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User ID: 1873



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User ID: 1873

Is it so hard to believe a self-selected group that is allowed to immigrate to the United States could just so happen to be more educated than the average US population?

No it's not.

They're getting their education in American Universities just like any other 2nd generation American migrant group.

They get education in USA universities, meaning they enjoy massive (de facto) SAT bonus in enrollment, mainly intended for AADOS. While education is a proxy for IQ, it is a poor proxy in case when comparing between universities/degrees having different standards or affirmative action.

Any argument or data point I bring up that might suggest the IQ of Africans could be higher you seem to challenge.

I agree that African countries IQ might went up by 10-15 points if they get higher standards of living.

I don't know how you can reject the notion that education has an impact on IQ

I am not sure whether education increases IQ scores or hidden things that we want to measure when we do IQ tests.

What's your angle here?

I'm just discussing what sprung from claim '70 iq not employable'. And what's your angle?

Do you genuinely believe if we take the average baby from the Ivory Coast and raise them in the US they're going to fail elementary school?

Did I say something which made think you so? If most US Blacks finish elementary school, why wouldn't I think average Ivorian immigrant wouldn't?

I think if you take the supposed average 70 IQ person from the Ivory Coast and give them a Western country-level education, their IQ could still rise 10-15 points.

I was going to write just same 10-15 points, but then didn't because didn't see the point in the context. Also, this increase would require better medicine and food etc, not only better education. I didn't read the link beyond abstract, I think they're making typical sociologist's fallacy.

Fun fact, did you know Nigerian-Americans are one of the most educated groups of people in the United States?

I did. Nigeria certainly has much lower threshold for getting a university degree.

In terms of phenotypic vs genotypic IQ we don't know for sure but based on Gottfredson's description of IQ ability I'd say it applies mostly to genotypic IQ.

So would IQ decrease from FAS or cerebral palsy (phenotypic) have mostly no effect on whether individual could function well in modern society?

While I more agree with your argument than not, your argument is lacking something important.

Some points to consider: lower IQ than population average is often associated with personality deficits and mental disease, which average member of low IQ population does not have. There might a component to IQ results ("familiarity with IQ testing culture") which has very little effect on mundane tasks.

or primary school education in the Ivory Coast is incredibly simple relative to that of the US.

probably much simplier

Read my next paragraph and read it in context of it being a response to 2rafa's post.

I did

I argue 70 IQ in Ivory coast != 70 IQ in the US

is your point that only genotypic IQ affects employability, but not phenotypic? or that non-IQ factors matter too, when your statement that 70 IQs not employable needs updating

High IQ people tend to not have kids anyways

this highly depends on society. Because genotypic IQ grew over time, this doesn't have to be

where you suggest Israel to send Palestinians to?

Or to put it another way, if we take a baby born to the average person in the Ivory Coast and raise them in a Western nation with Western nutrition and education, would they on average have 70 IQ?

How is it relevant in the context?

To go back to my original point, a 100 iq racist arguing that an 85 iq population are 'animals' can construct a stronger argument than a 115 iq racist arguing that a 100 iq population are animals Both would be incorrect for reasons you already stated previously, but if they were trying to refine the definition of animal you get better arguments the lower the IQ goes.

agree! (and one of ways to present it might be to assign IQ values to animals.

Unless something like eugenics or gene editing becomes a reality I doubt the average level of intelligence will rise more than 5-10 IQ points for the developed nations.

How is it relevant in the context? The hypothetical is other society that is +2SD shifted to us.

and I'd like to point out Moore's law is no longer being met

I'm dreaming of seeing programmers having to actually optimize software! But I talked about older smartphones with 128 megabytes of RAM being nearly useless now. This is irrelevant if pace development stalls in near future.

Just as programmers constantly add more layers of indirection and shitty memory usage, the higher IQ society will invent more paperwork and qualifications even for simpler jobs.

@2rafa at least gave an example of a 100iq person navigating Princeton or Jane Street. But in this case, the 100 IQ person can serve many functions in those places.

in part, because almost everyone 130 IQ has good knowledge what 100 IQ can do and can not, even if they live in a high-IQ bubble they have some average IQ relatives or exposure from media. If norm is 130, then 100 become scarce and weird.

Also, maybe a poor example, do you expect any modern use of smartphone with 64 megabytes of RAM?

If everyone gets 30 IQ bump, society would change barely recognizable. There would be quickly more robots doing many tasks. Rewind a few centuries to natural economy (how do we factor in Flynn effect?), most 70 IQ people worked in agriculture.

out an earlier wave of settlement.

who were they?

"Open borders" also would mean you would be as happy to take in ones who vote Republican and also Xi and Putin fans, as much as you happy to take Democratic-voting Minorities(tm).

: sob :

What could be uses of small neodymium magnets rather as a toy? I thought that if one glues something, magnets can hold pieces together while glue dries. Never tried it, though. There are also magnets in form of flat washer so one can put a string inside.

I'm bored. When you do, DM me a (link) to some of your screams

TFR is falling in Africa, this means share of working age people increases. If two societies, one where share of working age people increases and another where share of working age people decreases (due to TFR at flat bottom) have same % of GDP per capita growth, what does that tell you?

Europeans spread literacy quickly, Africa didn't. Also Europeans didn't invent writing, but getting separate characters for vowels and consonants, written in sequential fashion, is almost as large step as getting writing at all. E.g. Aztec phonetic writing was so bad that they preferred pictography to it.

About half of those reserves, $300 billion, were held in the West.

USD in USA were a little fraction of it (about $10 billion IIRC), most were Euro-nominated in EU. Total value estimate in USD is just a convenience.

Horrible design decision

not mine, but "what can be destroyed by truth, should be"

and sports (or sport-like skills such as juggling).

heavy athletics and marathon running are very antagonistic

Building ice is easy, why it's not used already? What about building codes? Small ice houses would require large per unit costs, and large would be potentially illegal. ... I happen to live in a place where avergage yearly temp is +2C and nobody is doing that

Yes, it's diminutive of Pavel (Paul) in Russian. Paula is extremely rare in Russian

i can't start to use next free (kinda) hosting i try. i fail with setting SSL keys. looks like format of SSL is somewhat distinct from much earlier, on another free hosting, where https is not default, i failed to set up https using "turing on https on our hosting is very easy"

making them the first nation in western Europe to do so

Sweden, Iceland, Malta, Vatican already do

Build a website,

failed at that, what to do?

offtopic: is there some alt history fiction where China or Japan colonize California before Europeans (maybe by sending their convicts there)?

Black women are well known for large secondary sexual characterics like big ass and breasts

I pretty much doubt black women have larger breasts than European women at same height and weight. Black women do not have to be as obese as in USA

did I write something suggesting implementing your own charging circuit? sounds like you do not want this in the first place. Oh if many wanted it, it'd be on market already.