2. Dysgenics happening now doesn't occur is a stateless society. It's happens with governments which ban many things and implement income redistribution, and also governments cooperate on wide scale to prevent many things.

Key principle of behavior genetics

>Not a single mention in literature until 2002


In practice, the one side's bad things is slopppy statements (esp. in Twitter where format encourages them) and the other's side bad things are both sloppy statements and coordinated attacks on non-sloppy researchers from other side. There is no symmetry in what you're suggesting.

Growing in two-parent household isn't an independent variable. Earlier, a parent might die to war or natural causes, or slave master moved them to another location. Now, in rich 1 st world countries, living with 1 parent is usually because one or both parents are bad at impulse control (assholes), which is correlated with intelligence and anything.

Journalists and academia. They're not 50% conservaties. What your median conservatives says is irreleveant