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joined 2022 September 06 18:07:53 UTC


User ID: 878



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User ID: 878

what does adlib tracker do? Does it plays music from notes?

no, i thought about the one making a big fuss on 'determination'. Undertale

meme? Could you please be more specific?

Nope, it doesn't.

Suppose (numbers random for sake of example)

QoL depends on phenotypic IQ & how good government is. Phenotypic IQ depends on genetic IQ and QOL.


QOL = 0.3 * PIQ + 0.7 * government quality

Yes government seems more important looking at coefficient, but ultimately government is function of genetic IQ too, just in more complex and indirect way.

Further, all war since the industrial revolution has been trending against the concept of numerical superiority.

Sorry, what? Mass production of guns is what enables mass armies, it's a lot faster to learn to use gun than sword or bow (which required life dedication to efficiently use).

Completely lopsided kill ratios existed well before Maxium gun. Historically horses chariots were a big game changer too. Battle of Otumba, etc.

The Russians had essentially limitless cannon fodder

that's both unkind and untrue. The Soviets had numerical advantage but not that much. 170 million USSR in 1939 vs 80 million Third Reich (and what if you count only ethnic Russians)? . Considering how much better was German war machine than Soviet (in part, because of Stalin cleansed nearly all military leadership and officers) it wasn't impossible target.

India has no shortage of high-IQ individuals

For country of 1.5 billion, they do have a shortage.

least until he feels ready to take on the West directly, which is not yet.

Could this ever happen in Putin's lifetime? Even considering how long Putin's parents lived long, still looks unreal.

and in pre-2014 internationally-recognized territory.

which ones?

because Putin de-facto had all that already

Not quite. Also, the Dniepr-Crimea water canal was closed by Ukraine.

I told them I hate business speak (and this is a problem itself), but consultants didn't answer (no scripted answer for it)

In the end I got "tell us how we should help you". What?

No, I think it's general problem with medicine where feedback loop is slow and weak.

Medicine is one of oldest sciences around but a lot of its arsenal was quack interventions, for centuries.

There are more

He's not any -ist or -ian or whatever.


Chinese might have a lot of more nukes than 300, because unlike Russia or USA they never reported to anyone.

Then make it Kaliningrad People's Republic, nominally free but doing everything EU (or USA) wants.

When the campaign is over, they can be discarded and LGBT multiculturalism introduced. The Azovites think the same thing, presumably.

While the former is plausible, the latter is... I can't think how they can hope that.

...huh? What? What % of female rape victims even get pregnant?

Despite being 0.13% pregnancies, rape pregnancies constitute for 50% anti-anti-abortion arguments!

Never knew such syndrome exists; reminds me of T-rex jokes... sad

Parts of China were on par with Europe's most industrialized areas even as late as the 1700s.

Do you know where to read more on this?

Smolensk NPP size is irrelevant, it's a RBMK-type reactor which is large compared to any other type of nuclear reactor. Water-water reactors are a lot smaller.

...Your question about taboo attracted so few answers. Maybe the topic itself is tabooed...

Chess is a lot less in a sense that very crude algorithm which evaluates trees is enough to beat an average human, because of low branching quotient and it's a perfect information game. Games with incomplete information require more complex AI.

also, smell

Another phenotype difference which is tabooed is penis size.

The implied point is that given same IQ, poverty is advantage for math contests.

Math is low, very low status.

America-born individuals very much prefer going into positions where they can exploit value of labor by foreign-born high IQ individuals. They don't need math.

What are you talking about? Pz 3&4 were worse than T-34 and they were unable to penetrate armor of KV-1 heavy tanks, Germany started to use heavy tanks noticeably later and in small quantities because they were overengineered. The only thing better was radios, and that every tank was equipped with it rather than select ones (in Soviets).

Americans didn't need to put much effort in tanks because tanks weren't useful in terrain where they fought Japanese.

Either they win, or they die as a nation.

Nitpick: many nations existed w/o a state (and we don't know Putin's goals) for century or two and didn't go extinct.