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User ID: 887



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User ID: 887

Nearly every complaint I've ever heard about themotte being too far right just comes off as incredibly whiny. If you want to parrot simplistic leftist talking points to an unquestioning audience, become a middle school history teacher.

I still don't get how the story is some big gotcha. Dobbs is one guy who said his peace on the issue. How is it worse for Fox's reputation if not everyone was on board with their one guy's biggest conspiracy theory. How is it somehow better that everyone at MSNBC genuinely believed the Hunter laptop was a geniusly schemed Russian plant? T

I posit it is sort of magical bean type of thinking. Lots of people don't like mass imprisonment/institutionalization. They also happen to not like being assaulted/raped/murdered by smelly people on the subway, or don't like strolling through a park full of feces and needles. Mental health is the magic bullet that lets you mentally square this circle, you don't have to make tradeoffs! This theory also generally fits into the worldview of the modern PMC and other urbanites who value talking and words very highly. In this unrealistic theory of the world the steps go like this:

  1. Get people to talk to social workers and shrinks.

  2. They now are fully functional citizens who can work at whole foods and live in (totally available) housing just like them.

  3. Now the streets are also clean and safe.

having kids & taking care of them properly is insanely hard work compared to white collar labor. It's rewarding, but so is a successful career, or having interesting hobbies, or alternately partying & getting stoned all the time

I see this stated all the time, but it seems like a leftish version of copium to me. Women, particularly 30+ are increasingly unhappy, and are not having the number of kids they want. The hard work of children is not eternal compared to white collar work (which I haven't heard any colleagues of friends rave about, outside of a few positions that less than ~1% of all people can even have). I think what we are actually seeing is just confusion by all people in the 12-30 year old age range. I mean, for most people, work is work with little reward aside from bare sustenance. I even recall a bunch of girls in my HS AP/Honors courses basically 2 decades ago joking about how student loans were looming to cripple their entire life dreams. And that was 2 decades ago when tuition was much smaller, and the number of men for them at uni was much better.

What has actually happened? IMO it is that the US education industry is now almost fully a grifting parasite on the country. This was starting at least in the 80s, had become fully realized by 2000, and is now in a behemoth state (while still growing). On top of that, dating apps and social media generally have unleashed the most self destructive decision making of both sexes, unfortunately for women, these generally fall harder on them long term.

I suppose 100 IQ writers can't write 200 IQ characters.

This is a common problem IMO.

A few points that I think are salient to the issues presented, but I don't think were appropriately discussed.

  1. The FBI, prior to J6 had many directives to investigate conservative orgs. There really was no rational and reasonable reason to be doing this, so it is very strong evidence (alongside the cornucopia of evidence discussed here) that there is serious anti-conservative bias at that organization, which obviously is a key cog in the "deep state" as defined in the discussion.

  2. Yassine didn't think entering the Capitol Building/encouraging that was all that dispositive, and I don't think this was pushed back against enough. Entering the Capitol IS why J6 is "JANUARY SIXTH". If no one enters the building its a boring protest outside the Capitol that has no political value to Democrats at all.

  3. More buttressing of the problems with J6 is how, if there is no inside job, its just a demonstration of outright incompetency. I will describe a generic building to you: Large masonry structure, at the top of a hill, with armed guards. What have I described? A fort. Julius Caesar could have held the Capitol building against the J6 crowd with 8 men in sandals equipped with no more than some sticks and a few shields. An the Capitol police lose it with dozens of times that manpower? That is, indeed, suspicious.

  4. Also, chronically under-discussed is how incredibly valuable "JANUARY SIXTH" has been to Democrats. Not only has it been an excuse to prosecute thousands of conservatives in connection to it, not only has it been an excuse to prosecute an opposition candidate for the office of the President, but its been nearly their only political argument for 3 years now. Without J6 they have nothing. That protesters were allowed into the Capitol has resulted in the largest political victory for either party in my lifetime. And that really should mean something to anyone discussing the events of that day.

money for the big guy" statement

How is that wishy washy? You have to contort yourself into a pretzel to come to any other conclusion.

Its pretty lulzy to see Target, the wokest retailer in the game, to be targeted by the left for mildly walking back a "trans the 5 year olds" campaign. If you can't shop at Target as a progressive, you are basically left with HelloFresh and Gucci.

I feel like I see this take consistently and it doesn't make any sense. Tucker internally says he doesn't think the Dominion story adds up. Has on a guest who's a Dominion story advocate, tells said advocate he doesn't think it adds up. And then??? What is the story here?

I can't imagine more than 6 white parents in the country find this sort of behavior acceptable no matter the demographics of the victim.

What is on display, in the charitable version of the story, is a display of extreme entitlement that only exists in Hollywood scripts when we are talking about white men.

Because at worst she's objecting to people engaging in antisocial behavior.

None of this really deals with what generates such a need for suburbia: being physically separated from the criminal element and the dirty elements that have been allowed to dominate cities.

