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User ID: 887



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User ID: 887

Adult vs. kid makes no sense when you realize that most groups of teens would never do this. Kids will rebel against systems, yes. But a group of well adjusted teenage boys would not lash out against a 30 year old woman like this, basically ever. And if the races were reversed, goddamn they'd be socially dead and their moms would not be defending them.

But this isn't merely rebelling against the system. It is cheating the system (fair, sort of) while also abusing a singular person. It is the difference between sneaking back into line at lunch to get a second dessert and stealing a classmate's dessert.

Nurses have fuck all to do most of the time...like lots of classes of workers.

Firefighters have fuck all to do most of the time. Cops (outside of a select few neighborhoods in a select few cities) have fuck all to do, whence their ability to respond to midday noise complaints and ability to camp bars waiting for a guy to slightly stumble or blow a .06. Lots of lawyers do fuck all most of the time, they just cram everything around trials. There are lots of "congestion professions" where the flow of work is very much irregular, but not having enough personnel at critical times is extremely negative, so the average period of time is a person doing nothing.

Well she also apparently threw herself a wedding themed 40th birthday party which is why she is actually trending right now. Because of the levels of cringe that inspires in so many people.

The standard HBDer take is that culture doesn't matter

This is a laughable assertion. The standard HBD take acknowledges that culture and environment can cripple any person or set of persons, just that asserting those things apply to some situations is also laughable.

Well given the total success of Bros, I'm sure this will also be a success.

But being more serious, I think your endorsement of this movie is indicative of the whole problem of Hollywood and its inability to understand why a certain genre is even worth watching. For the teen comedy. The hot girls is the whole point of the movie. Also the misogynistic-leaning humor. I have to assume this one has very little of either based on the posters and marketing materials. I'm sure you thought it was funny, but I doubt the box office will agree. Lesbians as a trope are titillating to a male audience when they are particularly attractive and more bisexual than lesbian. A full on lesbian comedy will probably not be the latter for most people at all. Modern Hollywood is just too stilted to properly demean its lesbians for being bad people (a key component of the teen comedy).

Why would Marshawn Lynch, famous for being one of the most uncharismatic people in the intentionally boring NFL be a selling point?

the church’s corruption, rampant pedophilia

Hardly unique among organizations. Do you constantly feel yourself having to suppress your rage at the corruption and pedophilia in public schools?

The problem with relying on solely revealed preferences here is that people are also sold a bill of falsities on fertility. Particularly women aged 12-25 are consistently misinformed by the education system, media, and related sources. No one respectable is out there correctly informing them that they are on a very strict clock, and are actually already halfway to prune status by 25.

why is there any free period at all by the way?

Its basically a social justice program of sorts. Or welfare. Or a combination of the two. Basically if you are poor you can get a special Citi membership that works that way.

It continues to surprise me how many of these blunders date back to the first weeks of the administration. I'm not a huge fan of the previous president, but many of Biden's first actions included repealing...

Its similar to the "reversed stupidity is not intelligence." Biden just got into office and reflexively repealed a bunch of high profile Trump actions without seeming to engage in any thoughts about the merits and tradeoffs relating to any of those policies. So what you got was floods of new asylum claims, funding going to a bunch of terrorists, etc.

2012 is around the time that pop culture should have started experiencing a backlash to all of the progressive cultural victories that accumulated from the 20 or so years preceding it. Instead, that natural rightward energy was suppressed by what we now call DEI officers. And so we ended up with a literal astroturfed culture where no one is interested in what the cultural elites are selling, on a message level, but they keep doubling down on their own path.

The FBI's behavior makes perfect sense if you assume a couple of things that I think are pretty evidently true:

  1. The bulk of the actors were personally acting corruptly. That is, with a corrupt motive to protect Joe Biden.
  2. They were not particularly competent. At least no so competent that they know when to leak the news so Biden wins.
  3. They knew they could not coordinate internally over official communications systems regarding their corruption, even with other corrupt officials they had high certainty shared their corrupt motives.

Part 3 means that the corrupt actors know they can only communicate through "the blob". Via selective leaks to each other to indicate when to coordinate a thing. The perfect timing of a release of an "October surprise" is not something these things are good at. Deputy director of Delaware field office, no matter his/her partisanship, does not have confidence in his choice of perfect timing to leak obviously harmful information on his preferred presidential candidate. Thus, you default to not leaking, and hope it all stays under wraps till midnight on the 2nd Tuesday of November.

Then it leaks. But now the path forward is obvious to all the corrupt actors: Use your previously cultivated corrupt media fences to spread a cover up, as it only need last a few weeks, this is something intel agency leakers know they are good at coordinating.

So that is all you really need to think.

Even if I took all of your post as sincere and true, I'd still be running into confusion as to why the environmental movement has caused nuclear to 10x in price, inflation adjusted. The confusion isn't, "why does this particular person dislike shale?" It is, "why does the general movement of people who dislike shale also dislike nuclear?"

You appear to have a specific view on shale that is far more specific and niche than 99.99% of people who oppose shale could ever express. I like shale because it is an avenue that circumvents the anti-energy caucus for now. I am in favor of all cheap energy, hydro, coal, oil, shale, etc. As long as it foils the anti-energy people, and keeps us advancing towards a day where energy is actually sustainable, I am good. The people who think they can force it via regulation are evil or naive. So called "green" energy is already overinvested, and mostly rubbish.

Not at all.

Muslim immigrants congregate in cities for the same reason almost all immigrants congregate in cities: They desire to soak up the spillover prosperity generated by the more productive persons in the city. It is very hard to live in a rural area and charge $40/hr to prune the hedges of a Google C-suite character. If you were to live in a rural area, that is a $7/hr job. You get the higher wage by accepting living conditions natives don't, such as 5 to a studio and the like.

