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Small-Scale Question Sunday for May 26, 2024

Do you have a dumb question that you're kind of embarrassed to ask in the main thread? Is there something you're just not sure about?

This is your opportunity to ask questions. No question too simple or too silly.

Culture war topics are accepted, and proposals for a better intro post are appreciated.

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What could be uses of small neodymium magnets rather as a toy? I thought that if one glues something, magnets can hold pieces together while glue dries. Never tried it, though. There are also magnets in form of flat washer so one can put a string inside.

The ones that come out of hard drives are great for holding tools or key rings.

They're great for little modular things or elegant latches. Using them in boxes that might not have a latch beyond gravity or to replace an external latch and give the item cleaner lines.