I've been wondering for the past few weeks whether there's a chance that Democrats would find an acceptable moderate Republican from the Cheney/Kinzinger mold and try to peel off enough moderate Republicans to give him the win

They'd have to find such an "acceptable" Republican, which they cannot do, because by definition, an "acceptable Republican" is one who wields no power. Whence, Cheney became acceptable when she was stripped of leadership positions for undermining Republicans. Romney became acceptable after his landslide presidential election loss. McCain became unacceptable when he won the Republican nomination for President, and regained acceptability after his humiliating loss.

Given the makeup of the committee, it was always going to be so. They could have unearthed emails from Trump to Pelosi, the Capitol Police, FBI, and National guard telling them to quadruple security, and Pelosi replying "hahaha no, we're gonna Reichstag this one on you" and they wouldn't have let such a thing see the light of day, or influence their opinion on what happened.

I think the norm breaking and hand waving of precedents is very similar in its problematic nature. The issue here isn't that any individual case cannot be justified on some grounds. The issue is that it is being justified for no other reason than the DOJ wanting to justify them. I tried and could not find an equivalent database for the 2018 Capitol riot. As best I could see all but 5 were handled with "‘Post & Forfeit" procedures, with the other 5 being released the next Monday on bail.

The whole Alex Jones trial is banana republic kangaroo court BS. The case would have been thrown out 100x over if it was a different defendant, and now with a ridiculous judgment it is borderline unreasonable for anyone to defend any aspect of the whole farce.

That would be a decent excuse if they were doing anything right, like getting themes right, character personalities right, or anything of the sort. That they have butchered the timeline is only sin #587 in the show.

Texas is standing up because they kind of are actually defending themselves against an invasion right now. Several hospitals are basically only serving migrants and aren't being compensated. They are threatening to shut down and leave the state. Biden has no political leg to stand on, and only a thin legal leg that there are 4 strong votes on SCOTUS to kick out from under him, and 2 questionable votes.

In any case, instead of constantly trying to squeeze out narrow victories, maybe the Republicans could figure out how to put together a platform that would appeal to a greater number of voters, while also at the same time doing more stuff like what Musk has been to take away some of Democrats' domination of the media?

Well the domination of the media is the only thing keeping the Dems competitive as well. Its a problem that all solutions are slow, and now with the DOJ and FBI being institutionally captured, a reverse long march might even end up being illegal.

Any time I read these walking/car theories I am reminded of God-Emperor Leto II's method for controlling the population: Transit control. In his empire, Leto only allowed 3 types of transportation: 1) Walking; 2) Thopters; 3) Interstellar Heighliners.

The same entities that oppose shale also make nuclear expensive and hydro and everything. While there are some genuine green activists that would be happy with decarbonization, there are many more who use that as an excuse for the real goal of de-electrification.

Adult vs. kid makes no sense when you realize that most groups of teens would never do this. Kids will rebel against systems, yes. But a group of well adjusted teenage boys would not lash out against a 30 year old woman like this, basically ever. And if the races were reversed, goddamn they'd be socially dead and their moms would not be defending them.

But this isn't merely rebelling against the system. It is cheating the system (fair, sort of) while also abusing a singular person. It is the difference between sneaking back into line at lunch to get a second dessert and stealing a classmate's dessert.

Nurses have fuck all to do most of the time...like lots of classes of workers.

Firefighters have fuck all to do most of the time. Cops (outside of a select few neighborhoods in a select few cities) have fuck all to do, whence their ability to respond to midday noise complaints and ability to camp bars waiting for a guy to slightly stumble or blow a .06. Lots of lawyers do fuck all most of the time, they just cram everything around trials. There are lots of "congestion professions" where the flow of work is very much irregular, but not having enough personnel at critical times is extremely negative, so the average period of time is a person doing nothing.

From my own liberal perspective, nobody is owed a girlfriend, or relationship.

This is, from my perspective, an absolutely reversed framing of what is happening. Its like observing a young girl cutting herself and thinking, "well no adolescent is entitled to have classmates with intact wrists." Yes, it is damaging to people around a cutting girl to see her in a damaged state, similarly, it is incidentally bad for men the way modern women arrange their sexual affairs. But, it is still more damaging to the women themselves. This is shown in basically every statistic available. Happiness in women has plummeted since the 1960s. They have far fewer children than they want. And, lo and behold, all these trends are much much smaller in what we'd think of as "tradwife" communities. Mormons, devout Catholics, etc. All their women are far happier.

So yes, if you frame it as men not getting a thing, that can make the problem appear to be one of losers complaining about losing, but if you think about it at the next level, it is much more about self sabotage because of hyper-stimuli.

A very confusing reply. We all know the statistics associated with dating apps. Women are the filters for both first dates and second dates. We all know the statistics of divorce, women are the filer in the vast majority of no fault divorces. Extrapolating through the middle of those we can presume they are also the primary instigator of break ups of early courtship, long term relationships, etc without any actionable, articulated cause.

A man who attempted to follow your advice would end up homeless and without love.