This case is no different to you leaving your stuff at an arcade machine for two minutes because you need to go get more tokens from the main desk.

Well their plan was very much not like this, because they were exploiting the system to NOT PAY AT ALL.

If Democrats are so strong then why do they have some a lack of POTUS level candidates?

Causally related. Because every Democrat is treated to a friendly media environment they all have artificially boosted popularity, which erodes in a national campaign, because, 2020 excepted, you still have to actually campaign to become president. Basically, they all are running for office on easy mode, and for a presidential candidate, that can't be fully maintained. Sure, national media is still a D++ advantage nationally, but I seriously doubt they could win in Illinois without the media bias. At the state level its worth like 20 points in the polls.

I think Disney was boned no matter what.

I think Iger knew this and resigned at a strategically optimal time to avoid it being on his record. Most of Disney's problems start with decisions made in Iger's tenure. Lots of people dont understand how amazing,yet bonkers, the ESPN/Disney cable model was (still is). They made most of their money from non-customers. ESPN was $10-15 a month in carriage fees, and was included in most standard packages (Disney would through its weight around to ensure it was, and made it so cable companies that didn't play ball got squished). Now, ESPN is a hugely popular channel, for cable, but even so, most cable subscribers dont watch ESPN, or if they do, only do for a few games a year. Those people were paying $12/month to ESPN for years! They tried to double down on that by buying RSNs, which they thought they could do the same with, but Comcast, et al, had caught on and didn't let Disney force them to include $10 a month channels like NESN and YES be bought by every subscriber in Boston/NY respectively. And thus that move blew up in their face (while Rupert Murdoch laughed while swimming in his money pit).

Apparently there’s been a big drop in conservative support for gay marriage, all in the space of a year.

People are saying this is big, but it doesn't seem nearly big enough given how obviously duped conservatives who supported this (heck even progressives) were by the propaganda. Lets examine the sales pitch for gay marriage.

  1. We just want what's fair. False. They immediately demanded everyone participate.

  2. This wont affect your family. False. You and your family will constantly be in court battles to keep your family together against state agents attempting to castrate your kid.

  3. This will normalize the gay community. False, they are more depraved in public than ever.

  4. Love is love. Maybe?

R = rubella

I have seen an infant with rubella. And he was suffering severely.

The young child vaccine I am most in favor of is Pertussis. There is nothing I have ever experienced worse than a child with whooping cough. It is insanely horrific even if the kid lives.

My answer is 'probably around 300 to 500 years.'

A fairly unhinged estimate. Jewish refugees and Chinese immigrants have shown quite definitively the answer, in America, is closer to 20 years. Almost all of your subpoints are simply wrong, and/or disconnected from what is happening in America. Poor education does not stick, indeed, in America, blacks are furnished with better education than anyone else (save for the part where they are in classrooms with other black kids). Black kids raised in the top 10% households commit crimes on rates on par with white kids in the bottom 10%. The problem is clearly not some legacy, unless that legacy is an internalized cultural one. An internalized culture that would be stronger by orders of magnitude than any other in the US from 1950 to today, and it also would have to have magically also spun up a high bastardy rate as part of its legacy.

I've been thinking: what's the Palestinian path to victory?

Putting their mortars in schools and hospitals so that Israel is forced to blow up schools and hospitals and then doing a pity play and hoping American and European leftists buy said pity play hard enough so that we start treating it like Apartheid South Africa on steroids. Then after 50 years of Israel being trade isolated they repeat 1973 and hope for a victory that time.

  1. Because Hanania's style is grating and he is physically unattractive in a way that makes you think he's a necromancer or something like that.

  2. Because of his scandal, and the fact that it really isn't that new or compelling of an idea.

  3. You have this backwards. Clarence Thomas has already thought often of striking the CRA entirely using originalism. People less bold and interesting, yet still holding high esteem in conservative legal circles, have already conducted high level meetings about how to do that without letting hotels hang "No Asians" signs. The question is what is the right case, what is the right court, and how to avoid the problem of the media lying about the outcome.

Because they expect the benefits outweigh any costs.

I disagree. The OP's list of institutions and reforms are highly associated with a set of people who really don't believe in or acknowledge tradeoffs (as a group). Largely those sorts of reforms are caused by an overactive sense of fairness and a Utopian vision. Maybe FDB thinks in the terms of "skin in the game" but mostly public school advocates think in terms of it being unfair if kids dont get the same education, and that if only we could get everyone into "good schools" most of societies ills would be solved. And, in addition, that if we didn't have public schools, all the poor kids would languish in illiteracy.

That is certainly not the ugliness I am particularly concerned with. While its true that suburbs can be boring, and modern metropolises are steel and glass. That is all utilitarian function. What I want to get rid of is the intentionally ugly. Give me the Lincoln Memorial 10 times out of 10 instead of this hideous MLK thingy.

So I have some sort of inside information because I was chatting with someone from NW's athletic department at a birthday party over the weekend. He was pretty insistent that the suspension was going to be extended to include at least some of the season. Apparently there was significant pressure from the non-athletic portions of the university to send a message. As context, Northwestern as a semi-elite university has a professorship that is pretty hostile to sports in general, and the football team most as all. They generally, would like to be rid of football, and resent the massive new donation that is going to a stadium that they think, instead, should be going to something that they value.

The exaggerations about the possible 10 year sentence for the lying on a gun form or 5 years for tax evasion is silly. That is simply not how federal sentences work. Sentences for crimes intentionally vary wildly based on how many prior offenses the criminal has. A level 12 offense will have 10 months for a first time offender, but up to 37 for a serial criminal. Almost all the reasonable outcomes for Hunter should have been in the 6-14 month sentence range.

So getting off with zero is clearly a huge favor to him. But he was never facing decades in prison.